Three Kingdoms: Warriors Lu Bu, You Can Become Stronger By Killing Enemies

Chapter [98] Killing Ma Teng And Ma Chao, A Complete Victory!

Although Ma Teng and Han Sui are not resourceful men, they are better than Yu Fuluo and Ehe.

The moment Lu Bu appeared, the two of them understood in an instant that the coalition's current situation must be due to Lu Bu's mischief.

Especially Ma Teng, at this moment Ma Teng already believed that when the letter was delivered to Han Sui, it was already full of graffiti.

"Where are Yu Fuluo and Ehe fighting? Where are the two idiots? Tell their people to stop!" Han Sui was furious and shouted.

It's a pity that the two had been killed by Lu Bu before, and the Qiang and Huns were completely leaderless at this moment.

Ma Teng and Han Sui wanted to keep the coalition forces from killing each other, but they were already dead, so they couldn't reach a consensus.

Although Han Sui was yelling and trying to prevent the coalition forces from killing each other, it also had a certain effect.

But how loud is Han Sui's voice on a battlefield with hundreds of thousands of people?

Han Sui spoke out to stop them, and at most he stopped the hundreds of allied forces around him from killing each other.

However, more people still have no idea what happened.

Countless Qiangs and Huns didn't know the inside story at all. They were still carrying out the order they had received before, killing all of Ma Teng and Han Sui's subordinates, and then looting their food and supplies.

And because the two of Yu Fuluo have died, this order will not be changed. Only when Ma Teng and Han Sui's soldiers are killed, these barbarians will stop.

The current situation is that the Hu people surrounded Ma Han, and the two sides continued to fight.

The 37,000 people led by Lu Bu continued to kill the Hu people on the periphery.

With more than 100,000 coalition troops, plus nearly 40,000 under Lu Bu's command, and 200,000 people on the battlefield, they were all yelling, fighting and howling, and the news could not be conveyed at all.

Everyone's eyes turned red, the Hu people killed the Han people when they saw them, and the Han people killed them when they saw the Hu people. It doesn't matter whether you belong to Ma Han or Lu Bu.

But when Lu Bu's subordinates saw that they were not their own people, they would kill all Hu and Han people.

Lu Bu's subordinates belonged to the former Xiliang Army, benefiting from the equipment in the Luoyang Arsenal, everyone has standard equipment, as long as they see a different armor, or a person wearing a sheepskin jacket, they will directly draw their swords and cut them down.

In this way, it is equivalent to the fact that the Ma-Korean coalition forces are helping the Lu Bu army to kill the Hu people, and the Hu people are helping the Lu Bu army kill the Ma-Korean coalition forces.

Relying on the prestige of the unicorn armor, Lu Bu accidentally broke through the encirclement and reached the very center.

The Bingzhou cavalry behind him were the only ones following Lu Bu's lead.

Lu Bu, the horse capital, rushed in, and the Bingzhou cavalry rushed in without even thinking about it.

At this moment, Lu Bu only has Ma Chao in his eyes, eager to kill a top general.

When he saw Ma Chao's figure, Lu Bu went straight to kill Ma Chao without any hesitation.

Seeing Lu Bu rushing towards him like a bloodbathed god, although he didn't want to admit it, Ma Chao was terrified and had an urgent desire to turn around and run away.

Having played against each other before, Ma Chao knows very well that even if the two of them are tied together, they are not Lu Bu's opponent.

This reminded Ma Chao of the words Lu Bu said: If you are like this, I can hit four!

At that time, Ma Chao didn't quite believe it, but now Ma Chao firmly believes it.

"Ah!!!" Ma Chao roared to vent his fear.

He is Xiliang Jin Ma Chao, he is the mighty general of the Qiang population, Ma Chao is proud, his dignity makes Ma Chao would rather die in the hands of Lu Bu than turn around and run away.

Seeing Ma Chao rushing towards him, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Lu Bu's mouth, like a hunter seeing his prey falling into a trap.

"You will be the first one to die under Fang Tian's painted halberd."

As Lu Bu spoke, he waved Fang Tian's painted halberd, and threw his head towards Ma Chao.

