imperial city.

A fire broke out at the palace gate, blocking the way to enter the palace, and the Xiliang army gathered in Chang'an City could not enter through the palace gate.

But this is not a big problem, because the Chang'an Imperial Palace has been in disrepair for a long time, the tall palace walls have collapsed long ago, and some places are even full of big holes.

The Xiliang army gathered from the city could easily enter the palace by climbing over the wall or drilling holes.

But as soon as these Xiliang troops entered the palace, they encountered flying bear troops fleeing in all directions.

The Xiliang army who just came in looked confused, not knowing what happened.

A Xiliang army encountered an acquaintance in the Feixiong army, and hurriedly stopped him and asked, "What happened? Why are you running?"

"Run! Xiangguo was killed by Lu Bu!" After speaking, he continued to run.

The Xiliang army who had just entered the palace heard the news that Dong Zhuo had been killed, and it was like a blow to the head.

"Damn it, the Flying Bears are all gone, are we still waiting to die? Let's go."

As Dong Zhuo's personal guards, the Feixiong army is now running away, and there is no need for the ordinary Xiliang army to stay.

These Xiliang troops who had just entered escaped through the wall again.

They don't know what exactly happened in the palace, how many people Lu Bu led to rebel, they only know that Dong Zhuo is dead, and they only know that they have to run away now.

For a time, the entire Chang'an city was flying like dogs and dogs.

The Xiliang army is not in the mood to harm the people now, and they are running out of the city with both legs, for fear that they will be blocked in the city by Lu Bu and others.

But after leaving the city, these Xiliang troops fell into a momentary confusion, not knowing where to go.

The soldiers were confused, but the Xiliang generals were not.

All generals have one thought at this moment, go back to the barracks first, and then lead the army.

No matter whether you want to find Lu Bu to fight for your life or not, it is always more secure to hold the army first.

Under the leadership of the Xiliang generals, both the Xiliang army and the Feixiong army rushed towards the barracks outside the city.

But when the Xiliang generals arrived at the barracks, even they were confused.

At this moment, in the Xiliang barracks, blood flowed like rivers, corpses piled up like mountains, and there was not a single living person in the barracks.

"It's over..."

"what to do.…"

Everyone was dumbfounded. Looking at the hellish scene in front of them, from leading 04 to the soldiers, they felt chills all over, and fear enveloped everyone's heart.

"There are no soldiers, where should we go?" Guo Bang lost his voice.

"Run! Where else can I go? In short, I can't stay in Guanzhong, or I will be caught and killed by Lu Bu sooner or later!" Li Jue roared tremblingly to cover up his inner fear.

At this moment, there are not many soldiers accompanying the Xiliang generals.

The Feixiong army had a total of 3,000 men, and there were not many defenders in Chang'an, because Dong Zhuo didn't live in Chang'an, so the deployment of troops was naturally very perfunctory, only a few thousand troops.

And on the way to escape, many soldiers did not choose to follow the crowd, but chose to run alone, or in groups of three or four, and fled Chang'an together, never looking back.

Xilian, who was staying in the barracks, had the bulk of the troops under Xiliang Army's generals.

It's a pity that these troops have been slaughtered by Xu Rong.

Even those who escaped from the barracks over the wall, they don't know where they went at this moment.

There are less than 10,000 soldiers from Xiliang at the gate of the barracks.

"Let's go! Leave Guanzhong, let's go to Guandong."

Insufficient troops, naturally insufficient confidence, no one dared to turn around and find trouble with Lu Bu, and no one in the Xiliang army was not afraid of Lu Bu.

When he was under Ding Yuan's tent, Lu Bu rubbed them hard.

Now that Lu Bu has directly killed Dong Zhuo in public, Lu Bu is even more powerful, and the Xiliang army is even more afraid of Lu Bu.

A group of people left in a mighty manner, bypassed Chang'an City, and headed east.


Several deserters appeared in Meiwu, and they were the ones who escaped from the barracks over the wall before.

Some of these deserters fled to Chang'an, and some ran to Meiwu.

"Open the door quickly! I have an urgent military situation and inform General Zuo!"

After confirming the identity of the deserters, several deserters were brought into Meiwu.

