Three Kingdoms: The Eighteen Riders of Yanyun are Summoned at the Start

Chapter 267 Terrifying props - the power of the national jade seal!

in the big account.

The three Zhao Yun were all thinking about their futures, and when they thought of the happy situation, their faces showed even more joy.

At this time, Liu Bian, who founded Yewei, may not have expected it on a whim. As his power grows, Yewei's power grows, and it really becomes an organization.

Not only the enemy, but even the generals and officials inside are in awe, for fear of provoking these gods of death~.

Of course, these are all later stories, after arranging things for the three of them-.

Liu Bian said again: "The construction of the secret hall and the killing hall that Yewei finally wants at present, I need you to have all the states and counties in the world within a year, and we need to grasp the movements of all the forces in the world. How much money is needed, how many people are needed, I don't ask, I only need a result-result!"

Speaking of this, Liu Bian's eyes widened, and his sharp eyes fell directly on the two of them.

In a year, it is not difficult to spread all over the world of the big man, but the eagerness on Zhan Zhao's face is even more obvious.

He bowed forward and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely do my best to complete the task assigned by Your Majesty. If you can't do it, you will be punished by Your Majesty!"

After Zhan Zhao finished expressing his attitude, Li Yuanfang also bowed and said, "This is also the case with your minister, it will definitely become the sharpest sword in His Majesty's hand, as long as His Majesty's sword is pointed, it will definitely remove any obstacles!!

Liu Bian laughed: "I also believe in you very much. Tomorrow the two of you can go back to Beijing to find Liu Bowen. As for Zilong, you should still be by my side first, and as for Fatang, you can take time to do it.

Speaking of which, Liu Bian patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder.

Zhao Yun also knew that the location of this law hall was very important, and it was aimed at the internal law enforcers, but because he was very important, it was not important now, at least when the night guard was not perfect, his law hall was not important.

"Your Majesty, this is the jade seal that this minister went to Luoyang to retrieve this time. Now it should be presented to Your Majesty and returned to its original owner!!"9

After speaking, Zhao Yun took out a box from his arms, held it in both hands, and bowed his face reverently in front of Liu Bian.

Liu Bian slowly opened the box containing the jade seal.

As soon as it was opened, a green light rose directly into the sky, and the introduction of Yuxi appeared in Liu Bian's mind at the next moment.

"The system detects that the treasure is nearby and conducts data analysis!

"Yuxi (treasure, unique!)

A symbol of status, Qin Shihuang unified the eight wastes, and once asked Li Si to write on it, "Ordered by the sky, longevity is eternal." ' I hope I can live forever and my legacy can be passed on forever!!

Add 10 intelligence points

Add 10 points of force

add 10 points to politics

Add 10 points of commander (The increase of the above attributes is not limited to the limit of 99 points of human beings.)

Skill 1: The Qi of a True Dragon, which emits the aura of a True Dragon, can shock the enemy (70% chance to cause fear to the surrounding soldiers, the fear effect will automatically rout, retreat, dare not resist, 50% chance to weaken the generals Its 10 points of force value.), use it once a day!

Skill 2 is unparalleled: Increase your full charm value and have an extraordinary attraction to women.

After reading Yuxi's introduction, Liu Bai's mouth is very big.

The terrifying attributes on this really shocked him and rejoiced.

Not only did all attributes increase by ten points, but the two accompanying skills were even more invincible.

Although True Dragon Qi can only be activated once a day, the effect is like a buff, especially for small soldiers, where they go, there is a 70% chance to make them fear, retreat, and then they will move forward one step ahead. Chong, isn't that like a bulldozer, no one can stop it?

The weakening of generals is even more fatal, and Liu Bian can even imagine that as long as this skill is successfully activated, no matter who it is in the world, it is impossible for him to be his opponent.

Liu Bian is immersed in the terrifying properties of the jade seal, but the momentum he exudes when he watches the jade seal, which surprises Zhao Yun, Li Yuanfang, and Zhan Zhao.

In addition to emitting a fiery blue light, Yuxi also cooperated with Liu Bian to send out bursts of coercion.

Even the three of them almost couldn't resist the terrifying aura.

You must know that this jade seal was the first to be seen by the three of them, but no matter how they looked at it, this jade seal was like a large piece of beautiful jade, and there was nothing special about it at all.

Is this the so-called Son of Destiny?

After thinking for a long time, the three finally made such a judgment. Besides, they really couldn't think of how to explain all these strange phenomena.

In the system, after Liu Bian carefully scrutinized the properties of the jade seal, the smile on his face became more and more intense. This was simply an artifact to him. It seemed that Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang, who he summoned for the first time, gave him a gift for himself. The benefits are really not small.

No wonder the attributes of the two are not so powerful, but the summoning points that can be spent are quite a lot. It seems that everything is fair. The more summoning points are spent, the better the things will be.

"Ding Dong, the system prompts, do you want to bind the Chuan Guo Yuxi? If the binding is successful, it will not drop unless you die!!

"Bind!! 35

Liu Bian gave the order without any hesitation.

"The jade seal is being bound.

"Binding succeeded!"

"It is detected that the territory currently owned by the host is less than half, so the effect of the jade seal is weakened by half! 35

"Half of the current Yuxi's ability is sealed!! When the occupied area exceeds half of the world, the dispute will be automatically resolved. 95

A series of sounds from the system made Liu Bian's mood drop directly from the sky to the ground.

Half sealed, it can be said that the two skills are almost useless. Although they have improved, they are not as terrifying as the full amount.

But Liu Bian has no way, all these are the requirements of the system, even as the emperor, he still can't go against it.

Sighing secretly, Liu Bian withdrew from the system space with some sigh.

Seeing Liu Bian go from happy to disappointed, this made Zhao Yun and the three outsiders even more confused.

After a while, Zhao Yun said: "Your Majesty, is there any other problem with this jade seal? The minister did not check carefully, please make amends!! 39

Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao also hurriedly pleaded guilty.

Liu Bian shook his head: "It has nothing to do with you, it's all my fault..."

"You all do your own thing, I'm a little tired!!"

After Liu Bian finished speaking, although the three still had doubts, they did not stop and slowly exited the dragon tent.

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