"We're going to die together!" Ma Chao's heart skipped a beat, and he stabbed at Lu Bu with the spear in his hand.

Fang Tian's halberd is too sharp, and Lu Bu's force is far superior to him. Ma Chao knows that he is not Lu Bu's opponent, and the only thing he can do is to pull Lu Bu to the end.

One smashed, one la.

Between two points, the straight line is the shortest, obviously the stab is faster.

However, Lu Bu didn't panic at all. He focused his eyes on the tip of Ma Chao's gun. The blood-red eyeballs in the eye sockets, and the pupils began to shrink continuously. Lu Bu's eyes seemed to be focused, firmly locked on to Ma Chao's attack.

At this moment, Ma Chao's attacking action, in Lu Bu's eyes, is like a slow motion in a movie, slowing down frame by frame.

When the tip of the gun approached Lu Bu's body, Lu Bu's big fan-like hand quickly stretched out, as if searching for something from a bag, and easily grasped the barrel of the gun, Ma Chao's attack could no longer penetrate an inch

When Ma Chao saw this, he subconsciously drew his spear back, but no matter how hard Ma Chao exerted, there was no feedback from the spear. This feeling was like tug-of-war with a mountain, which could not be shaken and shared at all.

Lu Bu's jaws were like iron pincers, firmly gripping Ma Chao's weapon.

And the other hand was not idle, Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand drew a graceful arc, and smashed towards Ma Chao's head.

If this hit hits, let alone opening a ladle for Ma Chao, it can split Ma Chao's whole body in half.

Ma Chao held the barrel of the gun with both hands, felt the sound of piercing above his head, subconsciously looked up at Fang Tian's painting halberd, his eyes widened suddenly, with a look of despair on his face.

He wanted to dodge, but he couldn't do anything as if he had been immobilized. The huge pressure made Ma Chao feel chest tightness and suffocation, and the fear of death drowned Ma Chao instantly.

"My life is over!" Ma Chao closed his eyes in despair, waiting for death to come, giving up the dying struggle.

The corners of Lu Bu's mouth raised slightly, like an old farmer harvesting fruit, enjoying the harvest.

Just at the critical moment, a loud shout came: "Don't hurt my son!"

Before Fang Tian's painted halberd fell, a figure arrived one step ahead.

I saw Ma Teng flying directly from the slope, his body was completely parallel to the ground, and he pushed out with both hands, throwing Ma Chao and his horse aside.


Fang Tian's painted halberd fell, and a dead body appeared on the ground. It was Ma Chao's father Ma Teng.

In a desperate moment, Ma Teng threw himself forward, pushed his son aside, and was hit by Fang Tian's halberd attack, cutting his whole body in half.

"Father!" Ma Chao's eyes filled with tears, his heart pierced like a knife.

Seeing his father Ma Teng being cut off, it was as painful as if the Tianhua halberd chopped him off.

"Let's go! Let's go! Keke․․poof~"

Ma Teng, who was amputated at the waist, did not die immediately. His upper body was intact, and his internal organs would continue to function for a period of time. He would not die slowly until he lost too much blood.

While Ma Teng urged Ma Chao to flee for his life, blood kept spitting out of his mouth, and his upper body kept crawling on the ground with his hands.

This is completely subconscious behavior, because it hurts too much, I have to do something to relieve the pain, but my legs are separated from my body, so I can only crawl on the ground with my hands.

In ancient times, there was a criminal law called chopping in half. After the criminal was chopped in half, he would often not die for a while, but would crawl around on the ground like this, dragging the internal organs everywhere.

"Baby is not filial!" After Ma Chao finished speaking, he turned around and left on Lifeisha.

His escape opportunity was bought by Ma Teng with his life, and Ma Chao could not let down the chance that Ma Teng bought with his life.

"What a loving father and a filial son." Lu Bu was amazed, subconsciously took out the carved bow, and wanted to shoot Ma Chao with an arrow, but found that the carved bow was useless.

Throwing away the Baodiao Bow casually, "Drive!" Lu Bu chased after Ma Chao directly.

