Because blood is thicker than water, Sun is still full of Sun Quan's fragrance.

Although Sun is still fragrant, in this turbulent era, it is common for Sun Quan to use his life's work to seek benefits for Jiangdong.

If Sun Shangxiang agreed to Ma Chen's invitation and concealed the marriage between Sun Quan and Ma Chen, if Sun Quan knew about it in the future, it would be a betrayal of the family.

Although Sun Shangxiang is a brave person among women, it is impossible to know whether he can make such a decision.

Thinking about it, I almost stayed up all night. The next morning, I was still in high spirits. I put on my uniform early, packed my luggage, and waited for Sun Shangxiang to arrive

Ma Chao, with a sword slung around his waist, sat side by side in the post house with Ma Chen, with a calm expression on his face.

Before, Ma Chen had already told Ma Chao what happened today, and Sun Shangxiang asked Ma Chen about Ma Chao in the restaurant.

Ma Chen also told Ma Chao that he could face Sun Shangxiang with Ma Chen.

Ma Chao is already very satisfied. She knows that this move is to let her know that in Ma Chen's heart, its weight is not lighter than Sun Shangxiang.

The two of them only sat for a while, and then they heard the screams of horses coming from outside. The post house, Ma Chen and Ma Chao looked at each other and knew that Sun Shangxiang had arrived, so they walked out the gate of the post house one after the other.

As soon as they went out, they saw two tall horses standing side by side outside the door. Sun Shangxiang took the lead.

For today's Ma Chen hunting, it is obvious that Sun Shangxiang has been dressed up.

She wore a close-fitting silver armor, gleaming in the sun, with a sword hanging from her waist and a crossbow on her back.

Her long hair was tied high behind her head. At first glance, she looked like a goddess of war.

Today, Sun Shangxiang brought only one servant maid, who should be a member of his government.

But at this time, Ma Chen is not sure whether he is Sun Quan, the spy left behind, he can only pay attention to it secretly.

General Ziwei is ready to leave, this time the little girl is late.

Ma Chen personally greeted Sun Shangxiang with a sweet smile on his face.

He jumped out of the horse when he turned over, but his eyes were always secretly looking at Ma Chao who was standing behind Ma Chen's point.

After a while, he looked at Ma Chao up and down, and sighed.

Although Ma Chao's identity is not so noble, his appearance and figure are not worse than Sun Shangxiang. Sun Shangxiang wants to compete with one of them in appearance, and it is very disappointing to see nature at this time.

"Sun came at the right time. I'm not in a hurry to start. I want something to eat, lest I go too late!"

With that said, Ma Chen let Sun Shangxiang into the room, and the breakfast on the table was ready.

0……Look for flowers……

Sun Shangxiang looked at it and sent a close-fitting maid to wait outside the door to have breakfast with Ma Chen and Ma Chao. During this time, Sun Shangxiang and Ma Chao did not meet, Ma Chao didn't even say a word, just quietly watched Sun Shangxiang. A few glances.

When necessary, all power is used for the final adventure.

When the three people were eating, Ma Chen just asked about the maid Sun Shangxiang.

After Sun Shangxiang heard that it was the maid Sun Shangxiang mentioned in the restaurant before. This woman grew up with Sun Shangxiang. Because of this, Sun Shangxiang was like glue.


Ma Chen is relieved to eliminate Sun Shangxiang and the hidden dangers around him, and Zhang Ziyi has already thrown himself into his arms, so hunting is foolproof, and the news will not leak out for no reason.

After leaving the post house, several people headed by Zhang Ziyi went to the hunting ground referred to by Sun Quan this time.

Among the reeds on the riverside ten miles away from the hunting ground, Wei Yan and dozens of non-commissioned officers below Ma Chen's degree were ready and waiting here in several boats.

Once Ma Chen's things failed, they diverted directly into the river on the spot. When Sun Quan learned of this, most of the Ma Chen people had already reached Fankou.

At that time, although Sun Quan could go to Xuande to complain about all kinds of dissatisfaction with Ma Chen, Ma Chen could bring back Zhang Ziyi and Fengcu, which could offset the merits and demerits.ト,

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