"This Khan Jin holds the hearts of the people in the north. It is not too much evil in the grassland, and there is no worries about it.

There is no Longzi dispute, there is no internal chaos. Xun Yu and Sun Quan are big problems.

Both have natural barriers.

It was difficult for Khan Jin to conquer Xichu and Wu's family in a short time. The Chu family had Xu Shu and Chisongzi, and their intelligence was enough to delay for seven or eight years. Now, we should create an opportunity to conquer Hefei.

When Hefei conquered, Khan Jin would have no soldiers in the south. "Su Yiyun stands on the other side of Ma Chen

"Newspaper! Ma Chen led the army to attack Yucheng, General Zhang Hu defended Yucheng and asked for support!" The scout rushed to the tower to report the situation.

Su Yiyun heard that Ma Chen personally led troops to attack the city, he was very worried about Zhang Hu

Ma Chen smiled. He thinks his disciples need experience.

"Ma Chen? How many armies are there? Although Ma Chen wants his disciples to experience more, they will worry about it after all.

"This is no more than 20,000 people!" The scout hesitated. He believed that only about one Wu family soldier had attacked the city. Twenty thousand people, or the scout thinks, thinks it should be exaggerated.

Ma Chen smiled softly and said, "There are 20,000 people.

Where did Ma Chen's 20,000 people attack Anhui? Zhang Hu, 15,000 elite, there are five hundred veterans in the trap that Gao Shun lent him. Can you still defend Anhui?

I told Zhang Hu before that I insisted on Anhui. His child is too timid to take the initiative.

.々"I know the role of a disciple very well. Although Zhang Hu is sometimes aggressive, he is very cautious when he defends the city alone.

Ma Chen believes that his disciples are desperate attempts, so Zhang Hu will never take the initiative.

Su Yiyun narrowed his eyes. After Cao Ren died, due to his negligence, he did not dare to take risks.

"Order Cao Xing, the general told him to take two thousand cavalry to Wancheng, and be careful to ambush on the road. This is a strategy Ma Chen is good at." Su Yiyun cannot be careless, he must give Zhang Hu a good support


Standing on the tower, Zhang Hu kept inspiring people to guard the city. He was very calm.

In Anhui, the defense equipment is sufficient, the arrows can be burned, and the grain and grass can last a few months. Wu Jun attacked the city even less frequently than defended the city. Zhang Hu believes that his Anhui city is indestructible!

"Brothers, kill a siege enemy and reward ten gold coins! Get up quickly, there are not many enemies, and the engineering equipment is not strong, don't be afraid! You guys, smash the next rushing car for me!"

Zhang Hu squatted down to avoid stabbing a knife in the back, and ordered several strong soldiers to destroy Wu Jun's car.

"^" Come on, brothers, I already have sixty coins!"

"Fuck off! I killed those four, not you!

"Don't make a noise, some are enemies, I'm done buying!"

Under the four questions, there must be brave men. The soldiers under Zhang Hu are like chicken blood, braver than the soldiers who attacked the city.


When the boulder fell, the car rushing towards the city was smashed to pieces, and Wu Jun completely lost the capital, today Kecheng.

Ma Chen snorted in the distance and ordered Mingjin to accept the (promise) soldiers.

Pan Zhang, what's going on at the East Gate, can you break the city?" Ma Chen asked Pan Zhang, who was covered in blood, that the East City of Anhui could break through the city.

Pan Zhang sighed and said, "It's too difficult! Without five times the strength of Zhang Hu, I can't even beat the city. Anhui is rich in grain and grass, so it is difficult to fight! General, let's withdraw."

Ma Chen sighed. He knew that World War I was really difficult. This Zhang Hu was not as easy to deal with as he thought. .

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