Li has solved the mystery. He tore the book to pieces and led the army to Huoshaoshan Village.

At this time, he looked around and found that Ma Chen had only led ten people here.

However, the chaos in his village had become, and he had to look at the young woman, explaining that the method of cracking depended on her skill.

"If you want to save the lives of hundreds of bandits, take my sergeant out of the maze!"

The woman Ma Chen saw still stared at her, then bullied her body, almost pressing her face to her forehead.

Sure enough, after a while, the woman blushed and snorted, struggling to camp to Ma Chen, and walked, she was busy following her.

Within a mile of the journey, he ran into the trapped sergeant. The sergeant under Ma Chen turned a few times under the guidance of the woman, and then left the fake gate.

"General, if the fire in the village is too great, not only will we plunder the grain and burn it, but the brothers in the village will also suffer heavy casualties.

Next, I will lead the people in the village to surrender to Xinye. If the uncle is guilty, I am willing to bear it alone.

I hope the general will send people in the village to put out the fire. What, 々?"

Seeing a fire in the cottage, all the bandits could not find two bosses. They all scurried around like headless flies. They didn't know how to get water to put out the fire.

Nu Wenyan cut the rope without hesitation, then Li Chuang bowed his head and walked into the hut and ordered the people in the village to step up the fire.

"General, if this is the case, what should the thief turn over and kill him?" The sergeants around Ma Chen were puzzled by the situation and asked for temptation.

"If you kill it back, I will destroy it by myself." Ma Chen replied coldly, taking a peek at the woman. The sergeant felt cold all over and did not dare to speak any more.

The fire in the village has been extinguished for a long time, but Li Jian gathered a bunch of bandits on the spot in the village.

The eight sergeants next to Ma Chen cried and raised their spears, only to see that Ma Chen was still standing proudly outside the village gate, not speaking, so they had to stand in battle, hoping that the two hundred riders would hurry.

However, Li hurried to summon the people in the village, but he knelt on Ma Chen alone and said, "There is a man in the cottage at Mangdang Mountain who can fight, and they are all standing in the village. If the general does not abandon, he must return to Xinye, otherwise At the disposal of the general!"

Obviously, more than three hundred bandits already knew that the Ma Chen had arrived here and subdued the leader.

They all looked at Ma Chen, looking very nervous.

When Ma Chen patted Li, he stood up knowingly and stood behind Ma Chen. Ma Chen quickly entered the village until the queue of the hut, shouting: "Although you fell into the grass, you did not Hurt the lives of others.

Now that you are in Xinye, those who want to join the army will immediately return to Xinye with me.

If you don't want to, you will bring enough food and grass. I should put it in the mountain village, the army and the people, I will not punish you!"

These two roads flattered the hundreds of bandits in front of them, and even the girl gang leader looked at Ma Chen with a complicated expression.

But for a long time, no one made a choice. Obviously, these poor people who were born in troubled times do not believe this statement.

"^" Those who wish to return to Xinye to join the army stand on the left of the general, and those who wish to bring food and grass to the village stand on the right of the general!”

Li was screaming and running wildly, and at the same time stood to the left of Ma Chen. The girls saw many people looking at her and hesitated, (Nuo Qianhao) also stood beside Li and ran wild.

When the leader set an example, he made a decision with a little courage. In an instant, multiple bandits divided into two teams and stood in front of the Ma Chen.

Covenant people are willing to join the army, and many people are willing to join the army for the people. Ma Chen immediately ordered Li to take out all the hay in the village.

When the two hundred riders arrived, he immediately set the hay and led him down the mountain.

"You. I haven't said your name yet." On the downhill road, Ma Chen, hand in hand with the Maiden Gang leader, hesitated for a while, and asked. .

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