For a long time, Xuande always raised his head and said firmly: "When Liu Jingsheng was seriously ill, if you took Jingzhou away, it would be an unfair act. This might provoke a joint crusade by princes all over the world, and then Jingzhou. Won't be able to keep it.

If I lose my faith again, I will have no place to live.

Now I have made up my mind.

I am willing to fight Cao Jun with Xinye and Fancheng. Needless to say, just be prepared for war!"

Although prepared for this, Ma Chen was still in darkness-.

Sigh, many of Xuande's rhetoric is just to preserve his reputation. He has won Xuzhou before, but now he refuses to win-Jingzhou.

Because there is no reasonable reason, Ma Chen is ordered to protect himself against the enemy, and his heart has begun to think about how to resist Cao Jun

"Military strategist, there are tens of thousands of Cao Jun. This is definitely not something that my army in Xinye can resist. I don't know if the strategist has any good strategies to save our army in the future?"

Xuande had already made a decision and began to inquire about Chisongzi.

In Chisongzi, he understands Xuande better than Ma Chen. When he heard that Xuande had not taken Jingzhou away, his heart was out of breath.

At this time, Xuande asked about this.

After Chisongzi exhaled a few breaths in succession, he sorted out his thoughts and said: "Now, you must abandon Xinye and retreat to Fancheng to avoid it, in order to unite Liu Biao's army and fight against Cao's army.

Otherwise, there will be no soldiers, no cities, and Jiang Shang will have no countermeasures for rebirth. "

Xuande knew that Chisongzi still had bad feelings, but he didn't care about these remarks.

He just asked: "Our army has been stationed in Xinye for many days, and most of the families of generals and sergeants are in Xinye.

If you retreat to Fancheng, I am afraid I must prepare in advance, otherwise Sima Yi pioneer will avoid Xinye City. "

Xuande also knew that he had to give up Xinye in his heart, but Xinye had many sergeants. If they all withdrew to Fancheng, it would cause panic among the people in the city. If they were afraid before the war, the army would lose its momentum.

So how to withdraw into Fancheng, Xuande was still in a mess.

"Master, don't panic. If you want ten thousand to come to Cao Jun, you can't march in a hurry.

You can immediately take General Yunchang to Jingzhou to see Liu Biao, find out the truth, and make a plan. "

When Xuande saw that Chisongzi had an answer, he felt a little relieved. He immediately sent Guan Yu to see Liu Biao and asked about the actual situation of the army.

However, Ma Chen and others all went back to rectify the soldiers, horses, food and grass, and arranged for the carriages and horses to abandon the Xinye and go to Fancheng for temporary shelter.

After three days, Ma Chen had ordered Ma Chao and Li to leave quickly, and the generals had packed their equipment.

The artisans obtained before are all given to horses, and they are ready to go to Fancheng at any time.

The others have settled in their families, waiting for Xuande to order them to leave.

However, at this time, Guan Yu did not come back for a long time.

On this day, Xuande's convener was discussing sending someone to lead troops to meet Guan Yu, but suddenly he had to report to the scout in front of him, Pagasus.

0......for flowers...

Sima Yi's vanguard troops approached Bowang and could reach Xinye directly in a few days.

At this point, Chisongzi finally showed a solemn color and was ordered to detain.

At this time, Guan Yu Fengchen rushed into the chamber.

"Second brother, what's the delay?" Xuande knew very well that with Guan Yu's bravery, he would definitely not be detained by Long. He would come back at this time for a reason.


"Brother, that Liu Biao is dead.

Rulonghuan did not mourn, but he became the lord. He heard that he led the army to come. At this time, I have handed over the book to Sima Yi.

When Sima Yi arrives, he will open the city gate and dedicate the nine counties of Jingxiang to Sima Yi!"

When Xuande heard this, he sat on the bench, his face pale.

He said: "This is God's will. I regret that I can't listen to the military commander's words. Ziwei and I want to take down the nine counties of Jingxiang as soon as possible!"

They were all panicked when they saw Xuande like this, and they didn't know what to do.

At this time, he strode forward, raised Xuande's arm, and said sharply: "Please seal the troops of the Dragon King.

I am willing to ambush outside Xinye City. As soon as Sima Yi Vanguard arrives, I will ambush it, let the Dragon King retreat to Fancheng safely with everyone, and then make plans!

Ma Chen knows that if we let Xuande do it again and miss this opportunity, everyone will throw their family at Xinyeto.

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