Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 542 Zhao Zilong is here

"From today, do your duty to Yong and Zhuyang! The First World War, our momentum is over, and the protracted war will follow. I want to see if I was dragged into the water by Ma Chen or by Qin Chu! Drag into the water"

Yuan Shao wanted to express his dissatisfaction. This time he was really angry.

"Newspaper! The messenger from Jin Dynasty sent a letter, wanting to fight again." The messenger sent the letter tremblingly. He is not afraid of Yuan Shao, but of war.

This time, every Qin soldier who could return safely during the battle was very scared.

Zhicai took the letter and handed it to Yuan Shao, while thinking about what Ma Chen would say.

"Hahaha! This bitch is going to fight me hard! I have been fighting on the battlefield for so many years, will I be fooled? Order, no one is allowed to fight for a month! No matter who is suitable to fight, anyone who fights without authorization must be military. deal with!"

Yuan Shao showed gloomy eyes. He is not a 907 person who would be irritated by Ma Chen in a few words.

Zhicai took the letter and read it. He could tell at a glance that it was Ma Chen. He should deliberately provoke the king and exchange injuries for injuries.

In the next half month, Guan Yu or Zhao Yun will be sent to fight every day to suppress the morale of the Qin army!

Today, the morale of the army is greatly reduced, but the morale of the Jin army is constantly rising. As Lin Jun came up and paid his pension in batches, Jin, the citizens were more committed to supporting His Royal Highness Longzi to continue fighting and defeating Qin in one fell swoop.

Even families receiving pensions are proud of this. Although their families were sad, everyone envied the family members who died among the disciples.

In Chengdu, Cheng, Zhou Yu and Cao (aibd) Zhi received the battle report from the front line, only to learn that the army was in unfavorable conditions. In the first battle half a month ago, nearly 100,000 elites were damaged.

Now the king asks Zhou Yu to recruit an army of 10,000 to guard the East China Sea and send his elite troops to the front. After learning of this, Zhou Yu immediately went to Cao Zhi to ask how to respond to his father's orders.

Cao Zhi, when you are sad, he clearly knows that Donghai wants to mobilize tens of thousands of troops in a short period of time. This is simply a stupid dream.

But the king's order cannot be disobeyed. This is a direct way to weaken Zhou Yu's military power again.

Zhou Yu knelt opposite Cao Zhi, very depressed. Now the army he can control is even less than that of Wei Yan, and Wei Yan will soon dispatch troops from Yongliang and Liang to return to the imperial court. If the father does not come back then, Chengdu will even fall into disputes.

"Young Master Zihuan, it still has to obey the king's orders.

Recruit 10,000 troops in your name and send them to the front! Although they are recruits, the people in the East China Sea are sturdy and slow, so the recruits are not weak in combat effectiveness.

Now the frontline war is tense, and it must be an endless and protracted war! This East China Sea does not know how long it can last. "Cao Zhi shook his head helplessly. Even now, Qin is overdrawing its national power against Jin.

The Jin Kingdom controlled two-thirds of the original land of Dahan, and there were many plains in the north, which made the Jin Kingdom develop in the battle.

"Let you say that juniors can't resist. However, if the teachers of the construction class return to the court, then you need to take a lot of actions in this court hall." Zhou Yu frowned, and he was most worried about Yang Xiu, Wei Yan and Cao Zhang

Cao Zhi smiled and said, "My son can rest assured. The position of Longzi has nothing to do with the following. The king's mind has nothing to do with me.

However, since this Chengdu is left by me, the king will let him come down to supervise the country, so even the internal soldiers can't mess around.

Yang Xiu is very smart, but he knows better what to do at this time. Ma Yanzhang, you have been waiting at the door. Why don't you come in and say if you were Yang Xiu? What would you do?"

Cao Zhi waved to Ma Yanzhang who was standing at the door, asking him to come in.

Ma Yanzhang walked in respectfully, thought for a while, and then said: "If Yang Xiu is next, he will definitely not let Zijian's son return to the court. Now the war in Yongliang has just subsided, and there will be another war in the new city.

If this incident returns to North Korea, it will inevitably cause panic in the East China Sea. The son took advantage of the king to go out and led the army to Chengdu, which easily caused fear.

The best place for Master Zijian is naturally to go south from Yongliang, to cross Baishuiguan, and to set foot in the battlefield of the new city. The king has the strength of Master Zijian, even if he can't beat the army of Jin Dynasty, he can retreat. ",

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