Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 575 Respect the elderly

When returning, Han Yue ran to Dragon King and smiled and took his hand to eat.

The whole family is waiting for Ma Chen, Han Hu and Sun Shao have also returned from Tianchou. This is a rare time to return home.

Sit at Ma Chen's point and let the children sit down while your wives retreat and obey the rules.

, Come back today and have a good rest, sleep at home tomorrow, and continue to study in Hotan the day after tomorrow. After a while, I will send you to Ma Chen, and Shaoer will follow Huer to Ma Chen to learn the art of war. "Ma Chen still has a serious expression, even if there is no praise for Ma Chen and Sun Shao

The education of the disciple is very strict in 2008, and he wants to cultivate the next generation with strict education.

Han Hu and Sun Shao are very relaxed and happy. After listening to the Dragon King, they became serious again, preparing for the next stage of learning.

Let the children eat first, leave the room to go out to play, and then let the wives and concubines sit down to eat. Compared with wives and concubines, raising children is more important.

"Prepare hot water. I want to take a bath tonight. Let Kong Yu and Ma Chen lie down." Ma Chen's face did not change color, so she let the two waiters go to sleep, and they both lowered their heads in shame.

Five days later

The results of the imperial examination were posted outside the city gate of Xudu early in the morning, and at the same time, they called the appointed officials to the palace.

Liu Zhen was sent to the Hanlin Academy to write books, Chen Qun was sent to Shangshutai as a junior officer, and Guo Yi was sent to the military division's office, still following his Dragon King to handle military affairs.

Ma Chen took a day off and took his wife and children to relax on the river in Yingchuan.

In the suburbs, children play by the river, and a dozen maids are responsible for the safety of Ma Chen's children.

Xiahou came on horseback and sent the frontline report to Ma Chen.

"Master, this is a big report sent. The army he has brought has caught up. The one he is guarding has not moved yet, but he has left Hefei and Chengguan." Xiahou Yuan briefly described the situation on the side.

Ma Chen squinted and nodded. He knew that Ma Chen was a general of the Wu family, and it was even more difficult to defeat him.

"Er Lai, next year, send your child to Zhong, I will send him to continue to open up the Western Regions, and I like the development. You not only need to cultivate his martial arts. What I need is a Dianman like Zhang Bu.

After all, that is the disciple you like. Continue to pay attention to the situation in the South, from the time you go back to let you eat more, he is growing. "Ma Chen is still taking care of Dianman, which makes Xiahou very grateful. Years Hanjin Daye

The whole family is busy drying wheat. There is too much rain this year, and the harvest is only half of previous years. Fortunately, Khan Jin’s tax is determined based on people’s gains, so it will not affect people’s hearts and lives.

In your South City, Ma Chen and Gao Shun personally guard your South City. They stood on the tower, blowing in the wind, squinting to the southeast.

"Runan has a bad harvest this year. The family king will come down from above. Let us use hay to help people. Khan Jin is mainly based on people's livelihood and public opinion. Even if it postpones the war, it must guarantee people's lives."

Why is the world uncertain?" Ma Chen was deeply moved. He experienced a famine in Binzhou, 920 even saw people eating people.

Nowadays, in Khanjin, except for Liangyong area, people can only get enough food and clothes and will not starve to death. In other places, almost every family has chickens, and even some families can afford pigs.

This kind of people's livelihood force, as well as the military policy of officers and soldiers, allowed the Khan-Jin army to continuously inject new strength.

Gao Shun also took a deep breath and sighed: "Yes! Khan Jin is so powerful now that even within ten years, the Chu family will be dragged down. Last month, there were famous recruits. The level of these recruits. It's really good, comparable to young people who have experienced three or four wars."

Su Yiyun ascended the tower and saw Ma Chen and Gao Shun chatting. He also smiled softly.

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