Han Hu admired the Dragon King very much. He nodded seriously, saying that he should be the same as the Dragon King. The child looks a little surprised, but he is not stupid. He knew that Hu'er was the kind of kid who spoke little and calm. Although not particularly smart, it is enough to have a benevolent heart and not let yourself be calculated.

"Newspaper! This"

At this moment, a lieutenant walked in quietly. He is the soldier in charge of city defense today.

The lieutenant glanced at Ma Chen, then looked at His Royal Highness Long Zi, and then immediately knelt down to report: "Report to His Highness Long Zi that our army is in Chengguan, Hefei, and the eyeliner spread the news. Two hours ago, Wu Jun soldier Dong Xi died. Before Dong Xi died, Ma Chen asked an alchemist to treat his illness~ but the treatment failed and died."

Ma Chen and Gao Shun were shocked again. His Royal Highness Longzi just said that Dong Xi would die, and now-intelligence has been sent out.

Ma Chen is very satisfied. He stretched out his hand to let the lieutenant stick to his post, and stood up in relief.

"All the soldiers continue to drink, and must end the celebration banquet before Yin Shi. After Dong Xi died, the morale of the soldiers must have been high. This time, the army has also achieved its goal. Since it is impossible to capture Hefei as soon as possible and kill Wu Jun! Ma Chen finally said a few words, and then took the two children back to the backyard room to rest.

Han Hu and Sun Shao were tired, so they went directly to the room to sleep.

Ma Chen points back to the room where Ma Chen and Kong Yu are. They are still chatting to relieve their boredom, waiting for their husband to come back. The new white cloth and healing medicine are ready, Ma Chen attaches great importance to the wound on the back of her husband's hand. Even if the wound is not deep, it must be treated and healed as soon as possible.

Husband, you are too reckless today, even if it is to improve the morale of the army, you can't do that. Let the generals fight. Why does the husband want to do it himself?" Ma Chen criticized the husband with some complaints, but he still carefully helped the husband deal with the wounds.

Seeing Kong Yuye frowning and worrying, he smiled flirtingly: "If my husband can't be stronger than Sun Ce on the battlefield, how can he make this big beauty fall in love?" How about putting Mrs. Joe to sleep tonight ?

Husband, stop making trouble! Take a good rest these days and heal your wounds. "Ma Chen blushed and criticized her husband while continuing to dress the wounds for her husband.

Go to Dianwei in three days

0………Look for flowers…

News of Runan soon reached Dianwei, and Xun Yu spent a lot of manpower and material resources to get in touch with the Central Plains to ensure the smooth flow of news from Xichuan.

"Ma Chen is so powerful in martial arts? Killing the Wu family who is leading Dong Xi in one fell swoop is not weak. Even Huang Xu's son may not have such martial arts. Ma Chen is really versatile. If he were mine. Disciple, isn't the world peaceful long ago?" Xun Yu admired Ma Chen more and more. Although this child is much younger than himself, he is better than himself in all aspects



Xi Zhicai and Tai Shao were also shocked. After all, Ma Chen is the dragon son of Han Jin, and they can even kill Jiang Yong, the Wu family.

"This kid is evil. It seems that the Wu family is going to die. Now, the Khan-Jin army is sent to various places. They don't have enough troops to support three-sided combat. The white robe army is strong, and the king now has insufficient food and grass. The Chu family is fighting, Xiangfan Persevere, there is no threat. It seems that the next plan is to seize Chengguan, Hefei, and open the only way to the south."

Xi Zhicai pays more attention to military strategy and overall situation. He doesn't care much about which brave soldier Ma Chen killed. factory,

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