And the General Zuo mentioned by the deserters is Dong Zhuo's dear idol.

After Dong Zhuo left Meiwu, Dong Min took charge of the guarding of Meiwu.

The Feixiong Army was taken away by Dong Zhuo, but there are still a good number of Xiliang Army in the dock.

Meiwu is Dong Zhuo's lair, where Dong Zhuo's countless wealth is piled up, and there is enough food and grass for thirty years.

"What happened?" Dong Min asked looking at the flustered deserter.

"General Zuo is bad! The Bingzhou army rebelled, and all the brothers in the barracks died!"

Several deserters shouted and chattered, and told Dong Min what happened in the general camp.

After Dong Min listened, he only felt a chill rushing from his tailbone straight to Tianlinggai.

The Bingzhou army rebelled. To Dong Min's ears, it can be understood that Lu Bu rebelled.

After all, he was a man with a criminal record. The last victim was Ding Yuan.

Who is not afraid of Lu Bu's prestige?

Dong Min immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. Lu Buchou's action today was definitely planned for a long time. Maybe the so-called ascension to the throne was a trap.

Dong Min thought a lot in a flash, but the situation was urgent, and Dong Min couldn't allow Dong Min to think too much, so he immediately ordered:

"Send the order, the army is assembled, rush to the Chang'an Palace to rescue Xiangguo!"

Dong Min knew very well that Dong Zhuo was the pillar of the family.

As long as nothing happens to Dong Zhuo, Sakako will say everything.

Therefore, when a critical situation arises, Dong Min's first reaction is to rescue Dong Zhuo.

Save Dong Zhuo at any cost, then the situation can still be controlled.

But if Dong Zhuo died...Dong Min quickly shook his head, not daring to continue thinking about it.

The army in Meiwu quickly assembled, leaving only a small number of guards to guard.

The Xiliang army set off in a mighty manner, and rushed towards Chang'an quickly.


Dong Min led the army non-stop, and the whip in his hand wished to be snapped.

The Xiliang army does not have infantry as a unit, all of them are cavalry, which is also a difficult point for the Xiliang army.

Dong Min, who was galloping on horseback, was worried about Dong Zhuo's situation and didn't pay attention to the road conditions.

Suddenly the horse stumbled, and Dong Min was thrown off the horse and flew forward.

It wasn't just Dong Min alone, the cavalry who ran in the front row of the team all flew out at the same time.

After falling from the horse, Dong Min panicked for a moment in mid-air, then reacted quickly, and quickly curled up in mid-air before landing.

The people of Xiliang grew up on horseback since they were young, and it was not the first time Ma mentioned this kind of situation.

When every Xiliang person learns to ride a horse, they will be taught by their elders the experience and skills to avoid falling off the horse.


Dong Min's body rolled into a ball, rolled a long distance on the ground, and then collapsed to the ground in pain.

Experience is experience, but experience can only save life, and it is impossible to avoid the injury of falling.

Throwing from the horseback galloping at high speed, even if you do your best to avoid damage, you will still be thrown to pieces, and minor injuries are unavoidable.

A large number of Xiliang army horses in the front row stumbled and fell down one after another.

With so many people falling off their horses, Yu immediately sensed that something was wrong.

Lying on the ground and looking towards the ground, I saw many small pits densely dug out on the official road.

The small pit is inconspicuous, one inch square, and the depth is very shallow.

But this kind of small pit is extremely unfriendly to horses, and this is the horse trap that makes cavalry hate it.

As long as you don't notice, when the horse's hooves step into the small hole while running, the slender and slender legs of the horse will lose their balance and break directly.

There are so many traps, it must be human history.

And when Dong Min realized this, Xu Rong came out with an army.


A pawn appeared in front of the official road, blocked the front of the Xiliang army, and quickly formed a square formation.

The rest of the Bingzhou cavalry rushed out from the two wings behind the Xiliang army.

There were infantry phalanxes and horse traps in the front, and Bingzhou cavalry in the rear. The Xiliang army led by Yan fell into a front and back attack.

Enduring the severe pain in his body, Dong Min got up from the ground with his sword in his hand, drew out his sword and ordered loudly: "Turn around, cavalry fight! Don't pay attention to infantry!"

