Under the siege of Zhang Liao and Hua Xiong, Pang De could no longer hold on.

No matter how desperate he is, being continuously besieged by two first-class generals, Pound's physical strength will eventually have its limit.

Seeing that Pang De was out of support, Lu spoke at an unsuitable time, and did not let the two of them kill Pang De.

As far as Lu Bu is concerned, it is better to let Zhang Liao and Hua Xiong be killed than to let himself be killed.

And Lu Bu personally killed a first-class military general, and the reward he got was just to increase his facial features once.

The eyes and ears have already been boosted, and the remaining nose and mouth correspond to the senses of smell and taste. Lu Bu feels that these two are even boosted, and it seems that they are of no help to him in the battle. It is better to subdue Pound, and he can have one more under his command general.

The current generals under his command besides himself, Hua Xiong and Zhang Liao are all top-notch, but they are only in the top-ranking ranks, worth 90 force points, and there is not much room for improvement.

As for Xu Rong and Gao Shun, they are at the middle and upper reaches of the second-rate, even if Lu Bu trains them, they cannot make them step into the ranks of the first-rate.

But Pang De is different, this kid is young, not necessarily twenty years old, and he can have 93 points of strength before his body grows.

When the age gradually increases in the future and reaches the peak age of adult males, the force value will inevitably increase.

Perhaps with Lu Bu's hard work and careful conditions, Pound may have the opportunity to rush into the ranks of top generals.

Even if he barely stepped in, for Lu Bu, it was far more profitable than enhancing his facial features.

Turning over and getting off the Chitu's back, Lu Bu strode closer.

"Lu Bu..." Pang De recognized Lu Bu's identity, and looked at Lu Bu with obvious fear.

"Boy, Ma Teng, Ma Chao, and Ma Dai are all dead, so hang out with me from now on." Lu Bu stood in front of Pound and said.

Lu Bu was not worried about whether Pound would surrender.

Since Pound in history could surrender to Cao Cao, he would certainly surrender himself.

Although I don't know how high Cao Cao's charm is, but it's only 100 points to the sky, but I have 110 points of charm.

"If you want me to surrender, you have to fight with me." Pound said with high spirits.

Although he was exhausted, Pound, who was aggressive by nature, still wanted to try the feeling of fighting Lu Bu.

Previously, Pang De wanted to try to play against Lu Bu, but due to some mistakes, he missed the opportunity several times.

"Are you good at fighting?" Lu Bu chuckled, put Fang Tian's painted halberd on the ground, and picked it up with his toes, a spear of an ordinary soldier fell into Lu Bu's hand.

After thinking for a while, Lu Bu took out the Seven Star Knife, and cut off the tip of the spear, leaving only a wooden stick in his hand.

Lu Bu didn't 513 speak any more, he hooked his hands at Pang De.

Seeing Lu Bu's contemptuous attitude, Pound felt severely humiliated, and with a fierce expression on his face, he rushed towards Lu Bu.

Pound's weapon is a big knife, dragging the ground, he has to use a knife-dragging move.

"Hey!" Pound slashed at Lu Bu with his knife.


The stick drew an arc in the air, and it exploded with the sound of piercing through the air.


The wooden stick in Lu Bu's hand arrived first, and slammed Pound's head so hard that the wooden stick broke immediately.

But Pound has a pocket on his head, and Lu Bu is not worried about breaking Pound.

Even so, the strength of this stick still made Pound stare at him.

In addition, my physical strength was already at its limit, and I knelt on the ground with a plop, unable to stand up again.

"You know how to play a fart?!" Lu Bu scolded: "When you come out to fight for hegemony, you have to talk about power and military strength."

"What's your name?" Although Lu didn't know Pound, he didn't ask Pound after all, so he asked Pound to introduce himself.

"My name is Pang De, and my name is Lingming. Xiliang calls me General White Horse."

"How old is it?" Lu Bu continued to ask.

"Seventeen." Pound tried to get up from the ground, but he couldn't do anything.

