Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops can be dispatched at will. Although Xuande has taken the red pine nuts, the number of soldiers in Xinye County is still less than 10,000.

Once Cao Jun came, he would undoubtedly hit the stone with the pebbles, although it could be temporarily saved.

However, if Sima Yi is annoyed and he leads an army, Xinye will be in danger.

Ma Chen knew for a long time that since Zhu came from year to year, he recruited some recruits and taught them how to act, but he never invited Ma Chen to watch.

These newly recruited soldiers are also led by Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Ma Chen has no dissatisfaction.

Since separated from the red pine nuts, Ma Chen will not get any benefits, but Ma Chen firmly believes that soldiers are not as expensive as people.

Today, the Xuande Army has only 10,000 soldiers. If Ma Chen can train well-known elite fighters, he will be very satisfied.

Moreover, the equipment of the Lingbao people has not been resolved, and it is useless for the newcomers to come.

Ma Chen knows that if there is no systematic training, when Sima Yi leads a huge army and Xin Ye is powerless, only survivors can survive.

During the training of recruits by Chisongzi and Xuande, they almost personally took Ma Chao and left Xinye, nearby towns, villages, and counties, and were followed by several tailors and blacksmiths.

Ma Chen secretly placed them in the army and taught them to train with soldiers every day.

In his spare time, he taught them to familiarize themselves with all kinds of Lingbao, in case of emergency.

Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ma Chen has been very dissatisfied with this weapon of the Han Dynasty. Even if he made pure iron double knives.

When Xuande gave it, he claimed to be a perfect weapon, but he only lost his sharpness after a big battle.

Through careful comparison, he found that this was due to insufficient temperature in the furnace during smelting and insufficient forging times, resulting in a large amount of impurities in the forged weapons, which affected the life and toughness of the weapons.

As a result, Ma Chen came up with the idea of ​​forging weapons and sewing armor for his pro-army, but this kind of plan is difficult to implement in Xinye, a small town like this.

So Ma Chen decided to hoard craftsmen first, waited for Sergeant Jingzhou to get off the station, and then started forging not too late. In troubled times, countless craftsmen fled to Jingzhou to avoid disaster, but it was very convenient for Ma Chen.

So, a few months later, it was autumn in a blink of an eye.

One day, when Ma Chen personally taught the army how to use dwarf soldiers to break the enemy in the chaos, he suddenly reported to his soldiers.

Xuande urgently summoned all the people in the city to the conference hall to discuss urgent military affairs.

Hearing this, my heart moved. Xuande has been recruiting in Xinye for more than a year, and he has won all the red pine nuts championships.

He is getting older, I am afraid that Sima Yi is uncomfortable.

"Go ahead, no one in the barracks can be good at it. Once there is a war, don't be greedy to kill the enemy in the war. You can save your life first,~!"

Ma Chen saw that there were no other people at this time, so he whispered to Ma Chao and Li Chuang, saying that the vitality of this person is too important for Ma Chen.

If there is a war, more than a hundred will be destroyed, and all the efforts of Ma Chen in the past year will be in vain.

When Ma Chen arrived at the conference hall, he found his brows furrowed and something happened.

Sure enough, when everyone arrived, Xuande looked at the abyss and said, """ I want to be a good soldier waiting for the weather in Xinye.

I thought Sima Yi's target was Soochow, but I didn't want him to tolerate me.

(Of) Now I have to report that Sima Yi sent Xiahou as the main commander and brought Wei Yan's ban.

Lan, etc. Leading an army of 10,000 to Xinye, now they have reached Bowang, almost overwhelming Xinye.

Today, they urgently summoned the generals to discuss the strategy of retreating the enemy. "

"Sure enough, it's coming

Ma Chen thought silently in his heart that he thought he was crossing the river, and then he beat Xiahou Shen Wei Yan, which could protect Xinye for a while, but he didn't want to stop Sima Yi's attack.

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