Walking slowly into the magnificent inner house, Lu Bu first sent soldiers to find the granary.

No one knows exactly how much grain and grass is enough to last for 30 years. In short, the grain is piled up like a mountain.

Food is definitely the most useful substance in troubled times, and it can even be said that there is no such thing.

So much food and grass must be taken care of, so as not to be burned by a fire, it would be a blood loss.

Walking into the main hall, at this moment, countless maids and servant girls are all cowering in the corner of the palace, trembling.

"Drag Dong Zhuo's family and kill them." Lu Bu ordered coldly.

There is nothing to hesitate to cut grass and roots.

A team of Bingzhou soldiers began to arrest people in the palace.

As for how to confirm the identity, you can know it by looking at the clothes.

In ancient society, there was a strict hierarchy, and maids could only wear maid costumes, and the costumes of the master would be clearly distinguished from those of the servants.

If you capture and kill those who are gorgeously dressed and wear gold and silver, you will definitely not go wrong.

Looking at the remaining people in the palace, there were countless beauties and child molesters, Lu Bu waved his hands and said: "Dong Zhuo is dead, let's go home.

Kill as you should, but don't implicate innocent people.

These beauties who were prostitutes were all captured by Dong Zhuo from Guanzhong, and they were all forced to enter the black hole to serve Dong Zhuo.

These people have nothing to do with Dong Zhuo, and they have nothing to do with any crimes, just dismiss them and let them go home.

"Taiwei, brothers have found Dong Zhuo's treasure house." A soldier came to report.

Lu Bu became interested when he heard this, and left with the soldiers.

Dong Zhuo is dead, Chang'an is taken, and Meiwu is also taken, so Lu Bu can relax a little.

Arriving at the so-called treasure house of Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu was deeply shocked as soon as he entered the door.

Gold is the most common item in the treasury, and it can be seen everywhere. Silver products are probably not eligible to enter the treasury, let alone copper coins.

Dong Zhuo is not a reasonable ruler, but whenever Dong Zhuo likes something, he often grabs it directly.

The rich merchants and dignitaries in Chang'an and Luoyang were all ransacked by Dong Zhuo.

And there are also the treasure house of the imperial palace, and the funerary objects of the royal mausoleum

The essence of the land of the two capitals was all collected by Dong Zhuo and placed in this treasure house.

Turning around in the treasure house, Lu Bu suddenly saw a familiar thing, a dagger and short knife.

It is said to be a dagger, and the size is a bit long, but it is said to be a short knife, and it is a little shorter.

It was the Seven Star Knife that Cao Cao used to assassinate Dong Zhuo.

"I'll take one thing, and each of you can choose a treasure." Lu Bu shook the short knife in his hand, and said to the Bingzhou Army with a smile.

Money touches people's hearts, and if you only take it by yourself, the Bingzhou Army will definitely feel uncomfortable. This is an inevitable thing.

Only by sharing the money with everyone can we better unite the hearts of the people.

"Thank you Taiwei for the reward!" Bingzhou Army was very excited.

Everything here is priceless, and you can exchange a lot of money for just one thing, and the state army can't help but be dazzled.

"Let the cavalry come and get it later, follow me Lu does not mix, everyone has a share!"

The Bingzhou Army is my foundation, and I have been born and died many times, so I must not be stingy with these old brothers.

I sold my life to Lu Bu, so what if Lu Bu gave some money?

There are a lot of things in this treasure house, and the Bingzhou army has only more than 10,000 people. They have sacrificed a lot in this rebellion. Even if each person takes one treasure house, there is still quite a lot of stock.

For the rest of these properties, Lu Bu will not keep them in his pocket, but will use them as working capital.

If every regime wants to operate, it must be inseparable from money.

If you want to truly become a prince, you must not have the mentality of a bandit and want to keep everything in your arms.

After waiting in Meiwu for a while, the three generals under his command came hand in hand, and Li Su came with him.

"Meet the lord." The third general bowed down immediately after seeing Lu Bu.