"So it's a little bastard." Lu Bu took the half stick in his hand and tapped on Pound's head, "Kowtow."

"You!" Pound was furious, thinking that Lu was not humiliating him.

"Little brat, I haven't confiscated my apprentice yet. If it wasn't for how talented you are, don't expect to see you justly." Lu Bu scolded bluntly.

Seventeen years old is so fierce, no wonder he can face the old Guan Yu head-on, this is definitely a good seed.

Pang De was taken aback when he heard the words, but he didn't expect that Lu Bu would accept him as an apprentice, so he was stunned on the spot for a while.

It was Zhang Liao who assisted and said from the side: "What are you still doing in a daze? Call Master!"

"Disciple pays homage to Master!" Pang De responded with a bang of his head.

"Very well, get up." Lu nodded dissatisfied.

Just as Pang De was about to get up, his calf softened, and he sat down on the ground again, with a distressed look on his face.

Seeing this, Lu Bu was amused, lifted Pound by the collar, and threw him on the Chitu horse's back.

"Clean the battlefield, count the supplies, burn the corpses, and bury them on the spot." Lu Bu ordered in a deep voice.

"Here!" The three generals took orders in unison.

Lu Bu took Pang De back to Chang'an City. At this time, the city has been restored, but it is still under military control. Gao Shun led the trapped camp to patrol the city back and forth, in case someone took the opportunity to make trouble

When he returned home, his wife and daughter greeted him.

This time, when Cai Yan saw Lu Bu covered in blood, he didn't have the same violent reaction as last time. It seemed that he was gradually getting used to it.

"Husband is back, hot water and clean clothes are ready, and a lot of meals are also prepared." Yan Shi is still so virtuous, knowing that Lu Bu is going to fight, she started to prepare everything early.

"Husband, this is it!" Only then did Yenshi see Pound on horseback.

"Recognize the person. At this time, your master wife, second wife, and third teacher are your junior sisters." Lu Buyou explained to Yan Shi: "This is the apprentice I just accepted, Pang Depang Lingming.

Pound struggled to get off the horse, but was stopped by Lu Bu, "Stay here."

"Where's the housekeeper? Find him a place next door and arrange some servant girls."

"Husband, don't worry, I will arrange it myself." Yan agreed.


After arranging Pound, Lu Bu went into the bathroom, and Diao Chan consciously followed.

After simply washing off the blood on his body, Lu Bu sat in the special bathtub and began to take a bath to relax. Diao Chan stepped on the small bench and kneaded her shoulders behind Lu Bu.

"Ah~ It's comfortable." Lu Bu leaned comfortably in the bathtub, closed his eyes and rested his mind, immersing himself in the system.

Ding: [Ten visceral enhancements accumulated can be exchanged for a chance to increase viscera. 】

"Strengthen the stomach." Lu Bu didn't think about it.

Ever since he found out that he was still growing, Lu Bu decided to strengthen his stomach.

Since you can grow your body, the more you can eat, the more you will naturally grow.

Not only can you grow your body, but you will definitely grow your strength.

A golden light flashed in the bathtub, and Diao Chan blinked her big peach eyes, which were full of curiosity.

But seeing that Lu Bu is still resting with his eyes closed [Diao Chan obediently didn't bother Chuanbu.

Ding: [Killing top generals can strengthen the five bodies: tendons, bones, skin, blood, and marrow. 】

The third-rate and second-rate generals correspond to the five internal organs, the first-rate generals correspond to the five sense organs, and the top generals correspond to the five bodies.

Each of the five bodies seems to be very useful, and it will definitely be greatly improved after the increase, which makes it difficult for Lu Bu to make a choice for a while.

"The sinews are supposed to increase the flexibility and coordination of the body."

"Bones should increase strength."

"The skin should be for defense. There is a unicorn armor. This is temporarily ruled out."

"Blood... should be similar to the augmented heart, and the effect will be stronger."

"Marrow...it's hard to say..."