In Dong Min's view, although the pawns and horse pits blocked the way forward, he didn't need to care about it. As long as the cavalry behind him were dealt with, there would be no problem.

However, the Bingzhou infantry responded immediately, shooting waves of arrows towards the Xiliang army.

At this moment, the Bingzhou infantry seemed to be invincible. They were surrounded by horse pits, and the Xiliang army had no way to charge and kill the infantry.

Standing in an invincible position, Bingzhou infantry can output comfortably, using bows and arrows to shoot Xiliang army.

In this way, the Xiliang Army started to turn around despite the arrow rain, and the Bingzhou cavalry had already arrived, and directly entered the ranks of the Xiliang Army.

Bingzhou cavalry and Xiliang cavalry were strangled together in an instant, and the fight was indistinguishable.

Seeing that their own cavalry was fighting with Xiliang cavalry, Bingzhou infantry naturally couldn't continue to shoot arrows, and they were afraid of accidentally injuring their own cavalry.

Giving up shooting with bows and arrows, the Bingzhou infantry marched in a phalanx. The phalanx slowly moved forward, and the Bingzhou infantry held spears and pressed towards the back of the Xiliang army.

At this moment, the two cavalry were fighting together, and both lost their speed advantage.

Without sprint speed, cavalry is no threat to infantry.

The cavalry standing still had no formation at all, and it was not convenient to turn around while sitting on horseback, and they were even less flexible than infantry.

The phalanx advanced quickly and joined the battle group, and began to flank the Xiliang army back and forth.

However, on the scene, it is still difficult for the Bingzhou Army to say what advantage it has.

The total strength of Xu Rong's troops is only ten thousand, which is far inferior to the Xiliang army led by Min.

Therefore, even though there was an ambush, and despite the advantage of front and rear attack, it only offset part of the strength advantage of the Xiliang Army, and the Bingzhou Army still fought very hard.

But no matter how difficult it is, you have to withstand it. How can it be easy to rebel?

Before Lu Bu succeeds, Xu Rong of Meiwu's Xiliang army must hold back and cannot let these troops go to Chang'an.

Corpses fell one after another, including those from the Xiliang Army and Bingzhou Army.

The fighting became more and more tragic, and it was indissoluble.

The situation in Chang'an is unknown, and Dong Zhuo's life and death are even more unknown. Dong Min went crazy and wanted to kill the Bingzhou army in front of him, and then went to Chang'an to support Dong Zhuo.

And Xu Rong didn't know the situation in Chang'an City, and didn't know whether Lu Bu succeeded or not.

The only thing Xu Rong can do is to do things well outside the city, help Lu Bu block the enemy, and win opportunities for Lu Bu.

Since neither side knew the situation in the city, there was no way out.

But in the end it was Bingzhou Army who had the last laugh, while Xijing Army and Min ushered in despair.

A gallop came, and it was Lu Bu who came.

After killing Dong Zhuo, the imperial palace and the Xiliang army in Chang'an fled in all directions, leaving Gao Shun and Li Su to control the situation in Chang'an. It was inconvenient for Lu to leave the city immediately and come to join Xu Rong.

The troops in Chang'an City are still too small, Lu Bu must liberate the large troops in order to completely control Chang'an, so there is no need to worry about too few troops.

"Dong Zhuo is dead! Surrender quickly!"

Lu Bu arrived on a red rabbit horse, Fang Tian painted a halberd

Dong Zhuo's head was still stuck on it.

Dong Min heard the words and looked back, and saw Lu Bu who came, and Dong Zhuo who came with Lu Bu.

As Dong Zhuo's younger brother, even though the head was covered with blood, when Dong Min saw the huge head, he was sure that it was Dong Zhuo.

The arrival of Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo's heads undoubtedly dealt a double blow to the Xiliang Army.

As soon as Dong Zhuo died, the Xiliang army lost its master.

As soon as Lu Bu arrived, the Xiliang army was panicked.

"Brothers! We won! Kill me!" Xu Rong shouted excitedly.

Xu Rong, who was uneasy, saw Lu Bu coming with Dong Zhuo's head, and his heart finally fell.

When Lu Bu came, the morale of the Bingzhou army was greatly boosted, and they slashed and killed the Xiliang army in front of them.

