While reminding the soldiers behind to beware of being discovered by the guards, first jump off the cliff to observe the topography of the camp and how to seize the place where three or four hundred people are stationed with ten people.

When all the ten men landed safely, Ma Chen ordered him to hide himself and approach the garrison alone to learn more.

After some investigation, Ma Chen found that this huge camp had only these ten guards.

After hearing the complaints of the two guards, I knew that the village owner was celebrating the use of the law because he was living in the Xuande army, and he was holding the village and drinking.

Only Ma Chen felt that this was a godsend, and now he has set a plan. He taught ten people face to face in the evening, making them a group of two.

He set off from both ends of the periphery, and the bandits guarding the village stunned one by one, while swimming around the periphery, just in case.

These ten people are the elites of Xuande's army.

Under this plan, they won over a dozen soldiers guarding the village with no effort, and sealed off secret locations in the forest.

In the secret language in the ears of ten sergeants, Ma Chen ordered him to change into the costume of bandits and stand guard at the edge of the village.

Ma Chen also changed and sneaked into the village. At the entrance of the hall, everyone knew that there were hundreds of bandits drinking.

Looking in through the window, I saw that the first two people were already half drunk.

Ma Chen didn't worry about it, but lurked on the roof, observing the situation in the village and grasping the movement in the house.

About an hour later, they saw that the two chieftains were both resting in the houses on both sides of the hall, supported by their servants, while the ordinary bandits saw that the chieftain was asleep and did not dare to make any trouble.

Most of them went back to the wooden houses in the village, and after only a while, the village made a lot of noise.

Ma Chen then jumped from the roof, carrying a bundle of rope, and headed straight to the hall.

At this time, the two leaders had already drunk too much, and they were tied tightly one after another without any effort.

Although they found that the person headed by them was a stunning woman, Ma Chen was too busy to take care of him, so he carried them on his shoulders and ran out.

Staying in the outer jungle and waving their hands, the ten sergeants were prepared, waved their hands, and threw the torch into the village.

They only heard a sudden and abrupt sound. When the fire began to flourish, the ten sergeants just shouted that it was on fire. The Zhongshan bandits in the village hadn't calmed down, so they shouted and made a mess.

Ma Chen sees that the strategy has become. Looking back, the female gang leader woke up and found that her hands were tied. Ma Chen was strange in front of her.

She had guessed eight points long in her heart, and then she saw that the fake had already added fuel to the fire.

Suddenly, her eyebrows were slightly horizontal, glaring at Ma Chen, but this scene fell in Ma Chen's eyes, but it had a different charm.

"I am today's imperial uncle, son Ma Chen, Xuande, I was ordered to break your cottage today. Do you have anything to say?"

The woman was very angry, but her eyes froze when she heard this, and she said loudly, "Then, kill me.

At this moment, the two heads tied together woke up and were listening to the conversation.

They quickly said: "The general is very calm, and the leader is my elder brother's daughter.

Because of the great wisdom, the eldest brother was forced to stay in the mountains after his death, and the mountains were full of poor brothers. The general can kill me alone to pay for my sins!!

"If you gather 983 here, if you don't rob others, don't hurt others' lives, what are your plans?" Ma Chen asked sharply instead of commenting on the words of the two masters.

When the two heads of household heard this, they answered truthfully: "The man in Jingzhou, whose surname is Li, was young and energetic many years ago.

They started with Huang and Ma Yuanyi, and then worked under Zhang Liang.

After the defeat, they were taken in by their eldest brother. Since falling into the grass, they have only followed their eldest brother to hide their whereabouts and have absorbed the poor people for more than ten years. Nothing else!"

After hearing this, he nodded and replied: "If we had not inquired about the robbed village, we would not have believed these words.

If it is, then quickly resolve the difficulties of the sergeant under this general, and talk about other things. ".

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