In the sky curtain, the god-level inventory continued.

Jiang Feng's voice still resounded throughout the world.

"Later, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Thief recovered."

"Cao Cao was ordered to pacify the Yellow Turban Thief."

"Three hundred thousand."

"Cao Cao collected his elite and formed the Qingzhou army, which was very powerful."

"Capable people and magi, rush to run."

"Cao Cao then shocked Shandong, famous in the world..."

As soon as Jiang Feng's words came out, the world was shocked.

Luoyang, among the royal palaces.

Listening to the voice on the sky screen, the hearts of all the princes were full of shock.

300,000 pawns....

Isn't this 300,000 soldiers?!

Of course, the Yellow Turban Thief has poor combat effectiveness.

Much inferior to the regular army.

However, if there are capable generals who command training, they can also double their combat power!

Collect the elite, even if you remove half of it, there are more than a hundred thousand people!

Coupled with the original soldiers, the Cao army was afraid that there were already 200,000 people at that time!

The hearts of the eighteen-way princes all chuckled.

Because, even the arrogant and tyrannical Dong thief now has only 200,000 soldiers!

200,000 soldiers and horses is enough to run amok in the world!

Yuan Shao's heart was also full of shock.

There was not only shock, but also a little fear.

"Cao Ah can actually have 200,000 soldiers and horses!"

"If I want to defeat him, do I have to need hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses?"

"But where can there be hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses?"

As soon as his heart moved, a name popped up in Yuan Shao's mind.


He also remembered a sentence.

"Yuan Shaohu is in Jizhou, and there are many generals!"

This sentence is exactly Liu Bei's evaluation of Yuan Shao in "Green Plum Brewing Wine Heroes".

Yuan Shu remembered the "Honey Water Emperor Yuan Highway".

Among them, Cao Cao repeatedly defeated him.

Later, he sent Liu Bei and Zhu Ling to intercept him and defect to Yuan Shao.

In the end, it led him to become the Honey Water Emperor...

Now, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao are at odds.

A thought had risen in Yuan Shu's heart.

"If I really let Cao Cao get 300,000 pawns, wouldn't I die without a place to be buried?!"

Liu Bei also gasped.

Three hundred thousand pawns.

"If there are 300,000 pawns, why worry about the injustice of the world!"

In the shock of everyone, the inventory continued.

"After Mega Shandong, Cao Cao sent Taishan Taishou Yingxiao to Langya County."

"Welcome his father Cao Song."

"Receiving Cao Cao's letter, Cao Song was very happy in his heart."

"Immediately took his brother Cao De, and a family of more than forty people, more than 100 followers, and more than 100 cars."

"Hao, go straight to Yanzhou."

"Go to Yanzhou, pass through Xuzhou."

"Xuzhou is too guarded by Tao Qian and wants to befriend Cao Cao."

"Then he sent the capital lieutenant Zhang Min to lead five hundred soldiers to escort Cao Song."

"It's late summer and early autumn."

"The group walked to the county border, and suddenly it rained heavily."

"Everyone can only vote for an ancient temple to rest."

"The ancient temple is small and cannot accommodate many people."

"Cao Song settled his family in the ancient temple."

"Order General Zhang Min to stay in the corridor..."

Langya County, Cao Province.

Looking at the scene on the sky screen, Cao Song's heart finally calmed down.

Cao Cao's heart still has him.

As for Lu Boyao being killed....

Now that it had happened, he could only accept it.

What's more, Cao Cao was his favorite son.

He is also his most valued son!

Although Lu Boyao is his righteous brother, he is an outsider after all.

How can it be compared to Cao Cao!

Cao Song sighed in his heart.

"Bo Yu, if it weren't for my lack of affection, your death was really an accident."

"Destiny, so providential."

"In the future, I will worship from afar every year."

"You are under the Nine Springs, don't blame me..."

In Cao Song's gaze, the picture on the sky screen has changed.