The morale of the Xiliang army was on the verge of collapse under the double blow.

"Hold on! We have a lot of people, kill these Bingzhou people, and Nizi will take you to eat and drink!" Dong Min tried to turn the tide.

Not to mention, as Dong Zhuo's younger brother, Dong Min's promise was indeed useful, and the Xiliang army immediately showed a tendency to stabilize.

It's a pity that Lu Bu has already arrived, so how could he give the Xiliang Army another chance.

Sitting on the horseback, Lu Bu placed Fang Tian's painting halberd heavily on the ground and stood it firmly on the ground.

Reach out for the precious carved bow, bend the bow and set the arrow, and the movements are smooth and smooth, all in one go.


The arrow pierced through the gaps in the crowd, and hit Dong Min's forehead in the eyes of Dong Min 300 who couldn't believe it.

The morale that had just recovered and the front line that had just stabilized completely collapsed when Dong Min was shot dead by Lu Bu with an arrow.

"Run away!"

"Lu Bu is here!"


The Xiliang army is all cavalry, so it is not too convenient to escape, as soon as the horse's belly is clamped, it will go out.

The Bingzhou army did not try to stop them, at most they killed some of the Xiliang army when they fled.

After the Xiliang army scattered and fled in all directions, the Bingzhou cavalry chased after the Xiliang army, hacked and killed a part of the Xiliang army, and killed them unorganized, so they did not continue to pursue.

These defeated Xiliang armies are no longer worthwhile, and it is not worth wasting time on them.

"Wen Sheng, you immediately take the cavalry to Chang'an City, and cooperate with Wen Yuan and Gongyi to control Chang'an and the imperial palace.

If the rebellion is successful, it is necessary to control the center as soon as possible, so as not to be taken advantage of by others.

"Here!" Xu Rong didn't delay at all, and immediately waved his hand and led the cavalry to Chang'an.

"Brothers, let's attack Meiwu." Lu Bu shouted at the remaining infantry.

"Kill!" This is the response of the Bingzhou Army, there is only one word to kill!

He cut off Dong Min's head with a halberd and surrounded Dong Zhuo's.

The heads of the two brothers are like candied haws, covered with blood-red syrup, strung on Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Lu Bu held the candied haws, rode a red rabbit horse, and led thousands of Bingzhou infantry, and rushed to Meiwu to rest assured.

When he came to the gate of Meiwu, Lu Bu shouted at the top of the wall: "Brother Dong Zhuo is dead, open the gate and surrender!"

At this moment, Meiwu has not many troops, but it is more than the Bingzhou army outside the city.

Meiwu City has high walls and thick walls, and there is no shortage of food and grass. If the Xiliang army sticks to it, Lu Bu will not be able to take it by force.

But at this moment in Meiwu, there is no one who can make up his mind.

Dong Zhuo's family is Ding Buwang, Dong Zhuo has three brothers, and Dong Zhuo is the second eldest.

The eldest brother above died early, and Dong Zhuo and Dong Min are now strung together into candied haws.

Dong Zhuo had two daughters and a son, but the son died young, leaving no grandchildren.

At this moment, in Meiwu, only the female relatives are left, and the Lixijing army has no leader.

Look at the famous Lu Bu in the city, and the two heads on Fang Tian's painted halberd.

The fearful Xiliang army finally opened the city gate tremblingly under the temptation of surrendering without killing.

After Lu Bu led the Bingzhou army into Meiwu, he first disarmed the Xiliang army, and then issued a military order: "Kill all, leave no one behind!"

"Excuse me, Lieutenant!"

"Didn't you surrender and not kill?!"

"Thief Lu Bu! You don't keep your word!"

Lu Bu sat on the horseback and sneered, "Soldiers never tire of deceit. My adoptive father stabbed two of them to death. Naigong never cared about his reputation, so he killed them all!"

Without the slightest hesitation, the Bingzhou army raised their knives and slaughtered the Xiliang army who had lost the ability to resist.

The enemy is strong and we are weak, and the Xiliang army is far more numerous than the Bingzhou army. Lu Bu doesn't want to leave trouble for himself because of his kindness.

After dealing with the Xiliang army, Lu Bu headed towards the house in the dock with his soldiers and horses. .

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