Li Su on the side was a little embarrassed seeing this, and didn't know how to greet Lu Bu.

"You don't need to be too polite, it's all hard work." Lu Bu helped the three of them up, then looked at Li Su and said, "Just call me by my name."

No matter what Li Su thinks in his heart, Lu Bu has no plan to take him under his command anyway.

He doesn't have much ability, and Lu Bu doesn't like him. Even if Li Su is willing to accept the master, Lu Bu still doesn't agree.

"It's still appropriate to call him Taiwei... Oh no, it's time to call him General or Marquis Wen." Li Su corrected himself.

Zhang Liao opened his mouth and added: "Master, the emperor issued an edict to confer on you as a general and promoted you to Marquis Wen"||.

The official position changed from Taiwei to General, and the title changed from Township Marquis to County Marquis.

Whether it is an official position or a title, Lu Bu has reached the extreme at present.

Rebellion is definitely the best shortcut to reach the sky in one step.

Of course, if it fails, the end will be very miserable, the whole family will die, and the nine clans will be happy.

"What about you?" Lu Bu asked rhetorically.

"A few of us also received rewards, and all of us were named generals," Zhang Liao said.

The general, that is, the miscellaneous general, is one level higher than the previous Zhonglang general.

"How is the situation in Chang'an?" Lu Bu continued to ask.

"After the cavalry entered the city, all the chaos subsided." Xu Rong said: "Wang Situ presided over the government and led all the officials to stabilize the situation.

"Old man Wang Yun and I were just using each other before, you should remember this." Lu Bu told his subordinates to prevent them from trusting Wang Yun too much.

"Understood." The three agreed in unison.

"Meiwu is a good place, and a lot of food, grass and money have been piled up, which happens to be used as our military camp."

"Maximum, you are in charge of guarding Heiwu with the trapped camp and the remaining infantry."

"Wen Yuan, you take part of the cavalry to be in charge of Chang'an city defense and city patrol.

"Wen Sheng, you take the rest of the cavalry and take charge of guarding the palace."

"Bowei, your subordinates are still under your jurisdiction, and I will not interfere, but we brothers must not start conflicts." Lu Bu reminded Li Su finally.

"No! Feng Xian has to worry too much. From now on, I will listen to... the general." Li Su said hastily.

"Ugly words, so as not to affect our brother's feelings in the future, don't you think so?"

Li Su nodded again and again, Yan. "

"Okay, let's perform our duties, don't relax these few days, cheer up, and stabilize the situation thoroughly!" Lu Bu left Meiwu after finishing speaking.

Except for Gao Shun, Xu Rong, Zhang Liao and Li Su all returned to Chang'an with Lu Bu.

"My lord, Wang Situ held a celebration banquet in the palace, and invited you to the banquet, and all the officials are here." Zhang Liao talked about this to Lu Bu on the way.

Lu Bu glanced at the sky, the sun was setting on the west mountain, and Tianma Mountain was going to be dark.

In order to kill Dong Zhuo, he spent a whole day overthrowing the Xiliang army.

"Just refuse for me, just say that I was unfortunately injured during the day and need to go home to recuperate." Lu Bu made up a reason casually.

For the celebration banquet held by Wang Yun, Lu Bu had no interest in participating at all. It was nothing more than flattering each other, and the officials began to distribute the victory cake.

With the military power in his own hands, Lu Bu didn't have to make friends with those officials at all.

At this moment, Lu Bu just wants to go home quickly, meet his wife and daughter, and take a good rest.

All the way without a word, Lu Bu went straight back to Ke's house.

At the moment, the atmosphere in Lu Mansion is not good, Diao Chan and Lu Lingqi don't know, but Yan knows very well what Lu Bu is doing.

The shouts of killing in the city appeared from time to time, and stopped from time to time, intermittently, and lasted for almost a day.

Yan Shi knew nothing about the outside world, nor did he know whether Lu Bu had succeeded.

The three girls were sitting at the dining table, but even the gluttonous Lu Lingqi didn't have the heart to eat.

