Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 681 Ma Chen's instinct

"My younger brother has Kong Ming, but why should I use me to discuss it? I only asked Kong Ming to bring five thousand soldiers to meet the enemy, thinking that the strong Xiahou would be defeated by the military division!"

Before Xuande's words fell, Zhang Fei stood up and said like Hong Zhong.

It turned out that in the past few months, Xuande had been asking all the Chisongzi questions first.

Ma Chen foresaw this and rarely appeared in front of him. He had planted a thorn in his heart for all the problems of Chisongzi.

At this time, he had to wait cautiously and wait for the opportunity. If he bury a few more questions, it will become a weapon to deal with all the red pine nuts in the future.

However, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were not prepared for this.

He saw his eldest brother mingling with Chisongzi all day, and everything focused on Chisongzi's opinions.

The relationship between him and them is naturally far from before, and they are naturally unhappy in their hearts.

At this time there was a war, and he wanted to see the red pine nuts last, so he said it out loud.

"The third brother has retired. The reason why Army Division Hu Yan is a strategist is to formulate a general plan.

Otherwise, you have to wait for the fierce general, and the third brother should not turn the cart before the horse because of personal grievances.

At this time, Xuande was worried about the major events of these hundreds of soldiers, for fear that all the soldiers who took a one-year rest from here would be harmed.

If there is room for Zhang Fei's nonsense, he can speak or scold.

When Zhang Fei saw that Xuande was really angry, he dared not say anything, so he stood back to the aibe column.

At this time, Ma Chen saw a cowhide map hanging in the hall. The main towns around Xinye are drawn on the map.

At this time, Xiahou and the others are garrisoning troops, which is also marked on the map.

Looking at Zhu Chisongzi, sitting in a chair with an omniscient look, he moved out with a fist in his heart.

"The Dragon King is not in a hurry. There are two subtotals in the seal. I don't know if I can do it.

It's better to speak up and let me teach the military division to give pointers. "

When Ma Chen finished speaking, he looked up at Kong Ming, but he saw that Kong Ming was still relaxed.

Obviously, he does not believe that Ma Chen can try to work in a short time.

"Ziwei said that you are still young, just to teach the military division to give more advice, so that you can take care of the overall situation in the future."

Ma Chen took this sentence and went forward to drill under the map.

From the map, Bowang Town is in Xinye, in the north, across the sea from Xinye, less than a hundred miles away, there is water to the west of Bowang, Bowangpo to the south, Anlin to the east, and Anlin to the west. Yushan.

Ma Chen stepped forward and pointed at Bowangpo, Yushan, and Anlin with three fingers. He looked at the red pine nuts and smiled without saying a word. Smart Meter

Everyone is looking at the points pointed by Ma Chen. Those three places are very close to the hundreds of thousands of troops stationed by Xiahou and others.

If they rush forward with thousands of soldiers at this time, they will be defeated, or the entire army will be wiped out.

So except for the red pine nuts, everyone else is puzzled.

If they did not make outstanding contributions before Ma Chen, some people would accuse them of nonsense.

"Wei Zi, we are on the defensive. These three places are under the jurisdiction of Bowang Town, and we can't go there in a hurry."

Xuande looked at the map, pondered for a moment, but found that the land Ma Chen was referring to was not in a state of war, and shook his head.

"Dragon King, Xinye and Bowang are facing each other in the distance. Except for the drowning in the west, there are no mountains or jungles during this period.

They are all plains.

If you fight against the ghost god Cao Zixiao and plain, then Xinye must be guarded.

Therefore, there are two options. One looks at the weather, the other looks at people. "

"What are your plans? Come and listen. Don't wait until Xiahou arrives at the gate!

It is very mysterious to see Ma Chen, and Zhang Fei behind him can't wait. He hated the horse without a gun, so he went to kill it, so he urged loudly.

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