Listening to the complaints of the soldiers, Du Lieutenant Zhang Min's expression was extremely complicated.

Because, he turned out to be also a yellow turban army.

Leader of the Yellow Turban Army.

After being recruited by Tao Qian, he became a lieutenant.

These soldiers were all his former subordinates.

In the midst of the complaints of the crowd, Zhang Min's gaze suddenly swept over the carriage on the side.

That's a hundred carriages.

These cars are loaded with Cao Song's belongings!

Cao Teng and Cao Song two generations, decades of accumulated property!

Looking at these belongings, Zhang Min's eyes suddenly flashed a fierce color...

Luoyang City, in the imperial palace.

Looking at the fierce color in Zhang Min's eyes, Cao Cao's pupils shrank instantly.

In the blink of an eye, he had thought of something terrible.

"This Zhang Min, does he want to harm my father?"

The eighteen princes all saw this cruel color.

Some of these people may not be heroes.

But, it's definitely all elite.

Listening to the complaints of the soldiers, he looked at the fierceness in Zhang Min's eyes.

They all thought of a possibility.

Yuan Shao's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yuan Shu was immediately overjoyed.

Lu Bu was also overjoyed.

As filial piety moved Tianlu Fengxian, Lü Bu likes to watch other people's fathers die.

Liu Bei's face was still full of joy and anger.

However, in his heart, he was also a little happy.

Because, although Liu Bei has the name of the Han family, he is actually from the bottom.

As a mat seller, Liu Bei knows the hardships of ordinary people!

He could feel the feeling of those soldiers!

He also disliked Cao Song's eyes!

In the eyes of everyone, on the sky screen.

Zhang Min had already walked directly to the group of soldiers.

With a wave of his hand, Zhang Min had already recruited several leaders.

A few people came outside, a quiet and private place.

"What is the general's order?" One of the leaders asked.

Zhang Min said in a low voice: "We were all yellow turban Yudang, and we were forced to helplessly, and we were reluctantly recruited by Tao Qian. "

"But, to this day, we have not received any benefits!"

All the leaders were listening.

Zhang Min continued: "Now that the Cao family has countless heavy vehicles, it is not difficult for us to get rich. "

Several leaders were stunned.

One leader said, "The general means... Cao Song? "

Zhang Min nodded and said, "Tonight, everyone rushed in directly, killed Cao Song's family, took Cao Song's belongings, and went to the mountains to drop grass together." "

"Isn't it better than being in a nest here?"

Several leaders all nodded.

Everyone's eyes are full of greed.

And the fierce light.

Soon, several leaders immediately informed the news....

As soon as the scene on the sky screen came out, countless people were shocked.

Before, many people were still wondering why Cao Song appeared in the god-level inventory.

After all, a god-level inventory, an inch of gold and a penny.

Even many extremely important things are not explicitly said.

It's just a passing stroke.

Now, they finally know why.

Langya County, Cao Mansion.

Looking at the scene on the sky screen, Cao Song gasped.

Speechless for a long time.

Cao Song's dozens of family members and hundreds of servants were also taken aback.

Luoyang City, in the main hall of the imperial palace.

In the hearts of the eighteen-way princes, they all had the mentality of watching the excitement.

Yuan Shao was secretly happy in his heart.

The corners of Yuan Shu's mouth showed a smile.

Only Cao Cao, with a solemn expression and a frown.

Of course, Cao Cao knew that the scene on the god-level inventory was the future scene.

It is a future that can be changed.

However, Cao Cao's heart was still extremely sad.

Because he knows that it is too difficult to change the future!

Even if you change some details, it is difficult to change the final result.

If you want to change the future, it is almost a change against the sky!

Behind Cao Cao, all the generals of the Cao clan, Xiahou Wei, Xiahou Yuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Cao Ang, etc., all held their breath.

Hoping things will turn around.

In the midst of everyone's attention, the scene on the sky screen has begun to play quickly.

Outside the ancient temple, although the heavy rain has stopped, the light rain has continued unceasingly.

However, the soldiers' complaints have been much smaller.

In the ancient temple, Cao Song, Cao De and others were still comfortable.

Soon, it was evening.

The dancing has stopped.

The Cao family is young, and they have already finished dinner.

Although on the way to move, Cao Song's dinner was even extravagant.

The soldiers outside the ancient temple are eating dry food.

Dry food wet by the rain is extremely difficult to swallow.

Some soldiers, eating and eating, had tears in their eyes.

After dinner, Cao Song chose to rest.

Lie down in a kimono.

I don't know how long it took, Cao Song suddenly heard a shout on the four walls.

The shouts of many people!

Cao Song was immediately taken aback.

Everyone in the Cao family changed their faces greatly.

Cao Cao's younger brother, Cao De, immediately drew his sword and unsheathed it.

Go outside.

He wanted to go out and see what was going on.

However, as soon as he walked out of the doorway, several spears were already stabbing at him.

One of the shots stabbed him directly in the chest!

Directly pierced his chest!

Cao De was directly stabbed to death with a shot!

At the same time, a clear shout was heard from the doorway.

"Brothers rush! Kill the Cao thief! "

"Rush, grab money, grab food, and rob women!"

Everyone in the Cao family was shocked.

Cao Song quickly took a concubine and ran out through the back door.

Cao Song wants to go over the wall!

However, this concubine of Cao Song is quite fat.

She can't climb over this wall!

At this time, the enemy's shouts of killing had sounded behind him.

Seeing is about to catch up.

Panick does not choose the way, poverty does not choose the wife.

Gritting his teeth, Cao Song took the concubine directly and hid in a toilet.

In the toilet, Cao Song held her breath.

The concubine covered her mouth tightly with her hand.

The bodies of the two people were shaking violently.

In the extreme tension of the two people, several pursuers had directly broken into the toilet.

"Cao Thief is here! Cao Thief is here! "

The pursuers let out an excited cry.

In the midst of the shouts, the spears in their hands had stabbed at Cao Song and the concubines in the toilet.

Soon, several holes had been pierced out of the bodies of the two!

In the midst of the gushing blood, the two had collapsed in the toilet...


Dozens of Cao family members, all of them have been killed by the chaotic soldiers!

More than 100 followers, without exception!

More than a hundred people, all dead!

Bodies are strewn all over the ground.

Blood flowed down the rain.

Blood stained the entire ancient temple....

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