Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 698 Enter the city alone

But at this time, Zhu Chisongzi waved his hand and said: "The general is not in a hurry. Since Sima Yi has already reached Bowang, he only set up an ambush, which is very difficult to hurt his roots.

Since there are no useful soldiers in Jingzhou, if he is not here to defeat Cao Jun, even if he arrives in Fancheng, he will be useless

Ma Chen didn't say much at this time. He shouldn't argue with Chisongzi when he knew there was danger, and just waited for his plan.

At this time, Xuande no longer regretted "Zero 13" after hearing this, and whispered: "This time, in order to resist Cao Jun, we all acted in accordance with the plan of the military division. We will make a plan after retreating to Fancheng safely.

After listening, everyone looks at Zhu Chi Songzi in the top order. At this time, Zhu Chisongzi no longer looked down upon.

After putting the feather fan on the table, they got up and said, "Xinye is only a small county. Fortunately, there are not many people in the city.

I want to send the people in the city to Fancheng with your family, lure Cao Jun's front line to the empty Xinye, the city, and then break it in one fell swoop.

What does the master think?"

The eyes of Xuande and the people suddenly lit up, and Ma Chen had a calm expression, knowing that Chisongzi was going to burn Xinye, and then flooded it when Cao Jun's front line was chaotic.

In this way, Cao Jun's momentum can drop sharply, and the next step can gain time.

"The military division has a brilliant plan.

If you are in Xinye Kongcheng, waiting for Cao Jun, you can give Cao Jun a surprise and then raid its front line.

This battle can be won. Please order by military division. "

Obviously, Xuande has approved all Chisongzi's plans, and Ma Chen is a bit boring.

Waiting to see where Chisongzi sends him to set up ambushes is better than practicing the laws taught by Ma Chao before the battle and improving the combat effectiveness of the cavalry under his command.

However, when Zhu Chisongzi spoke, he was taken aback.

Zhu Chisongzi thought for a while, took a look, and solemnly said: "This time I am setting up an ambush to buy time for the people in the city and their families and teach them to retreat.

The general has weapons and resourcefulness. Now you are ordered to lead the cavalry to escort the people in the city and the generals’ families, and retreat quickly. The general can't give up thinking about this.

Liu Cong has already voted for Sima Yi. If this incident leaks out, it will be intercepted, so it is necessary to start immediately.

I have sent infantry to Fancheng, and then General Ma Chao led the troops to Xinye to attack the front line of Cao Jun. After General Ziwei arrived in Fancheng, he took his headquarters and famous sergeants to wait for us in the city. "

Ma Chen didn't expect it. At this time, Zhu handed over the responsibility of escorting the family to Chi Songzi. Although this task is not very dangerous, it is also a big responsibility.


Once a general's family member is sick, Ma Chen cannot escape, but he does not aim for success, but does not ask for anything in return.

Ma Chen sighed secretly in his heart, he couldn't help but admire Zhu Chisongzi. At this moment, he could still think of letting it go for a while.

However, at this point, Ma Chen must be given life. No one knows this retreat to Fancheng.

Therefore, there should be no casualties among his trusted soldiers, they are just a little relieved.

They were beaten to life with their fists: "I will obey the military commander's orders, and your family will give it to me, but please rest assured, if you hurt every penny, I will use my life to make up for it!"

After speaking these words, Ma Chen hurriedly left the chamber, which was a very important person who withdrew from the entire city. 1.4

Although most people knew about Cao Jun's offensive at this time, they never thought about withdrawing the entire city to Fancheng.

So they arrived at the army at the first time and ordered Li Chuang to lead the army to tell the other party so that they could set off at the door in half an hour.

There are not many people in Xinye in small counties and cities. In less than half an hour, people were ready, standing outside the city gate, waiting for Ma Chen to dispatch. .

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