Yuan Shao's decision was quickly passed on to Cao Cao and Liu Bei.

They were both very happy when they learned that Yuan Shao was willing to send troops to help.

Langya, in Liu Bian's palace.

He hadn't slept well at all the night before, and the system prompts sounded one after another, and all of them were related to Zhao Yun, Li Yuanfang, and Zhan Zhao.

So Liu Bian was naturally reluctant to ignore these news. Seeing the continuous growth of the summoning points, Liu Bian couldn't help but feel happy. It was only in the middle of the night that everything returned to calm.

And according to these changes in the situation, Liu Bian is even more sure that the three escaped from Luoyang City.

Thinking that the jade seal was about to fall into his hands, Liu Bian couldn't help but guess its attributes.

"Your Majesty!! Your Majesty!!

A rushing voice from outside entered Liu Bian's ears.

"What's the matter?" Liu Bian asked loudly.

The personal soldiers outside did not dare to enter directly without Liu Bian's order. Instead, they continued to reply: "General Zhao Yun is back, and there are two other people around. They call themselves Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang."

Liu Bian paused for a while, then laughed loudly, this is really what came to his mind, he just thought about the Yuxi thing, and the three of them came back!

"Bring it to me!!"

Liu Bian gave the order 113, and soon soldiers came to report.

Not much time, Zhao Yun, Zhan Zhao, and Li Yuanfang came to the tent together.

Zhao Yun entered the tent and bowed towards Liu Bian, and said with a relaxed expression: "Your Majesty, this minister is fortunate to have fulfilled his mission this time, and with the assistance of Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao, I have retrieved the jade seal!!

After saying this, Zhao Yun took a half step back and made room for Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao.

These two people are not as freehand as Zhao Yun. After all, Zhao Yun has been with Liu Bian for a long time, and everything has long been familiar. Besides Zhan Zhao, Li Yuanfang has not even seen Liu Bian. Ninety-five Supreme, how can you still maintain a peaceful mind?

"See Your Majesty!!" The two saluted Liu Bian following the gourd painting.

Liu Bian laughed: "Hurry up and invite the two brave men, your chivalrous deeds are very clear to me, and now I have obtained the jade seal from Luoyang City for me, and the credit is not small, what reward do you hope to get? It's better to say it bluntly, and I will be satisfied one by one."

Both Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao shook their heads: "We are originally Han people, and now the country is in turmoil, and we are very happy to be able to serve the motherland by ourselves, how can we be greedy for rewards? 35

It's not hypocritical for the two to say this. Since they asked Zhao Yun about things on the battlefield on the road, the two of them have been hit hard. Maybe they have never accepted this aspect since they were children. How clear, the two of them still have little idea about leading troops to fight.

Even with a head full of paste, knowing that they are not good at rushing to lead the army, the two simply extinguished their dream of galloping on the battlefield.

Liu Bian admired the humble character of the two very much, and he raised the corner of his mouth: "Since you don't have any requirements, then I will make my own decision."

"Actually, I have already made arrangements for you more than a month ago, and everything is just waiting for you to return!!


Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao both had surprised eyes on their faces, and they were even more hopeful in their hearts, not knowing what position His Majesty would arrange for him.

Liu Bian said with a smile: "Zilong, do you remember the last time I asked you to choose someone with special skills and high martial arts in the imperial army?"

Zhao Yun nodded slowly, but he didn't know what this had to do with Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang. Could it be that they wanted to re-form a force?

Thinking of the people that His Majesty asked him to choose, Zhao Yun did not feel envious of these two. He could imagine the terrifying lethality of the elites selected from the hundreds of thousands of troops.

"Your Majesty, do you want to lead these people to Brother Zhan Zhao and Brother Yuanfang?"

Liu Bian nodded and said, "Not bad!!"

After saying this, his eyes showed the domineering arrogance of the world: "I want to build a terrifying team, it will become my eyes, my ears, inquire about all things in the world for me, and kill everything for me (cdbi) Enemies that need to be eliminated."

"They walk on the tip of the knife, they live in the dark. 99

Liu Bian's words made the blood boil in the chests of the three of them, and even Zhao Yun was heartbroken, looking at Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao with envy.

And Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao are even more full of joy, aren't the things the emperor said are the things they are best at?

"Your Majesty, we must go through fire and water to remove all obstacles on the road ahead for Your Majesty!!"

There was a very determined look in their eyes.

Liu Bian slowly lifted the two from the ground: "I have already arranged everything in Xindu City, when you return to Xindu, look for Liu Bowen, and he will tell you what to do! 39

"Zhan Zhao, you are responsible for spying on intelligence, collecting information, and monitoring the enemy's situation. As for Li Yuanfang, you are responsible for assassinating and destroying..."

"The two of you are the leaders of the two teams, and you only need to report all your actions to me, and no one else has to tell me. Remember that from today onwards, the only person you need to be loyal to is me. You can't reveal your identity in front of anyone, is that clear?

After saying this, Liu Bian turned his attention to Zhao Yun intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhao Yun was in a very embarrassing situation at this time. He didn't have any second thoughts about Liu Bian, but the more he listened to Liu Bian's words, the more important it became, and even in the end he even said all the things that could not be shared. Isn't he embarrassed?

But even if he wants to retire at this time, I am afraid that His Majesty will not agree.

Zhao Yun was sitting on pins and needles, he had never felt such a situation.

After listening to Liu Bian's words, Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang fell to their knees without any hesitation: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, we know in our hearts that from now on, no one except Your Majesty will know our truth. identity.

Liu Bian nodded with satisfaction: "Zilong, you must be wondering why I let you stay here and listen to such confidential things.

Although Zhao Yun did not reply, the doubts on his face were already explained.

Liu Bian said: "Your other identity is a law enforcement officer. If there are any illegal rules under the two of them, you can deal with them directly. You are only responsible to me, understand?"

"Law enforcement?"

Zhao Yun was stunned for a moment, and then happily agreed: "Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you for your gift!!""

"I don't know what the general name of our army is?

When Zhao Yun asked this question, Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao also stared at Liu Bian expectantly. When they walk and do things, they always need to leave their names, so this is very important.

Liu Bian paused for a while: "Walking in the dark is called a night guard! You are the subordinates of the dark hall, the killing hall, and the leader of the law hall..."

"Night Guard!!

"Dark Hall!!!

. . . . .

"My servant takes orders!!"

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