Although Lu Lingqi is young, she is not stupid. The shouts of killing in the city have spread to the mansion, so something bad must have happened.

But it was so late, and Lu Bu didn't come home for a long time, so he was naturally worried about Lu Bu's situation.


The door opened, followed by the familiar voice of a friend.

"I'm back."

All three women stood up in surprise.

"Ah Weng!" Lu Lingqi got up from her seat and rushed towards Lu Bu.

Lu Bu hugged his daughter with a smile on his face.

"Ah Weng stinks~" Lu Lingqi said with a bitter face.

It was only then that Lu Bu remembered that he had been fighting all day, and his body was covered in sweat and blood.

Quickly put Lu Lingqi down, but Lu Lingqi's clothes were inevitably stained with blood.

"Auntie, take Lingqi to change clothes." Yan ordered.

"Yes." Diao Chan pulled Lu Lingqi away.

"Is your husband okay? Have you ever been injured?" Yan asked with concern.

"No, these are other people's blood." Lu Bu shook his head and said.

"Then... succeeded?" Yan Shi asked worriedly.

"Successful, Dong Zhuo is dead."

When Yan heard Lu Bu admit it, she was completely at ease.

"The concubine asked the servants to boil hot water."

Lu Bu shook his head and said: "It's too slow, I'll just use cold water and prepare clean clothes for my husband.

It is extremely troublesome to take a hot bath these days, even dignitaries don't take it every day.

In ancient times, the official holiday was called "Xiu Mu", which meant to give the officials a day to take a good bath, so that a group of people crowded in the hall to make it smelly.

The hot water is all boiled by the stove, which is too time-consuming, and the cold water will not be able to, just draw water from the well directly.

After simply tidying up, washing off the blood and dirt on his body, and putting on neat clothes, Lu Bu felt much more comfortable.

After returning to the room, I found that the three women were still sitting at the table and hadn't started eating. They were obviously waiting for themselves.

"Eat first." Lu Bu said and sat down.

"My husband has worked hard all day without eating, how can we eat first?"

Lu Bu shook his head and laughed, and didn't say anything else, Yan Shi couldn't find any faults in terms of virtuousness.

"Okay, let's all use chopsticks." Lu Bu picked up the dishes for the three girls in turn, and everyone picked up their chopsticks and started.

In troubled times, it is definitely a blessing that the family can get together to enjoy dinner every night.

The moon is in the middle of the sky, and the night is quiet.

Yan fell asleep lying on Lu Bu's chest, with a smile on his lips, showing that he was very happy before going to bed.

And Lu Bu still had his eyes open, not feeling sleepy at all.

Before going to sleep, you still need to check the system.

Ding: [Kill Dong Min, get a slight visceral enhancement. 】

Ding: [Kill Dong Zhuo, get a slight visceral enhancement. 】

Ding: [Additional reward for killing the master: increase and strengthen the facial features. 】

Ding: [Killing the master plunders 20 points of charm and 90 points of power. 】

Ding: [Mission Destroyer Progress: (2/3)]

The two Dong Zhuo brothers, a second-rate general and a third-rate general, had two chances to strengthen internal organs slightly.

Keep this for the time being, and then accumulate eight times for an enhancement.

Same as killing Sun Jian last time, he got an extra chance to strengthen his facial features.

Lu Bu made a choice after a little thought.

"Strengthen the ears."

The eyes were strengthened last time, and the vision has been greatly improved. Whether it is using bows and arrows or capturing enemy moves when fighting generals, it has a very significant effect.

Lu Bu felt that the sense of smell and taste was useless, but the sense of hearing was also very helpful in fighting.

The so-called seeing the six directions and listening to the eight directions,

If he can reach this state, no one can sneak attack Lu Bu successfully.

A golden light emerged from both ears, and the originally dark room instantly brightened like daylight, and then went out after a while.

After the ears were strengthened successfully, Lu Bu's world instantly became noisy.

In the silent night, many voices gathered in Lu Bu's ears.

