"His Royal Highness, Longzi, it's late, let's go home! Wormwood has been arranged in the camp to prevent plagues and diseases, and the preliminary preparations are complete.

The medical staff of Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing, who led the East China Sea in Jizhou, have reached miles away. They can arrive at the military camp to treat the wounded tonight. "

Ma Liang was also very tired, but none of His Royal Highness Longzi returned to the camp, so even if their subordinates were tired, they insisted.

"Oh! Let it go! Then I'll go back to the camp first. E Lai, count the casualties of our army and the Qin army in this battle, and try to be as accurate as possible!

Especially the soldiers who were killed and seriously wounded in our army who could not fight anymore, countless, no one can make mistakes! Pensions must not make mistakes. "In Ma Chen's squinting eyes, he now not only fights Yuan Shao Guan Yu, but also has national power!

National strength is not only money, but also the loyalty of the people.

"At the end of ordinary life!" Xiahou knelt on one knee, ignoring the blood on the ground.

In this battle, the bloodthirsty Tiger Guard can be said to be the most labor-saving. As the guards of His Royal Highness Longzi, they did not even face any enemy's blade.

So all the bloodthirsty tiger guards think that cleaning the battlefield is what they should do now. The next morning, I stayed up all night, waiting to count the casualties.

Ma Liang quickly took the bamboo slips and walked into the military account. "Your Highness, the data is out. By the way, Hua Tuo, sir, they have already arrived, but they will not visit you first, but will directly treat the wounded. This is Please take a look at the number of casualties, 々."

Ma Chen took the bamboo slip, read it carefully, raised his eyes and nodded.

"People died and people were seriously injured. There are more than 10,000 people who can be hit with light injuries, and more than 10,000 people who can't. That is to say, the strength of this time has reached 10,000!" Ma Chen shook, it is really hard for him to imagine casualties. So heavy.

Ma Liang was also shocked by His Royal Highness Longzi, and quickly explained: "His Royal Highness, half of the severely wounded can actually continue to fight, and the lightly wounded can fight after healed. Only according to your new disability standards, there are such statistics."

After listening to Ma Liang's explanation, Ma Chen was relieved. His own classification of minor injuries is invincible, including those with broken legs and arms, and after months of recovery, they are still elite fighters.

"Frighten me! In other words, the real strength is damaged, that is, thirty or forty thousand?" Although the number has been reduced, this number is still shocked by Ma Chen.

Ma Liang nodded and said, "Probably this number. The number of soldiers who recovered from minor injuries during the occupation by the Qin Army was occupied. The Qin Army's severely wounded soldiers had a great time!

After all, there are not many medicinal materials, and our army is still in short supply. At present, preliminary statistics show that the shipwreck of the Qin Army has reached 10,000! At least 10,000!"

Ma Chen squinted his eyes, and this statistic still satisfies him.

Yuan Shaozhe lost ten thousand troops. Although only ten thousand were elite, they could no longer fight head-on for the past two years.

Similar to Yuan Shao's belligerence, Ma Chen asked confidently.

"^"Good! This battle was very successful. After the wounded were cleared, we began to calculate the merits of these people. Reward your own merits and never be selfish! In this battle, I wrote the first merit for the white robe army. Ma Chen squinted his eyes and let Ma Liang go down to rest.

I can finally rest. He lay down to sleep, very tired.

In Yuan Shao’s barracks, the number of casualties was also counted, and he was first very worried.

Zhicai, this battle cannot continue like this! Due to the loss of hundreds of elite troops, our army (Nuo's Zhao) suffered heavy losses. World War I is ten thousand. How many times have the people of the East China Sea survived such wars?" Yuan Shao frowned, clenched his fists, and sighed.

Not only was the army seriously injured, but most of the generals around him were seriously injured and needed training. If the fighting continues like this, Qin will be dragged down sooner or later.

Zhicai just nodded and said, "Your Majesty, we are going very smoothly in this battle. After all, the king should know that Chu also faces Cao An's army. The loss in Jin will not be too small, but the battle cannot be real. Continue like this."

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