Xun or pondered for a while, frowning and muttering to himself: "A strong man broke his wrist! Zhicai, do you even think it's time for someone to be cruel? But Zijian is my disciple after all, so I gave up, I can't bear it!"

Xun Yu sighed helplessly. A tear was squeezed from the corner of his eye, but it was wiped clean immediately.

When he heard Bian's footsteps, he couldn't show her the sad side.

"Nine Seventy Zero" "If you have time, let Zijian play with you. No one can decide his own way for him. Maybe it won't be long before you will see him again." Xun Yu returned to his original cold expression and watched Go up coldly and decisively.

When the wife heard her husband say this, she was also taken aback.

Alfred Hitchcock launches the day after tomorrow

In Dianwei, Gong, Xun Yu came earlier and earlier, but he knew that he would face today's events after all.

"I gave my father a kowtow! I led the Hanzhong soldiers to support the Chu family, but Khan Jin escaped, and my Western Chu army won without a fight. But I thought the army would spend a lot of food and grass when traveling, so I led the soldiers to occupy Chu! Now, when the children return to Dianwei and transfer military power to Hanzhong, they also ask the Dragon King to reward the soldiers who have done meritorious service

"Cao Pi held a fortune in his hand and handed it to the eunuch to his father.

Yu Xun laughed, and many officials who supported Cao Pi also laughed. Yuan Shao stood there with his eyes squinted. He was also a smart man, and I could see where Cao Pi was so hot.

"This kid, if he leaves Hanzhong, Asha can still play. Now this kid is not a small profit. It seems that he is going to kill Cao Zhi completely!" Yuan Shao narrowed his eyes and sighed, but his heart was still in his heart. Smile. Today, he had the opportunity to see Brother Cao fighting in the same room.

"Hahaha! Okay. Lonely disciple, really domineering! Be fast and brave. Occupying the hinterland of the Chu family is a great achievement and should be rewarded. Come, enjoy the Dragon's Gold and Jin Shuma! As for the meritorious soldier, be alone It’s never embarrassing.” Xun or his forehead had a sharp pain, and he felt that his disciple was really difficult to deal with.

Knowing that he was in a quiet and awkward situation, Fa immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Longzi's capture of the hinterland is a great achievement, but His Royal Highness's personal self-help is a right contempt. The minister believes that His Royal Highness should be restrained. The rewards and punishments of the king of the family are clear.

After hearing what the Fazheng said, Xun or Xun was even more surprised. He had already guessed what cards his disciples would play next.

Yang Xiu, seeing that the situation is not good, he quickly prepared to stand up to help Cao Bu develop, but Xun might be a step ahead.

"His Royal Highness, Longzi, there are some, but there are indeed some that are forbidden for more than a hundred days. It is better to halve and change to heaven, without reducing the king's rewards and punishments." Although Xun may not bite people, he is also a trick of Master Cao Pi.

Xun Yu gritted his teeth and could only say: "Okay! In this case, according to He Lingjun's statement, he will stop flying at Cao Pi from to Tian. Since nothing happened, then"

"I've played!" Just when Xun Yu wanted to finish these things quickly, Cao Zhen suddenly stood up and knelt on the ground.

"My lord, I think that although the Chu family's hinterland has been conquered by 1.3, it still needs a general to guard it. His Royal Highness Longzi is banned for a long time and is not allowed to lead troops. Therefore, the minister recommended Cao Zhizi Jiangongzi to lead the Hanzhong army to guard Jingzhou! The genius of the son of Zijian is not as good as that of His Highness Longzi, but it is enough to defend one side." Cao Zhen’s move was the last one, sliding backward from Fazheng

Now, Yang Xiu can't deal with it.

Xun Yu narrowed his eyes, trying to hide things, but after all, he still had to face it.

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