Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2809: Calculating gains and losses, Henry Yuan is a true gentleman.

Cui Yan's expression was very calm when he left the Prime Minister's Mansion, as if nothing happened. But when he returned home and was alone, he couldn't help but show a bit of anger.

Cui Yan represents the Jizhou gentry and cooperates with Cao Cao. It is not a matter of a day or two, but now, Cui Yan feels that Cao Cao still does not take the children of the Jizhou gentry into his heart...

Obviously, when Xun Yu proposed using Qinghe as an official post to reward Sun Yi, Cao Cao did not hesitate for too long, and it can even be said that he agreed in the blink of an eye.

Of course, Cui Yan didn't mean that if Cao Cao hesitated, he would have a better impression of Cao Cao, but that Cao Cao didn't even hesitate at all!

Qinghe, Qinghe!

It’s not a place where just any cat or dog can serve as the prefect!

What does Xun Yu mean?

What does Cao Cao mean by this?

Is the land of Jizhou so easily thrown away as a bargaining chip?

Cui Yan was not very clear about Sun Yi's abilities, but he knew that in this case, Qinghe would become a virtual governor, and the main responsibilities would fall in the hands of the county lieutenants, who were the officials used to monitor Sun Yi. So It's like Cao Cao has another good position where he can place his family and control the place!

So it’s strange that Cao Cao didn’t agree!

But the question is, is this position really just a given? Was it an understatement?

Even if Sun Yi may not come, this position cannot be given casually!

This is like the land on the mountain behind Cui Yan's home. Although it cannot be regarded as Cui Yan's, he has already conceived how to manage this area of ​​​​the mountain forest, who should be recommended to plant what trees, etc., and the results have not yet waited. He told the village chief Cao Cao, but Xun Yu cut him off and married him to someone else.

"Hmph..." Cui Yan's eyes flashed and he snorted coldly, "This is Xun Wenruo's intention to test..."

It was not a test of Jiangdong. Everyone knew this on the surface. The test Cui Yan himself muttered was that Xun Yu was using this excuse to test Cao Cao and Jizhou.

After all, some time ago, in the Yuzhou area of ​​Yingchuan, Cao Cao and Xiahou Dun dealt with many people of the Cao and Xiahou clans. At the same time, they also punished the local gentry and gentry, which made many Yingchuan people have some worries, and they also had some worries about Cao Cao. Some complaints arose, and now Xun Yu's offer of advice seemed to be for the sake of Jiangdong, but Cui Yan felt that Xun Yu was invading Jizhou's power, and at the same time testing Cao Cao's attitude towards Jizhou.

If Cao Cao wanted to abandon Yingchuan and switch to Jizhou, then he would naturally not let people mix sand in Jizhou. But now it has been proved that Cao Cao actually said that he was very friendly to Jizhou, but in fact...

"What a great trick!" ” Cui Yan said with emotion, “As expected of your commander, Xun Wenruo! 』

However, in the end, the test was just a test. It would depend on subsequent changes if it were to be implemented. Therefore, Cui Yan did not get angry on the spot, but said against his will that the strategy proposed by Xun Yu was very good and wonderful. It was as wonderful as grandma's. Home.

As for what happens next, since Xun Yu's strategy has been discovered, it is natural for soldiers to come and cover up the water and earth. The land of the Founder and Qinghe River must not be easily given to the people of Yuzhou!

Leave Cui Yan aside and look back at Cao Cao.

After the meeting, Cao Cao slowly returned to the study in his backyard with his hands behind his back.

Time is like a butcher's knife. After taking off the thick official robe, Cao Cao's figure did not look so big, especially after removing the crown, his hairline moved slightly, which was also sufficient. Shows what the boss's troubles are.

Everyone must have worries. Even a fool will worry about whether he has something to eat or not.

Cao Cao had many troubles, but only a small part of them could be discussed with others. Most of the troubles had to be dealt with by himself, such as the matter of Sun Quan.

Sun Quan expressed his willingness to surrender and begged at the door, which was of course a good thing, but the problem was that Cao Cao was not that kind of young boy with no political experience. He would not just pounce on honey when he saw it. I will carefully check whether this benefit is mixed with poison.

Or is there really a major problem in the Sun family, so that Sun Quan can only use the name of avenging his father to win over the power in the family?

Putting it this way, Jiangdong's march into Sichuan and Shu is probably just a cover? Don't you really try your best?

Xun Wenruo is really...

Cao Cao sighed slightly.

During the meeting, Xun Yu's suggestion to make Sun Yi the prefect of Qinghe was quickly recognized by everyone. Of course, the most important thing was that Cao Cao nodded, and other people followed suit and agreed. So this matter required a second round of consultations. After all, only by confirming that Sun Quan was willing to send Sun Yi to Xu County could we ensure that the alliance truly had a foundation.