Ma Chao rode his horse back and forth between the big soldiers [trying to shake off the string cloth behind him.

But Lu Bu was non-stop, and Fang Tian painted a halberd to tear up all the things blocking him.

His eyes were like a tracking system, firmly locked on to Ma Chao's figure, no matter what, Ma Chao couldn't get rid of Lu Bu's sight.

I don't know how long it has passed, Lu Bu's eyes suddenly opened up, as if he had been killed from the battle group again.

"Drive drive drive!"

Seeing Lu Bu following closely behind, Ma Chao wanted to snap off his whip.

Ma Chao's mount, Feisha, is also a divine horse. It is not inferior to Chitu in terms of speed, especially under Ma Chao's full urging, it bursts out at an astonishing speed.

Lu Bu drove the red rabbit and followed Ma Chao to death. The two just fled and chased each other.

In the silent night, the crisp sound of horseshoes echoed in my ears.

Shenju's excellence is not only excellent in speed and explosive power, but also in crossing mountains and rivers like walking on flat ground.

Ma Chao just ran around, no matter what the road conditions ahead, even if the visibility was low at night, Li Feisha could carry Ma Chao at speed.

Similarly, Chitu, as a divine horse, naturally couldn't be thrown off by Li Feisha.

A cup of tea, a stick of incense, a quarter of an hour, an hour

Ma Chao had already heard the sound of the mount panting, which was very serious, like a bellows, which was a sign that the mount was exhausted.

Even though Li Feisha's speed was still astonishing, Ma Chao knew in his heart that his mount was already his own.

Even if he stops immediately to let Li Feisha rest, whether he can survive or not is still uncertain, it all depends on luck.

"I can't escape..." Ma Chao felt ashamed, knowing that he was doomed.

"If you can't escape, I will make you pay the price!" Ma Chao said viciously: "See how long you can chase, the horse is rare to see, and the death of the Chitu horse will definitely make you feel very distressed.

Ma Chao knew that he was doomed, but he still wanted to eat a piece of Lu Bu's flesh, so he first exhausted Chitu to death.

After all, Li Feisha couldn't bear it any longer, so the quality should be about the same.

Ma Chao couldn't bear to bite a piece of Lu Bu's meat, so he could only disable Lu Bu's mount in this way.

"Old man, I'm sorry." Ma Chao said softly while hugging Li Feisha's neck.

Then he pulled out the dagger from his waist, and cut open wounds behind Li Feisha's ears and buttocks.

"Herod~" Li Feisha let out a mournful cry, and ran even faster under the pain.

Improving the speed is one aspect, and bleeding the horse is also a means of overdraft, making the horse pay the price of life in exchange for a longer running distance.

Lu couldn't see Ma Chao's actions in front of him, so he couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, the Chituma is breathing evenly, with a look of ease, how can there be any panting?

Integrating the bloodline of the best Mongolian horse, how can the Chitu be compared to Li Feisha?

If Chitu could speak human language, he would definitely say at this moment: I can outrun two people like Li Feisha.

I don't know how long it took, Li Feisha, who was galloping ahead, suddenly stumbled and fell directly to the ground, foaming at the mouth, his limbs twitching, obviously he couldn't survive.

Ma Chao, who was on horseback, was thrown flying by this fall, with his head facing the ground. If the fall was strong, his neck would be broken on the spot.

Before landing, Ma Chao reacted quickly and subconsciously supported the ground with his hands.


The moment the arm touched the ground, the forearm bone protruded directly from the elbow, exposing the skin.

"plop plop"

I don't know how many times he rolled on the ground before Ma Chao barely stopped, his body was covered in blood from the friction of the ground.

When Ma Chao opened his eyes, he saw Lu Bu squatting in front of him.

"Tsk tsk, not bad, not bad, my body is quite strong, you don't know how worried I was just now, I was really afraid that you would fall to your death!" Lu Bu said happily.

Absolutely just now

It was because he was worried about Ma Chao from the bottom of his heart. If he fell to his death, it would be a blood loss if he didn't count the killing himself.