After hesitating again and again, Lu Bu finally chose the marrow, because the specific effect of this can't be guessed, which made Lu Bu a little curious.

Anyway, among the five bodies, each one is absolutely useful, and I am not afraid of choosing the wrong one.

"Strengthen the marrow!"

Ding: [Start strengthening the brain, spinal cord, and bone marrow. 】

Diao Chan, who was rubbing Lu Bu's shoulders, suddenly had a blur in front of her eyes, and her vision was completely filled with golden light, making Diao Chan temporarily blind.

This time the golden light lasted significantly longer, Diao Chan stood on the small bench stupidly, motionless.

After the golden light disappeared, Diao Chan also gradually regained her sight, and then there were clicks and other sounds in her ears.

"Bang!" The tub burst open.

Lu Bu had a helpless look on his face, and naturally knew what happened to him.

After strengthening the marrow just now, Lu Bu felt that his body began to grow again, and it was still very fast.

The bathtub could barely hold Lu Bu originally, but as Lu Bu's body grew and swelled rapidly, it was directly blasted by Lu Bu.

Getting up from the ground, Diao Chan barely touched his chest.

"Master, you seem to have grown a lot taller..." Diao Chan reminded in a low voice.

Not only taller, but also stronger, without giving people the feeling of thinness.

After Lu Bu dried his body and changed into clothes, it became more obvious. The new clothes that Yan Shi just made for Lu Bu were much smaller, and the trousers were all capricious (aefh).

"Oh, your sister Yan is going to nag me again." Lu Bu just sighed, and suddenly a sense of hunger hit him.


"Hurry up! Serve the meal! Tell the kitchen to continue cooking." Lu Bu urged hastily.

First, the stomach was strengthened, and after the marrow was strengthened, the body grew rapidly in a short period of time. Lu Bu had a premonition that he would eat a lot during this meal.

Sitting at the table, Lu Bu immediately started eating.

When Lu Bu swept away all the food on the table, he didn't feel full in his stomach.

You know, Lu Bu's original appetite was full after eating these things, but now he still doesn't feel much, and the increase in appetite is not a little bit.

Yan hurriedly told the kitchen to make it quickly, and finally Lu Bu couldn't wait, and started eating raw meat directly.

Originally, Yan wanted to complain to Lu Bu, but the clothes he just made were too small, so he didn't think about it now.

When Lu Bu was full, Lu Bu didn't even know how much he ate. He only knew that he ate for an hour without stopping his mouth.

After eating, the system pops up a message prompt.

Ding: [Stomach strengthening function: to store food, the host can maintain its peak state without rice or water for three days. 】

Lu Bu suddenly realized in his heart, it turned out to be the case, no wonder he could eat so much, some of the food had been stored.

If there is no rice water for three days, a normal person must be dead, even if he is not dead, he is on the verge of death, but Lu can't still maintain his peak state, which shows its horror.

At this time, Lu Bu was very curious about his own attributes, and immediately opened the panel.

Characters: Lu Bu, styled Fengxian.

Force: 133.


Physical strength: 103.

Charm: 110.

Power: 90.

The marrow corresponds to the brain, spinal cord, and bone marrow, and Lu Bu's force, intelligence, and physical strength have all increased a little.

After reading the panel, Lu Bu took another look at the points and found that he had already accumulated 130,000 points.

"Husband, will you grow taller in the future? Why don't I make some clothes that are one size bigger in advance?" Yan said angrily.

Hearing this, Lu Bu really thought about it seriously. Considering that there are still bones in the five bodies, he will probably continue to grow taller.

"Madam has a long-term vision and foresight, so she should be prepared." Lu Bu laughed.

Yan rolled her eyes at Lu Bu angrily, "Chan'er and Zhaoji help

Let's sister hurry up and make some clothes for my husband, we can't let the general of the dynasty wear small clothes on the street.

"Thank you three ladies." Lu Bu cupped his hands pretendingly.

