"Hoo hoo hoo!!

"The mighty Han!! Your Majesty is mighty!! The commander is mighty!!!

The sky-shattering roar resounded in the night sky, and the faces of all the soldiers showed joy.

In the distance, Zhan Zhao and Zhang Xiu came to Zhang He's side. Seeing that Zhang He was blood red all over his body, his face was even more astonished.

Although they had never experienced Zhang He's predicament, the two of them could still imagine how tragic the battle just now was. If both of them stayed at night for a while, Zhang He would be really dangerous.

"General Zhang He, we came too late! Otherwise you wouldn't..." Zhan Zhao and Zhang Xiu said softly, their words full of apology.

Zhang He laughed and waved his hand boldly: "It's not that I don't understand the situation on your side, the entire 100,000 Wuhuan cavalry are kept there by you, but it is much more difficult than my side.

"No matter what, we won and lived up to His Majesty's expectations for us.


"Ha 23 ha ha..."

After laughing, Zhan Zhao looked at the person who was lying down on Zhang He's face, and said, "Who is this person? Could it be a general of the Wuhuan?"

The smile on the corner of Zhang He's mouth is even more obvious: "I'm afraid you can't even imagine it if you want to break the sky, this person is undoubtedly Tian Dun!!


"It's actually him?"

Zhang Xiu and Zhan Zhao were surprised at first, and then they both showed smiles.

Zhang He nodded: "Yes, this is this person!"

"General Zhang He really made a great contribution to the sky!! 39 Both Zhan Zhao and Zhang Xiu congratulated him sincerely.

Zhang He was even more complacent, needless to say.

After gathering the surrendered troops, Zhang He led the army towards Yue Fei.

A ray of light appeared on the horizon again, and the red sun rose slowly in the distance, which seemed to indicate that the entire Han Dynasty broke through the darkness and stood on the top of the world again.

Inside the camp.

The soldiers never rested all night, and everyone was screaming with hunger. Therefore, after setting up the camp, they set fire to cook, not to mention. As for the Wuhuan soldiers, although they were also men in the middle of the belly, their hunger was unbearable. But he didn't dare to speak too much.

This is the case in reality, the losers have no right to speak at all.

In handsome account.

After Zhang Xiu, Zhang He and others reported the battle situation last night, everyone's faces also showed sadness.

Although more than 60,000 Wuhuan soldiers were captured and more than 70,000 were destroyed, their casualties were also very heavy.

The 40,000 horses brought by Yue Fei directly suffered more than half of the casualties. As for Liu Bowen, the casualties were much smaller, with only more than 10,000 casualties.

Seemingly feeling the low breath of the others, Liu Bowen said sternly: "Although our casualties were not small in this battle, we captured Wuhuan King Tadodun and annihilated Wuhuan's elite cavalry. It can be said that from today onwards Wuhuan Huan poses little threat to us, and we have scattered the entire Wuhuan tribe in the first battle, which can be said to be a great achievement.35

"There will inevitably be casualties in war, but only through the watering of blood can the soldiers grow up and the army grow up.

"I believe that one day, under the leadership of Your Majesty, the iron cavalry of our big man will break through any obstacles in the world, and all those who want to stop us will die. 35

After Yue Fei heard this, the resolute expression on his face became more and more obvious: "Master Liu is right, although our sacrifices are great, our gains are not small.

"You don't have to be sad about such a thing! How to deal with the 60,000 surrendered soldiers is a big problem. After all, if they use it well, they are a brave cavalry. will injure yourself.

When Yue Fei asked this question, he was saying that it was abruptly diverting everyone's attention. Therefore, after hearing Yue Fei's words, the rest of the people were full of contemplation, thinking about how to deal with these soldiers.

After a while, Zhang Xiu opened his mouth and said, "Master, these soldiers are not of our race, and sooner or later there will be a catastrophe, so it is better to spread them out and do your best for me.

Zhang Xiu's words were very secretive, and he just wanted to make him a slave.

Slaves are still very common in this era, especially in this kind of war between the two countries, the surrender of soldiers basically cannot escape this fate.

After he said this, Liu Bowen shook his head: "Although this can solve the problem of 60,000 soldiers surrendering, we also have an undead hatred with Wuhuan."

"Although Wuhuan has suffered a lot of trauma right now, after all, he has dominated the grasslands for more than a hundred years, and there are still a lot of troops in the tribe. For now, we should focus on pacifying the rest of the rebels in the country, and we should not be in the middle of these barbarians. Such strength from generation to generation.39

"In addition, if these soldiers can be used by me, it can be said that they will be of great help to us, and it would be a pity to abandon them."

Liu Bowen's words are equivalent to setting the tone for this matter.

It's how we can think of ways to make use of these soldiers.

After rejecting Zhang Xiu's idea, the rest of the people had even more headaches.

Even Yue Fei didn't have a good idea at this time.

To tell the truth, this matter is too hot to handle. If it is not handled well, problems will arise in the future, which will all fall into the hearts of the people who came up with the idea, so they cannot help but dare not speak.

Liu Bowen also knew the crux of the problem, he did not continue to persecute everyone, but said: "I can go down and consider this matter carefully, and I will make a decision after I report it to Your Majesty."

As soon as he said this, no one had any opinions. If he could convince the public, he would only be the emperor Liu Bian himself.

Everyone in the tent just breathed a sigh of relief, only to hear a hurried announcement from outside.

The next moment, a soldier covered in blood rushed into the big tent and shouted: "Master, the big thing is not good, Dong thief will raise 100,000 troops, and attack my Youzhou in two groups!!99

After saying this, the soldier fell directly to the ground.

Yue Fei hurried forward and asked people to check the situation of the scout. After learning that the scout was just overworked, he fainted and he was relieved.

The news just now was too explosive, it can be said to be shocking, the specific situation still needs the information brought by this scout, so this scout can't go wrong.

Everyone in the handsome tent was also shocked by this news, everyone looked at each other in dismay, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

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