"Uh, uh, uh..." Ma Chao's voice was hoarse, and even the tone of his laughter changed, with a mocking smile on his face, he said: "You should take care of your...Chitu


"Thank you for your concern." Lu Bu got up and brought Chitu closer, pointing at him, "Look well, if you want to exhaust my Chitu to death, your Li Feisha is also worthy?!"

The smile on Ma Chao's face froze, and he shouted: "Why...why?!"


Lu Bu didn't talk nonsense with Ma Chao anymore, and was afraid that Ma Chao would bleed too much and die immediately, so he took the head first and then stabbed Ma Chao's chest with a halberd.

Ma Chao's body twitched, his eyes slowly dimmed, but the expression on his face was full of unwillingness.

Why is Chitu okay? Ma Chao is still thinking about this question before he dies, and he will not die with peace!

With Ma Chao's death, system rewards follow.

However, Lu Bu didn't have time to check for the time being. It took too long to chase Ma Chao, so he had to return to the battlefield immediately to see how the situation was going.

Lu Bu got on his horse and said, "Go back! Is it okay?"

"Herod~~~" Chitu snorted cheerfully, kicked the ground with all four hooves, and rushed out vigorously.

However, Lu Bu still felt sorry for Chitu, and did not dare to let Chitu run at full speed, consciously slowing down the speed.

It is estimated that nearly three hours were wasted in chasing and killing Ma Chao. By the time Lu Bu returned to the vicinity of Chang'an, it was already dawn.

Looking around, the battle has come to an end.

There were corpses everywhere on the ground, and there were only sporadic fighting in some parts, and there were one or two screams from time to time.

When Lu Bu came to the field, he saw Xu Rong commanding the army to clean up the last enemy.

Seeing Lu Bu coming, Xu Rong hastily greeted him, "Master."

"How's the situation?" Lu Bu asked.

"Return to the lord, a big victory!" Xu Rong cheered up: "A part of the enemy's (Nuo Zhao's) escaped, including the siege battle, our army's beheading is estimated to be in the number of 100,000.

The four coalition forces had a total of 150,000 soldiers, many of whom had died in the previous siege battle, and today's beheading, the result of the 100,000 troops was already brilliant.

"What about our army's losses?" Lu Bu asked.

"The loss of the Bingzhou cavalry was about 2,000 people, and the other three armies had a total of more than 10,000 casualties." Xu Rong paused, "As for the wounded, they have been taken away by the military medical battalion.

How much more will be lost. "

"The overall amount should not exceed 15,000." Lu Bu made an estimate and was quite confident in the military medical camp.

Fighting is definitely about killing people, the more enemies you kill, the more you will die in battle.

Fifteen thousand casualties are already very heavy for Lu Bu.

"Where are Wenyuan and Ziyi?" Lu Bu changed the subject.

Xu Rong pointed towards the distance, "Over there, I'm competing with that kid."

Lu Bu turned his head and saw the three of them fighting together, Zhang Liao and Hua Xiong were fighting Pang De.

"By the way, my lord, Han Sui and his son-in-law Yan Xing were captured alive." Xu Rong waved them over.

Lu Bu glanced sideways, swung Fang Tian's painted halberd, and two human heads shot up into the sky, and there was no lung for a word of nonsense.

After beheading these two, Lu Bu finally gathered ten chances to strengthen, which can be exchanged for one boost of viscera.

"Drive." Lightly tapping the horse's belly with his heel, Lu Bu headed towards the battle group.

The players played very lively, Hua Xiong and Yin Yao were both 90-point players, while Pound was 93-point.

On the scene, Hua Xiong and Zhang Liao suppressed Pang De.

But Pang De is a cruel kid, he always wants to find someone to play with his life, to the limit of one for one.

Naturally, Hua Xiong and Zhang Liao were not happy about it, so they slowly got involved with Pang De under the sway of the mouse.

Two fists are no match for four hands. As time went by, Pound suffered more and more injuries, but instead of showing weakness, Pound became more and more brutal.

Lu Bu's eyes lit up, this kid is a talented person, and he couldn't help but love him.



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