It has become a mountain forest.

In the mountains and forests, the sky is gloomy and dark clouds cover the top.

Rain cats and dogs.

In the midst of heavy rain, an ancient temple became independent.

The field of view is closer.

In the ancient temple, Cao Song, Cao De father and son are resting in the ancient temple.

The ancient temple is not big.

Dozens of Cao Cao's family members, and hundreds of Cao family attendants, occupied the entire ancient temple.

Outside the ancient temple.

The five hundred soldiers led by Zhang Min were all crowding into the corridor.

Many people are directly in the heavy rain.

The wind and rain were fierce, as if it was the wrath of heaven.

Cleanse the world.

Soon, all the soldiers' armor and clothes were wet by the rainstorm.

Soaked armor not only doubles the weight.

Moreover, stick to the body.

Extremely uncomfortable.

Among the soldiers, there was soon a lot of complaints.

"This ghost weather, Lao Tzu really can't stand it!"

"This Cao Song really can't be a person."

"Can't be human? How can everyone be a lieutenant? "

"I heard that he paid bribes to eunuchs to become a lieutenant..."

"Can a high-ranking official who often pays bribes be a person?"

"It's not that he can't be a man, he simply looks down on us mud legs!"

"Not bad, he doesn't have us people in his eyes at all!"

"There really is no good thing for an official!"

"I heard that his father was a eunuch."

"Fart, his father is a eunuch, how did he give birth to him?"

"He's his father's adopted son..."

Langya County, Cao Province.

Looking at the picture on the sky screen, Cao Song's face was embarrassed.

He doesn't look down on these mud legs.

He doesn't have these people in his eyes at all!

Don't care how these people feel at all!

But now, when the god-level inventory released these pictures, Cao Song still felt extremely embarrassed.

He can imagine that many mud legs in the world will definitely scold themselves!

Even scolded his own ancestors for eighteen generations!

Even many self-appointed Qingliu literati will scold themselves!

Luoyang City, among the royal palaces.

The hearts of the eighteen-way princes were also full of questions.

Isn't it "Cao Mengde", who is the hero of the world, who is taking stock today?

Why talk about Cao Cao's father?

Could it be that this old guy is not an ordinary person either?

Although Cao Song had been an official as a imperial lieutenant, his imperial lieutenant was obtained by bribing the eunuchs in power.

Therefore, many people do not take him seriously.

Looking at his father, Cao Cao's heart was also full of questions.

In the midst of everyone's doubts, the picture on the sky screen has begun to move.

Moved to the ancient temple.

Inside the ancient temple, looking at the heavy rain outside, Cao Song only felt bored.

With a movement in his heart, Cao Song had already thought of a way to solve boredom.

Watch the dancing.

With Cao Song's order, the four retinue of Kabuki had already begun to dance.

Waist model.

A clever smile.

The dance was like spring breeze and rain, which suddenly dispelled Cao Song's boredom.

Cao Song's eyes lit up.

Like a spring breeze.

In the midst of the dancers' dance, the perspective moves again.

Moved outside the ancient temple.

Moved to a person's face.

This person is none other than Du Wei Zhang Min!

Zhang Min was also standing under the corridor at this time, and also standing at the door.

Located at the junction of the porch and the doorway.

He can see both the dancing inside and the soldiers outside.

You can feel the warmth inside and hear the complaints outside.

As Cao Song watched the dance, more and more people complained outside.

"Wow! He still has leisure to watch the dance! "

"Made, this soldier is really deserved!"

"If I knew this, I didn't throw myself into Tao Qian, I didn't get any benefits, and I received some sacks!"

"It's cool when you still dry yellow scarves, you can do whatever you want!"

"That's right, how cool and comfortable you are when you dry a yellow towel!"

"Those who are rich, those who are officials, who see Lao Tzu must not call the master?"

"Not bad, at that time, who didn't tremble in front of Lao Tzu!"

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