Seeing that Ma Chen was still unwilling to give up, Ge Xuan shook his head helplessly: "This also depends on General Dong Xi's luck. General Dong Xi's fatal injury lies in internal meridian injuries, and those who were shot wounded meridians. If General Dong Xi has no trauma, he can be poor. Use internal force to help General Dong Xi recover. However, General Dong Xi suffered a trauma. Once the internal force is impoverished and injected into his body, the wound will be broken.

Split and bleed to death. I'm sorry, Shan Dao is too weak to help the general. I just don’t know if the general can tell Pindao who was Pan Zhang? The general was hurt.”

When Ma Chen heard that Ge Xuan could do nothing, he could only sigh helplessly, and his heart was full of sadness. Today, he underestimated Ma Chen. He did not expect Ma Chen to have such an ability! To defeat Dong Xi in one fell swoop, Ma Chen's technology is not weaker than the original overlord Sun Ce

970 Ma Chen narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "At the beginning of the day, the general went to Runan to score the dragon son Ma Chen for Khan Jin. General Dong Xi broke up with Ma Chen and was injured by one of his moves."

As soon as this remark came out, Ge Xuan's heart was shocked. He didn't expect Ma Chen to have such internal strength. Obviously, this is a Hanjin Dragon, its power is so great that Ge Xuan can't help but remember what the owner said before leaving.

Zuo Ci lost to Ge Xuan before leaving. If he died in Khan Jin Palace, he would definitely not avenge him. Although Ge Xuan loves his teacher, they have practiced alchemists for so many years, and their minds have been tempered very early, so they naturally don't think about it for life and death. Now that Ma Chen has Ruth's internal power, Ge Xuan naturally doesn't dare

Thinking of revenge.

"This child, terrifying Ruth! Internal strength cultivation has such a realm, external strength is not weak, it is really the capital of heaven." Ge Xuan shook his head. He couldn't help wondering what such an omnipotent son was like.

Ma Chen ignored Ge Xuan and asked his subordinates to guard Dong Xi's room. He tried his best to satisfy everything he wanted.

Half an hour later, Dong Xi gave up the ghost completely, and Wu Jun soldiers panicked and their morale was low.

Khan Jin spies took this opportunity to escape from Chengguan, Hefei, and rode all the way to Runan to report the news.

At the celebration banquet in Runan that night, almost all the soldiers drank alcohol. Except Ma Chao and Lu Zhishen, they drank nothing. (aibd) Ma Chen and Gao Shun drank symbolically, but most of the alcohol was It was poured on their necks. Although we should drink more at today's celebration banquet, Yuan insisted on protecting His Royal Highness Longzi, so he only used tea instead of wine

The same is true for Lu Zhishen, now he is shaved. Although he is still wearing wine and meat, his life has changed a lot.

Gao Shun, Ma Chen, naturally worry about the unexpected situation today. Therefore, Ma Chen's directly under Buqu and Gao Shun's directly under the trap camp are responsible for defending the city and cannot participate in the celebration banquet. However, Ma Chen Gaoshun sent better food to every infantry under his command. Few people eat half a chicken for dinner today. This kind of food can also be enjoyed by Ma Chen's direct soldiers and trap camps.

Food consumption is too big!

"His Royal Highness, Longzi, I didn't expect your martial arts to be so extraordinary in the end. I admire you! This has a high prestige in the army, he can defeat him and was injured by His Highness when he couldn't think of a trick!" Ma Chen picked up The wine lantern celebrated the return of Ma Chen, and drank it all at the same time.

Ma Chen shook the wound on his hand, glanced at his disciple Han Hu and his adopted son Sun Shao, and said with a smile: "This is just a small victory, not worth mentioning. However, I killed this Dong Xi. He must be dying now. Hu'er, no matter whether he is in a high position or not, he should understand the suffering of frontier soldiers. On weekdays, he is more diligent in martial arts training. Look at the Battle of the Dragon King.

How awesome are the previous kills?"".

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