Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 821 The tension before public events and public opinion preparations

According to Xingba, Sun Quan is still worried about me?

That night, after Zhang Ziyi was taken to Sun Quan, he walked into the post house openly and came to Ma Chen's room, but when he walked in, what they said was definitely not what Sun Quan thought.

"Yes, Sun Quan is in Ning'er today, and tomorrow I will send Ning and General Sun to go hunting together.

Then let Ning keep observing what the general and Miss Sun said. Once something changes, he will immediately send someone to tell Sun Quan!

Ma Chen listened and then pondered. He thought that Sun Quan had completely ignorant of it since drinking that day.

To this day, when he met Sun Shangxiang, Ma Chenyin, he arrived early, and stumbled upon the suspicious behavior of the person who looked like a little guy in the shop at 093, which made him very sad.

He didn't confide his plan to Sun Shangxiang, and easily brought up the hunting matter.

Sure enough, when the two were about to leave the restaurant, he saw that the page looked dull and left through the back door.

He knew in his heart that most of this letter was sent by Sun Quan. His intention was to monitor his meeting with Sun Shangxiang. "I never thought that Sun Quan was such a cautious person.

It seems that it is too late to evacuate."

Ma Chen listened to Zhang Ziyi's words and whispered to Yandao

"It's better that the general hold the grandson girl and marry her back (aibe). When the wood sinks, it will be easier to take the grandson away."

Zhang Ziyi saw Ma Chen showing a solemn look, so he whispered to suggest.

Before Feng Chu and Ma Chen made the plan, both Zhang Ziyi and Ma Chao knew about this, so Zhang Ziyi had this safer plan in mind, so he called it Ma Chen.

After listening to Zhang Ziyi's words, he gently waved his hand without hesitation.

He said solemnly: "Although Sun Quan had serious thoughts in his heart, Sun Girl didn't know about it, and Sun Girl was lucky in this matter.

Therefore, I must not use deceiving Sun Girl as a tactic. It is necessary to inform Miss Sun about this matter.

If she is willing to wait for me to return to Jingzhou, and is willing to hide Sun Quan, it is not too late to discuss marriage.

If Miss Sun is unwilling, it will not be too late for me to escape back to Fankou according to Shi Yuan's plan!"

"If that grandson promised the general in the wrong way, and then told Sun Quan, wouldn't we become the turtle in the urn?"

Zhang Ziyi did not reveal his whereabouts at this time.

Once he is hurt by Sun Quan and Ma Chen Bei, he can still serve as an official in Jiangdong. Therefore, in the final analysis, this is the safety of Ma Chen and Ma Chao.

For this reason, Zhang Ziyi did not dare to talk about this matter. He thought it was to remind Ma Chen to put his life first and not to believe in Sun Shangxiang lightly.

Ma Chen naturally knew Zhang Ziyi's heart and did not express dissatisfaction because of his words.

On the contrary, he slowly discovered the words: "The girl is just a young girl, and her emotions are visible.

If she still can't see her inner thoughts, how can she stand in this troubled time? Therefore, Xingba need not worry.

Sun and I are sincere. She will definitely make a judgment in her heart. She will only wait for tomorrow's result. Once things are revealed, she will go back to Fankou to hunt!"

When Zhang Ziyi saw Ma Chen's face, he stopped talking, and then Ma Chen and Zhang Ziyi discussed how to escape if things failed, and then wrote two books to Zhang Ziyi, but let him go.

Of these two letters, one was handed to Feng Chi to teach him about Ma Chen's strategy, and the other was handed to the secret post in Wei Yan city. Ma Chen was unable to meet his people directly and pass the news.

It fell on the secret whistle of Zhang Ziyi and Wei Yan. If this were not the case, Ma Chen would really know nothing about the progress of future wars. As Sun Quan thought, he could only obey what Sun Quan said here.

Sending away Zhang Ziyi, Ma Chen entered the room to sleep as usual, but he could not sleep in bed for a long time. Ma Chen was not sure what would happen tomorrow. .

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