"Come out! The things are done, it's time to sleep. Let Shangxiang sleep today, she can have a great achievement, and her husband should reward her!" Ma Chen smiled and asked the wives to come out from the inner room of the study. , Hurry back and continue to rest.

Early the next morning, Ma Chao directly led Ma Chen into Mi Heng's house. After Ma Chen instructed, he immediately led him out of the cave.

He hadn't had time to eat breakfast, but Mi Heng was very excited. He knew that his chance to do meritorious service had come again.

His Royal Highness Longzi didn't have time for the family king to make a will for himself. This must be the most important task, and it is also more urgent. If such a thing is done well, it must be a great achievement!

Runan Nanguan

It rained heavily last night, and it was a pool of blood, killing, and blasting.

Wenyuan, the entire Nanguan is under control of 920. Last night, taking advantage of the night and heavy rain, we directly won Nanguan! Next, we went straight to Runan. You said you want to let the men rest, or "Gao Shun. They keep their eyes open for three days and three nights, and they keep marching in the rain."

"Wait! Runan's guard is Dong's. If you give him enough time, you can be tough. Take advantage of his lack of protection and attack directly! As for the rest, love Runan City! You guard Nanguan if my raid fails, I You can retreat. Your trap camp needs rest." Ma Chen squinted. He will take the cavalry alone to attack Runan.

In Runan City, the spring breeze is scattered and the sun is shining. After a light rain, it was cloudless and blue-green.

Ma Chen's majestic body stands upright on the towers of Runan City. This is the second time he has come to Runan as an attacker.

For some reason, Cao Ren was ambushed so suddenly that Yangzhou disintegrated in that area for a few days. After Cao Ren's death, no one can go to Bajian again.

Only Gao Shun, Cao Xing and Ma Chen will go to Khan to promote the "Dragon King", go and rest! Just this morning, in Kecheng, General Gaoshun sent people over and said that His Royal Highness Jin Longzi hurriedly ordered Niheng Lijia to come, he I also brought Donggong Seal and Longzi Sabre. There must be important things to convey.

Teacher Su Yiyun also asked us to stick to Runan first, not to be too hasty. "

Zhang Hu went to the tower to find the Dragon King and sent letters from Su Yiyun and Gao Shun

Ma Chen narrowed his eyes. In his opinion, now is the best time to send troops. As long as (aibd) Ma Chen does not have enough reaction time, Hefei can conquer it. Yangzhou, as long as Hefei Chengguan, Xiaoyao Jinzhengke, North will be invincible. The key is to conquer Hefei so that the fertile soil of Runan can grow crops with peace of mind.

"Longzi print ribbon? His Royal Highness Longzi is the one who made Su Yiyun and Fengxian stand guard. His order must be respected. If so, then give up the chance of this raid and stick to Runan." Looking at Su Yiyun and Gao Shun, Ma Chen also thought it was time to stick to the letter sent.

In the rainy season, now is the easiest time to burst the bank.

Ma Chen didn't notice this before asking himself.

"Longwang Haier thinks there is no need to worry about Ma Chen's flooding. Let's raid Hefei now. Even if Ma Chen wants to destroy the dam, it will take at least three or four days to store water.

In three or four days, as long as we are fast enough, even Shouchun can be defeated!" Zhang Hu was filled with righteous indignation, with the heroism and impulse characteristic of young people.

Ma Chen snorted and said: "Huh! Hu'er, what do you think is the price of being a father for disobeying His Royal Highness Longzi? His Royal Highness Longzi includes General Lu Fengxian, Chen Qingzhi, Cao An, Xu Rong, Tai Shici and Xu Huang. These generals. It is Jin, the heroes of the founding family, they dare not defy Commander Longzi.

For his father, there is no way to take refuge in Khan Jin, which would go against his wishes. Can it last?""

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