The sound of insects, the sound of spiders weaving webs, the sound of the night wind, and even the whispers of maids chatting can be heard.

If Lu doesn't listen carefully, these sounds will be very clear.

And when Lu doesn't care, these sounds will be automatically filtered out, so you don't have to worry about hearing being too sensitive and affecting your life.

Then Lu Bu opened the panel again to check his own information.

Characters: Lu Bu, styled Fengxian.

Force: 130.


Physical strength: 97.

Charm: 110.

Power: 90.

The role of charm is already known, but what is the use of this new power? Lu Bu was lost in thought.

"`~The same as charm, you can also kill the owner to plunder, which means that it is similar to charm to some extent.

"The so-called prestige should be the majesty and aura of being the master."

"Dong Zhuo doesn't have much charm, but he is very powerful!"

"The emperor is afraid of Dong Zhuo, and all the officials are afraid of Dong Zhuo. Even the Xiliang generals under Dong Zhuo's command fear Dong Zhuo more than they respect him."

"Accumulate prestige deeply, don't get angry and prestige."

"Dong Zhuo has carried out a reign of terror all year round, and everyone is loyal to Dong Zhuo not because of his charisma, but because of fear.

"This should be the origin of the power..."

After figuring out the power and influence, Lu Bu felt melancholy again when he saw the progress (2/3) of the task of destroying his father.

"Ding Yuan has been chopped off, Dong Zhuo has been chopped off, where can I find another adoptive father?"

Lu Bu is now a great general in the dynasty, a dignified and dignified Marquis, who would dare to be Lu Bu's adoptive father?

What's more, Lu Bu has changed, and the current Lu Bu can't do the job of recognizing his father.

"Damn it, just throw this mission here, and see if you can trigger another mission later."

The two tasks of "Three (Mo Qian's) Ying" and "Four Generals of Jiangdong" are completed, and Lu Bu is only one task away from solving the problem of intelligence. In the task list are "Mie Dad" and "Eight

Tiger Riding', the two tasks are not expected to be completed in a short period of time.

Finally, Lu Bu started to check his points.

Hulaoguan killed 5,000 Xiliang troops, Sun Jian's 50,000 troops were killed in Luoyang, and finally wiped out 5,000 coalition cavalry.

When entering Hangu Pass, Lu Bu had 60,000 points on him.

With the end of the first battle today, Lu Bu's points have reached 100,000.

Judging by the points, 40,000 Xiliang troops were killed today.

"It seems that the escaped Xiliang army is the majority..."

The number of the Bingzhou army was too small, and the Xiliang army in the barracks was completely wiped out.

A considerable part of the Xiliang army in Chang'an and Meiwu ran away.

"And those Xiliang generals, except for Niu Fu who was killed by Zhang Liao, the rest should have escaped. I don't know when they will make a comeback..."

Dong Zhuo is dead, but things are far from over.

Historically, after Dong Zhuo was killed by Lu Bu, he failed to secure his position in Guanzhong. Instead, Li Jue and Guo Si suddenly rose up, drove Lu Bu away, and then occupied the Guanzhong area.

After the points reached 100,000 points, the system will remind you again that if you spend 100,000 points at once, you can directly fill up a skill.

Lu Bu thought twice, and finally chose the medical skill pool.

Today's battle is very tragic, and there must be many wounded in the Bingzhou Army. If you have full medical skills, you must be able to save many people.

Ding: [The exchange of medical skills has been successfully handed down to a genius doctor. 】

A genius doctor handed down from generation to generation is equivalent to Lu not only relying on medical skills, he can achieve immortal achievements, just like Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing, and Bian Que.

Ding: [6000 points will be refunded. 】

Previously, Lu Bu's medical skills had been upgraded to three levels, consuming 6,000 points, and the system was very user-friendly to refund and compensate.

Lu Bu didn't know what to exchange for these 6,000 points, so he saved them for the time being. When encountering difficulties in the future and needing any skills, it would not be too late to exchange them temporarily.


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