"Forgive me, my husband, our sisters have to rush to make clothes tonight, and I'm afraid I won't be able to attend bedtime." After finishing speaking, Mrs. Yan took two small followers, "Let's go."

Unexpectedly, Lu Bu was a little stunned when he was placed together.

"Forget it, we've fought a tough night, and we'll take a break tonight." Lu Bu wandered to the stable and led Chitu out.

The Baodiao Bow is broken, Fang Tian Huaji does not need to be strengthened, and the benefits of strengthening the Qilin Armor are not large, so Lu does not want to strengthen it again.

Originally, Lu Bu was still hesitating which aspect to strengthen Chitu.

But when Lu Bu brought Chitu out, he knew he had no choice.

Get on the horse...no, lift your legs, step your legs, and then get on the horse.

When Lu Bu sat on the back of the red rabbit, his feet almost fell to the ground.

As Lu Bu's body continued to grow taller, the originally tall red rabbit horse now looked like a donkey.

Chitu's body shape and Lu Bu's body shape are already extremely disharmonious.

"Choose the best Sharma bloodline."

In order to continue to fight on the red rabbit, Lu Bu can only choose to let the red rabbit evolve in size.

A red light flashed on Chitu's body, and after the red light went out, Chitu's body was obviously a lot bigger, but it was still not in harmony with Lu Bu, but he could barely continue to ride.

"Herod..." Chitu snorted weakly.

Lu Bu thought for a while, then realized, "Are you hungry?"

Just now when Lu Bu grew in size, he would feel extremely hungry. Once he experienced it personally, Lu Bu could not immediately guess what Chitu wanted to express.

He led the red rabbit directly to the warehouse where the feed was stored, and then the red rabbit brought a large bucket of clean water.

"You can eat as much as you want today! Eat as much as you can."

"Chichi~" Chitu happily jumped a few times, and then plunged into the feed pile.

After a night of high-intensity fighting, and being tossed by the system again, intense fatigue hit, Lu Bu turned and went back to the room, leaving Chitu alone.

This beast is smart, so there is no need for Lu to worry about it.

Back in the bedroom, after Lu Bu lay down flat, he kicked his feet out of the bed and hung in the air.

"Fuck!" Lu Bu scolded, "Now not only the clothes have to be changed, but also the bed has to be changed, and three beds have to be changed.

"Huh? Maybe we can take this opportunity and just change to a king-size bed. It's not a bad idea."

Lu Bu thought about it in his mind, and praised his wit. Adding these three points of intelligence, the effect is really immediate!

With Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, Lu fell asleep happily.

This time, Lu Bu slept directly for two days and two nights.

This happened to Lu Bu before, and the three women took turns guarding Lu Bu to ensure that Lu Bu was healthy, so they didn't wake Lu Bu up.

After Lu Bu opened his eyes, he felt comfortable all over his body, his fatigue was swept away, his whole body was full of surging power, and every breath was filled with huge energy.

He got up and stretched his waist long.

"Crackling!" The explosion of joints was like firecrackers.

"Husband, wake up."

Lu Bu looked down and found Cai Yan in front of him.

Cai Yan, who was originally the tallest among the three girls, was completely out of Lu Bu's sight range at this moment, and she had to lower her head to see it.

Stretching out a huge palm, he put it on Cai Yan's waist for a gesture, Lu Bu smiled and said, "Give it a good grip."

With a slight effort, he lifted Cai Yan up and placed it directly on his shoulders.

"Husband, put the concubine down quickly, it's too high...I'm afraid." Cai Yan said hastily.

It was really too high, Cai Yan was almost touching the roof, Lu Bu put Cai Yan down again.

"Husband must be hungry, I will inform the kitchen."

"Yes." Lu Bu nodded and said, "For my husband, go and see Chitu first."

He came to the stable with big strides, but there was no sign of Chitu, "Are you still eating in the warehouse?" Lu Bu muttered.

Entering the warehouse, looking at the empty warehouse, there was no feed left in it, Lu couldn't believe it.

"The house was stolen?! Who took all the feed away?".

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