This scene was seen by Tan Dun's personal soldiers, and they rushed towards Zhang He with an angry roar.

Zhang He laughed, the spear in his hand swept out again, and the few personal soldiers couldn't even resist a single move, and fell directly to the ground.

"Tao Dun has already been caught by me, everyone will stop for me, and surrender will not die, otherwise you king will die."

Zhang He's voice was so loud that many Wuhuan cavalrymen couldn't help but stop when they heard Zhang He's roar, and looked towards the place where Zhang He was. Sure enough, their king had already been captured.



More and more Wuhuan people who were loyal to Tadun rushed towards Zhang He with murderous intent.

Zhang He sneered at the corner of his mouth, and punched "One Seven Seven" at the horse's Tadun: "Do you want to see all the soldiers under your command die? There will be no danger to your life, not even you!!"9

Tadun was directly hit by Zhang He's punch and vomited blood. His face was full of anger, and he said savagely: "If you want to kill, kill, why talk nonsense? How could the warriors of the Wuhuan surrender to you?"

"Have you ever seen an eagle on the prairie surrender to a rabbit on the ground?"

Zhang He was furious, but he also knew that Tiao Dun was seriously injured at the moment, and could not bear his iron fist, so he didn't say more, just said coldly: "Generals, since these people are stubborn, let Laozi kill them all. !"

"Let Tadun personally see the death of all his clansmen!!


Zhang He's killing intent exuded from his body at this time, and even Tiao Dun could clearly feel it, but he still had no regrets, because his own side was completely superior in numbers, and no matter what, he would always be able to break out of the siege. As for himself?

Tadun smiled bitterly and did not continue to think further, because he knew that from today onwards, his own life was completely beyond his control.

The battle continued, but everything seemed as good as Tadun thought. As time went on, the damage on both sides became more and more, although the overall casualties of the Wuhuan cavalry were far greater than that of Zhang He's army.

But after all, the gap between the numbers of the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.

There was also a smile on Tadun's face, who was lying on his back in an extremely uncomfortable position.

Seeing Zhang He desperately killing his own people, the rest of the soldiers who resisted him had the upper hand.

Tadun mocked: "Even if you Zhang He is heroic and invincible, can you still kill all of my clan with the strength of one person?"

"Don't be out of your mind, haha!!


He seemed to be laughing too hard, and he even coughed directly.

The fierce light in Zhang He's eyes became more and more intense, and he hit Tadun on the back with his elbow again, and shouted angrily: "Those wastes under your command are not afraid of death, do the warriors of my big man still cherish their lives? Even if it is procrastination, drag you to death!"

"Let you leave the seeds of fear in your soul, only in this way will you dare not offend me, otherwise you will be wiped out one day.

Zhang He's voice seemed to float out of hell, and even the murderous Fei Dun shook a few times in his heart.

This time more than 100,000 horses were almost wiped out, isn't it like what Zhang He said?

The elites in the clan have been killed and wounded, how can the rest ensure their hegemony on the grasslands?

Tadun was lost and regretted. He felt that he really shouldn't come to the Han Dynasty. He originally wanted to take advantage of the collapse of the Han Dynasty to get a lot of benefits, but now there is no benefit, and the casualties are heavy.

"Why, you're scared?" Zhang He mocked and glanced at Tadun, then he picked up his spear and threw himself among the Wuhuan soldiers again.

At this time, his body was covered with blood, some of which belonged to him, but most of them belonged to the enemy.

He can't remember how many people he killed, and his body is exhausted, but he still keeps reaping the lives of the Wuhuan people.

There were fewer and fewer soldiers around, and the archers in ambush in the woods rushed up with weapons, but the situation was still not good.

Are you really going to take the last step?

Thinking of Zhang He looking at Fei Dun coldly, if he really couldn't win, he could only kill Fei Dun first, and he couldn't care about the others.

Tadun only felt a chill behind him, and the breath of death enveloped his body.

He was really scared, he really felt the fear of death clearly...

At this moment, I heard the chaos at the rear of the Wuhuan cavalry, followed by a familiar voice from afar.

"General Zhang He, don't worry, Zhang Xiu is here!!"

"General Zhang He, don't worry, Zhan Zhao is here!!!

A loud roar flew across the battlefield and flew directly into Zhang He's ears.


"As expected, the commander still has his back, brothers, our reinforcements are here, kill me!! 35

“All but surrendered to Laozi!!!99

Zhang He roared angrily, as if to vent all the depression in his heart.

Tadun's face was ashen, originally he seemed to see hope, but at this moment, it was all extinguished.

As the king of the Wuhuan, he thought so, and the rest of the Wuhuan cavalry were even more ashes.

Originally, the only belief that supported them in continuing to fight was to break out of the siege and rescue Tatton, but now that Yue Fei's reinforcements have arrived, how can they still have a chance?

Hearing the voices of surrender and not killing coming from time to time, their eyes became more and more confused.

The Wuhuan cavalry, who had no morale, basically had no fighting spirit. Finally, one person put down his weapon and shouted for his life, followed by a second and a third person in every corner of the battlefield.

This kind of infection is even said to be similar to the spread of the plague, but within a quarter of an hour, more than 10,000 Wu 1.8 Huan cavalrymen raised their hands and surrendered and jumped directly from their horses.

The only soldiers who were still fighting belonged to Tatton's personal soldiers. Without his orders, no one would surrender even if these personal soldiers were killed or wounded.

Even Zhang He's eyes showed admiration, no matter when and under what circumstances, warriors were always easily respected by others.

With a bitter look on his face, he used all his strength to shout loudly: "Don't fight again, don't fight again!! We surrender, surrender!! 95

"No one is allowed to resist me!!!"

Tadun roared loudly with the last strength of his body.

When those Wuhuan soldiers who were still fighting heard this, they slowly gave up their last resistance, put down their weapons with sad faces, and said in a low voice: "We surrender!!"

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