"Okay! In that case, let my son Cao Zhi lead hundreds of soldiers from Hanzhong to guard Jingzhou! In the hinterland, Cao Zhen led a tiger and leopard cavalry to guard Hanzhong and resist the Khan and Jin forces!" Xun Yu had a headache. After he painted the monkey, he immediately went to the harem to rest and relieve his hands.

Yang Xiu saw that there was no way to deal with this class today, so he could only sigh helplessly.


After the early dynasty, Yang Xiu and Ding Yi rushed to Cao Zhifu for the first time, and even saw that he was still a happy person. You know, this time, the important task of guarding Jingzhou Town is to lose reason.

"De Zu is here, let's have a drink together. After a while, we will go to Shou Jingzhou! Even if you die, you will not regret it." Cao Zhi sighed and smiled. He inherited Xunor's heroism and Jiutuo's works, which made Yang Xiu very admired.

But Yang Xiu regarded Cao Zhi as his best friend. How could he just watch him die like this? But even Yang Xiu had no good way to make Cao Zhi and Cao Pi's power too powerful, and large enough to compete with the family king. . Now, Cao Zhi is no longer Cao Bu's opponent, but a saury.

Even so, Yang Xiu is still helpless now.

"Zijian! Do you know that guarding Jingzhou is a dead end? West Chu, Hanzhong, Zhijunzhen, guarding Jingzhou, the north is against Khan and Jin, the south is against the Chu family, Chu family, Zhu Chisongzi is resourceful, brave, and bravely. How can we keep it? Don’t you realize that Cao Pi is hurting you? If we lose Jingzhou, it’s your incompetence. Although we are not dead,

But Cao Pi will definitely suggest that you be demoted as a civilian! Do you want to fish and farm for the rest of your life?" Yang Xiu felt helpless at Cao Zhijiutuo's attitude, but he also admired him for being in danger. Such stability is really rare. Ding Yi is the most nervous because he does not have a strong enough background and is not as smart as Yang Xiu. Once Cao Zhi falls, he will be the first to be dealt with by Cao Pi's vassal

people. Yang Xiu is very talented, but also a military adviser. Even if Cao Shuhui is demoted to a commoner, it will not affect him in many ways. However, Ding Yi asked herself, Cao Pi had a bad relationship with him, and he would definitely settle the accounts in the second place.

"Yes! Son, why don't we go to the family king, maybe we can transfer the work of the town and the defense of Jingzhou to others. This is a tactic in itself. How can Cao Pi's army attack Nanjun in such a short time? Chu Jun? How can you not lose Cao Pi after a long battle? If Cao Pi and the Chu family conspired to stabilize the dragon and harm the son, how could the son know that

Jump out of the abyss?" In the face of the crisis, even Ding Yi's IQ increased rapidly. At first, Yang Xiu didn't think it might be a conspiracy between Cao Pi and the Chu family to stabilize the Long Ziren. Now I have finished listening to Ding Yi. Then, it suddenly came to light.

But 970 Cao Zhi has decided that even if the abyss is ahead, he will jump down! His father's life cannot be resisted. As the saying goes, if you want me to die, I must die too.

"Come on! Dezu, come to your brother to drink a bar today! I just don't know, if it is a dead end, Dezu will not accompany me. Ding Yi, you are no longer my minister from today. Go home. "Cao Zhi could see that Ding Yi was very scared. He didn't have to take Ding Yi to die. Cao Zhi is kind-hearted and unwilling to drag others down.

Ding Yi heard what he wanted to hear most, but he still pretended to be reluctant and slowly retreated from the sacred land of Caobu.

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