"Besides, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive. Ma Chen found Jianba and other people. He knows us very well. We don't know Ma Chen, let alone Lu Xun. Be cautious and don't care." Ma Chen patted his disciple on the shoulder. Let him guard the city first, not himself. He needs to rest.

Basically, I didn't close my eyes for three days and nights. Soldier Ma Chen has a good rest, but he really needs a good night's sleep.

In Hefei, Ma Chen frowned. After listening to the scout's report, he took a deep breath and nodded.

"Go down!" Ma Chen waved, let the scout step down.

Zhang Xin sat aside and saw that there was no one else around except Su Wei. He asked: "What do you think of Zhang Wenyuan?"

Zhang Xin was able to hear the toughness of this man just from the scout's report. It's horrible to be able to be angry with the interests in front of you! Ma Chen raised his eyes, stroked his broken arm sleeve, and said, "This Ma Chen, I thought he and Gao Shun were just generals, but I didn't expect him to be half a commander!

For Ma Chen, it was a great achievement to win Beiguan and Runan in Hefei, but for Khan Jin, it was just moving the Xudu line of defense to the south to ensure the safety of the capital. If Ma Chen dared to send troops directly to Hefei, I now have many ways to kill it.

But now it seems that Ma Chen is more difficult to deal with He Fu than Cao Ren. If there is another ten years of growth, this person will become a big problem for Jiangdong!"

Ma Chen is very afraid of Ma Chen. He was originally under the command of Cao Ren, but he was just a brave fighter. Now, when I arrived at Ma Chen to lead my own army, Ma Chen immediately found this man resourceful.

The courage lies in sending troops from Xudu to conquer Runan Nanguan and Runan in five days. The trick is that he is not complacent under great work, and he is as stable as a mountain.

Zhang Xin sighed. He also thinks Ma Chen is difficult to deal with, but he is more worried about Qi Jiguang

"Khan Jin, the navy in the early days was not weaker than ours. Their warships were too good to sail at sea for a long time. Yizhou was where Khan Jin was stationed overseas, so tens of thousands of troops participated in guarding the hinterland of Jiangdong. Now the king of the family can only Give you ten thousand elites. I don’t know if you have the confidence to hold Hefei and Shouchun." Zhang Xin asked Ma Chen

Ma Chen squinted his eyes, thought for a while, and said: "The only thing we can do now is that there may be changes, so there is no more. If we can replace the Tibetan tyrants with our own soldiers in the family of Wu, Song Xian and others , Then I will be 100% sure to keep Shouchun. As long as the Khan Jinjun does not exceed one hundred thousand people, this Shouchun will be stable."

Seriously to Zhang Xin, Ma Chen's attitude is very obvious.

"Zang Ba and Song Xian will replace this point is really tricky, can't be rushed. Two years later, give me two years. I will let the family king replace Song Xian, Zang Ba and others with Lu Xun one by one. After all, he Now stationed in Jiangxia, the Chu family need not worry too much." Zhang Xin stood up, bowed to Ma Chen, and prepared to return to Jianye to die.

0……Look for flowers…

Zhu Chisongzi is planning major events and all are participating. Wei Yan and Guan Feng didn't say much, because this matter was no longer theirs.


"Wu family, when the family was founded, Lu Xun was in Jiangxia, and it was not safe to station troops in the capital of the Chu family. Xiangyang was too far from the south, which was good for mobilizing troops, but not conducive to holding on.

Although Xudu and Khanjin are also located at the junction of Khanjin and Khanjin, our family strength is too strong to compete alone.

I also think that Kong Ming's policy of moving the capital is feasible.

Moving the capital of the Chu family to Ma Chen Mausoleum, although there is no grass, it can drive the development of Jingzhou and even half of Jiaozhou. The family king and Kong Ming worked hard in the south. The princes used the northern part of Jingzhou as chess cards, and they would definitely be able to defend the Khan-Jin army for several years.

By then, people in the south will live and work in peace and taxation will increase. The Chu family will have the strength to compete with Han Jin alone. "Xu Shu agreed with Chisongzi's proposal, which is actually what he most wanted to achieve. The capital of the Chu family was too far from the north, which was conducive to mobilizing the army, but Khan Jin could easily stifle his family power.

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