"Newspaper! Lord Zeng Shijiafan asked for an interview!" A soldier walked in and knelt before Ma Chen's point.

Ma Chen waved his hand and asked him to bring Zeng Shijiafan in.


"I Zeng Shijiafan visits His Royal Highness Longzi! His Highness Longzi has no time!" Zeng Shijiafan knelt before Ma Chen's point, ~ holding a bamboo slip in his hand.

Ma Chen coughed lightly and said, "You are responsible for managing this wasteland. Don't let me see the summary. It's boring. Let me talk about how people's harvests this year are much lower than in previous years-.

More concerned about people's harvest, Ma Chen believes that this year's rice harvest will definitely be cut by nearly half.

Zeng Shijiafan took a deep breath, put away the bamboo slips, and said: "His Royal Highness, this year's harvest is not very good, but the harvest of sweet potatoes and potatoes is very good.

These two crops are not afraid of waterlogging, but have a better harvest than in previous years.

The harvest of Maigu is only last year, so I worry that this year I will not be able to provide enough troops to expedition food and grass. "

After listening to Zeng Shijiafan's words, he realized that this year's harvest was not bad.

The income of sweet potatoes and potatoes has increased, but the harvest of wheat has decreased, which has had a great impact on the army's grain and grass plan.

Ma Chen worried that the sweet potato would be obtained by Xun Yu and Liu Bei, so the army could only eat rice. Therefore, in general, it has no effect on the Khan and Jin people

"Okay! You go down first, I know about this." Ma Chen waved his hand, letting Zeng Shijiafan step down first.

Since you can't lead the army on the expedition this year, you can't let the soldiers sit idle, and the south can't make the north!

At the border of Liang Yong, Xu Rong dispatched troops to attack Tianshui again.

This year, the Liangyong area has no droughts and floods, and there is plenty of food and grass, so Xu Rong believes that it is time to send troops to suppress Tianshui and Bianxia again.

"Zheng Yan, this general will guard the north entrance of Xiegu for your soldiers. If there is Cheng Xian's army, if you want to attack the hinterland of Jianliang, you will kill it directly." Xu Rong squinted his eyes and handed the soldier's sign to Lieutenant Zheng Yan.

"At the end of ordinary life!

Xu Rong smiled with satisfaction and shouted to the lieutenants: "Send troops! This time, we must conquer Tianshui County!"

Give the soldiers constant encouragement, this must be done before the troops are dispatched.

Although Xu Rong knew that it would be difficult to shoot down Tianshui County, Cao Renzhen relied on Liang Yong's army to retain. If he did not send troops, he would give Cao Ren a chance to recuperate.

Khan Jin’s strategy is a protracted battle, but what he fears most in a protracted battle is to give his opponent time to recuperate.

To fight a protracted battle, it is necessary to rely on logistics to continuously weaken the strength of the opponent, or to raise the tiger with the tiger.

Over Tianshui County, Cao Ren sighed helplessly. He knew that Xu Rong would send troops to Tianshui again.

0......for flowers...

Niu Jin is Cao Ren's confidant. He knows what the general is worried about, but he doesn't know how to retreat.

"General, you said that Khan and Jin fought on all sides, why did it take the initiative to send troops for several years? Obviously, their food and grass are simply not enough. Isn't it also very clever?"

Niu Jin didn't know much about Khan Jin's family, but he also knew how much grain and grass he would consume every time he sent troops.


Cao Ren sighed helplessly, and said, "How long can our food last? If it lasts for two months, Xu Rong will retreat completely."

Niu Jin frowned and replied: "Cao Zhi took a lot of food and grass when he left Liang Yong. Now they can only hold on for two more months."

Hearing that the food and grass could only last for two months, Cao Ren couldn't help but worry that the food and grass were not enough.

Cao Ren took a deep breath, glanced at Niu Jin, and said, "In this case, we can only retreat on our own this time. Niu Jin, do you have the courage to face Xu Rong's army?"

Niu Jin heard the general's inquiry and immediately said with a smile: "How dare you?"

Only the general is good at holding on, and the city is indestructible. In the end, he will be willing to fight for the general, and the cavalry will be able to destroy the engineering equipment of Xu Rong's army!

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