Niu Jin is quite bold. He doesn't seem to put Xu Rong in his eyes at all.

When Cao Ren heard that Niu Jin was so combative, he was ecstatic: "Great! This time I will rely on Niu Jin to defeat the enemy! Come, eat and drink are good for the past few days. If you can retreat from the enemy, I will Get rewarded!"

Cao Ren smiled and took Niu Jin down for a drink. This time, Niu Jin came to destroy Xu Rong's siege equipment.

Three days later

Xu Rong's army reached Tianshui on September 20, and at the same time reduced the speed of travel.

"General, this Cao Ren is very good at guarding. Let's go directly to Tianshui County! There are no garrisons in the surrounding counties. Our army should raid Tianshui County to defeat the enemy."

The lieutenant suggested that Xu Rong take the initiative to send troops, but he ignored Cao Ren's strength

Xu Rong calmly, just shook his head, and then let his subordinates take a rest.

"Order the soldiers to rest for an hour, and then march in an hour. I am going to camp near Tianshui City today, and I will have another day off tomorrow to attack the city the day after tomorrow."

Xu Rong has always felt that he has no confidence in sending troops this time.

After all, he attacked Tianshui alone, and they did not have any reinforcements other than the army fighting in the Western Regions.

"Yes!" The captain was immediately rescued.

That night, when Xu Ronggang was resting in the big camp, he heard the camp suddenly become chaotic, and people yelled "Fire!"

As soon as Xu Ronggang left the camp, he saw the lieutenants running over one by one, kneeling to confess.

"General, it's no big deal! Our siege equipment burned out. The elite cavalry raided our rear camp at night!"

Xu Rong was shocked when he heard the cavalry attack.

"What is the enemy's strength now? How much is our army's loss?" Xu Rong picked up his spear, preparing to observe whether the enemy would kill a carbine.

Seeing that the general was so anxious, the lieutenant hurriedly continued to report: "General, there are nearly famous enemy troops in the camp after the raid, all of them are Xichu cavalry!

The general who led the troops was Cao Ren, and Niu Jin under his hand did not seem to have come for a sneak attack, but had come to burn the siege equipment.

Our army had few casualties, and beheaded the rest of the enemy cavalry. Niu Jin escaped.

Hearing this situation, Xu Rong was very satisfied. After all, the soldiers who raided Xichu didn't let the soldiers pat their buttocks and leave.

"Okay! Go to the fire first, let the soldiers rest for a few days in the siege tomorrow. You, take a thousand elite, return to Jincheng, and then transport a part of the siege and kill some 0

Remember, this time I brought three thousand recruits to protect the siege equipment. "Xu Rongmi raised his eyes, he knew Cao Ren's countermeasures this time.

Cao Ren tried to disappoint himself. He will definitely attack continuously. He would rather lose his troops and destroy the siege equipment!

Cao Ren, you are good enough! But, I want to see if you have more soldiers or I have more siege equipment!" Squinting his eyes, Xu Rong was about to fight Cao Ren attrition

In Tianshui, Niu Jin was lying on the bed, and three doctors were responsible for bandaging and cleaning his wounds.

Even one of the more experienced old Taoists learned some Hua Tuo art by accident and is sewing Niu Jin's wounds.

Cao Ren hurried to see if Niu Jin was in any serious trouble.

"Brother, just lie down, don't salute!" As soon as Cao Ren entered the 1.3 camp, he asked Niu Jin to lie down and stay still.

Niu Jin was very grateful and took a deep breath.

He said: "General, at least Xu Rong's siege equipment was burned down, and few soldiers have returned.

However, next time I want to assault Xu Rong's military camp, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

Hearing that Niu Jin destroyed Xu Rong's siege equipment, Cao Ren was ecstatic.

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