Lin Jun stood up, waved his arm and said, "Okay! Father is very happy that my son can have such a spirit.

From now on, I want to announce to the world that my dragon son will personally conquer Qin and Chu, and all the soldiers will advance like this to calm the world for me.

After the war, I will reward my merits and wait for my prayers. "

The ambitious Lin Jun has been working in the position of the king for a long time, and has gradually realized what the majesty of the king is.

After retreating to North Korea, Ma Liang, Xia Houyuan and others came to the Longzi Hall of the East Palace to discuss how to deploy troops this time.

Except for General Liang Yong, soldiers from all over the world returned to me to prepare for this invasion.

Ma Chen sat on a chair in the lobby, looking at the many leaders under his command, and was very happy. With so many loyal soldiers, it is time for them to play their role.

"Save so many years of strength, keep a low profile. Men should almost gain weight. This time, unlike the past, this is a real declaration of war against Qin Chu, that is to say, a declaration of war against Yuan Shao and Guan Yu. I think this time Guan Yu And Yuan Shao will personally collect taxes!

Generals, are you afraid of death?" Ma Chen asked all the soldiers ridiculously, and the generals also drew hearty laughter.

"Hahaha! Your Highness Longzi is joking. After waiting for your Highness Longzi for so many years, have you ever been afraid of death? Your Highness Longzi, despite the dangerous missions, I am not afraid of death, 々!"

"Yes! After His Royal Highness Longzi proposed the pension policy, the soldiers are no longer afraid of death on the battlefield, they must be brave. Moreover, there is such a culture in the army that anyone who fights because of fear of death will be pierced! Many, but not for nothing!"

"Yes! Your Royal Highness Longzi can tell how to fight this battle well. This time I must avenge General Wang Shuang!"

"Thank you for your kindness. I think General Wang Chen Qingzhi is still calm and polite, and paid tribute to the generals for a while.

Ma Chen nodded, squinted his eyes and said, "We must avenge Yuan as well as revenge. The White-robed Army must bear the brunt this time and face the siege of the Qin Army.

That being the case, this time I will use the White Army as the vanguard and the bait. Zhao Yun listened to the order and ordered you to be the vanguard left-wing guard to protect the vanguard; Guan Yu listened to the order to make you the vanguard right-back. "

"At the end of ordinary life!

Ma Chen glanced at Ma Liang and asked him to allocate the next strategic plan.

Ma Liang took a deep breath and said: "This time, we must not only beware of Qin, but also of Chu, Zhuge, and Xu Shu. They are very difficult to deal with.

In order to avoid being caught, General Gong town, Meng defended Chu State’s last line of defense against Xudu, General Cao An faced the Chu State army in order to recruit Nanda generals;

In order to recruit Western generals, General Xu Huang faced the Qin army. Yuan is still the guard, and the general is responsible for the food and grass guard.

According to the tempers of Zhuge and Xu Shu, they will definitely raid our ration line. This is a good battle plan. "

Ma Liang gave a general idea of ​​all the strategic arrangements, and the soldiers admired and thought it was feasible.

Although Xu Huang was a little unwilling to face the Qin army, after all, it was Chen Qingzhi's white-robed army leading the battle. Qin, and two brave soldiers as the vanguard, were enough to deal with it.

Lu Fengxian and the soldiers continued to discuss strategic deployment. Ten days later, the father made sacrifices to the ancestors and the army came out. "Ma Chen does not intend to listen to more detailed troop deployment. The detailed matter has nothing to do with him.

Bowed to His Royal Highness Longzi and escorted Yuan out of the palace back to Hexiang Bieyuan.

When I got home, I saw his eldest daughter playing with several other girls (Nuo's Zhao). He did not disturb the girls, but went back to the study to rest.

The disciple student was sent to study in Tian. It is said that Tian's education is extremely strict, and almost all of his disciples and students have been beaten.

Husband, I heard that you are going to send troops to Qin and Chu, so I will make soup for you. Come to mend up today. "Guan Feng took a wooden tray and walked into the study, blushing, and returned the soup bowl to Ma Chen.

Ma Chen put it aside and waited for it to cool before drinking. At the same time, he also saw Guan Feng's plight. Almost every time we send troops to Guan Yu, Guan Feng will do this.

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