However, at that time, Cao Cao did not immediately think that there might be a problem in the Sun family, but only thought that Sun Yi could be used as a "hostage".

Will Sun Quan let Sun Yi come?

If something really goes wrong, then there is a high probability that it will.

The Sun family is not united.

The bigger the family, the more interests there are, and the harder it is to keep one's heart together.

The same is true among the Cao family and the Xiahou family.

Xiahou Zizang's incident made Cao Cao very embarrassed.

Although Xiahou Dun handled it in a timely manner and controlled the whole matter as small as possible, Xu County is so big, and Xiahou Zizang's behavior cannot be said to be very confidential, so many people knew about it. It's just that some people pretend not to know, while others just take pleasure in others' misfortune.

Cao Cao rectified the Cao and Xiahou clans for the sake of long-term development, but the problem was that many people in the Cao and Xiahou clans did not understand, and they had to bow their heads because of Cao Cao's pressure. Just like Xiahou Zizang, didn't he also think that he was right, and that Cao Cao was making trouble out of nothing?

Although Xiahou Dun finally resisted everything, Cao Cao may not be able to sit back and enjoy the results with peace of mind. Xiahou Dun was ill, perhaps due to cold or heart disease. Cao Cao had been there before. Although Xiahou Dun repeatedly said that his children were unfaithful and unfilial, and it was not a pity to die in violation of laws and disciplines, Cao Cao knew that it was unlikely that he and Xiahou Dun would be as close as they were when they were young.

Even in the future, Xiahou Dun will still be humble and cooperate closely with Cao Cao, but what about the next generation?

When the time comes for Cao Pi, will the new generation of the Xiahou family still follow Cao Pi?

If something went wrong with the Xiahou family, what about the others?

Xunshi? Or Cui?

Footsteps were heard outside the study, and Cao Pi's head popped up, then he bowed his head and walked in, greeting Cao Cao. In the feudal dynasty, this was always the process.

Cao Cao nodded, asked about Cao Pi's homework, and then was silent for a while. He told Cao Pi about Sun Quan's surrender at the meeting, and then talked about Xun Yu's suggestion to let Sun Yi serve as the governor of Qinghe, and asked Cao Pi what happened. Look at Xun Yu’s suggestion.

This is the case for children from official families. They have more opportunities to be exposed to some political issues at an early age. Naturally, they will understand the rights and wrongs between people better than ordinary children from peasant families. Of course, conversely, if they survive in the wild , the probability of survival of children from peasant families is definitely higher than that of children from official families.

Cao Cao didn't want to ask Cao Pi to share his worries, he just wanted to train Cao Pi. As for whether Cao Pi was happy or not, well...

Cao Pi thought for a long time and then cautiously probed: "Father, is it possible that you want to use the Sun family as a hostage?" 』

Cao Cao hummed, his expression neither sad nor happy.

Cao Pi blinked and looked at Cao Cao's face, a little at a loss.

Cao Cao closed his eyes, suppressed the anger that could not help rising, then pointed at his face and said, "Is there any writing on so-and-so's face?" 』

Cao Pi shook his head.

"Then why are you staring at me?" ! ” Cao Cao couldn’t help but speak louder, “The answer depends on my face. Is there an answer on my face? Or should I just smile and assume you were right? Then if you said you were wrong, should I cry? You have to think for yourself, not based on my face to determine whether it is right or wrong! 』

Cao Pi shrank his neck. He also knows that this is not good, but he is used to it. When he was young, when his mother was not Mrs. Bian, she followed Mrs. Bian to check Mrs. Ding's face every day, so that Cao Pi's ability in this aspect was fully exploited, and it still dominates him today. Behavior.

"Let him be a pledge, no, to be more precise, make him an official," Cao Cao said slowly, "This is something anyone can see, and you can't just stop there, you must also think about it." More...for example, what other purpose does this move have? 』

"Other intentions? ” Cao Pi murmured and repeated.

If Cao Pi is given some time to think slowly and alone, he is not bad, but Cao Pi is not like Cao Chong. He does not have much quick wit, and the more anxious he is, the more his head feels like it is stuck. It's the same thing, and I can't think of anything.

Cao Cao waited for a few more moments, and couldn't help but remind him. Of course, when Cao Cao mentioned something about Cao Pi, his tone became a little less amiable, "Sun, why are you asking for surrender?" Is Sun's invasion of Sichuan and Shu true or false? What are the benefits to us? Can't understand this? What does it mean for Sun's son to serve as the governor of Qinghe? You must know that Qinghe is a large county! This means that the Qiaoqi will understand that we are in alliance with the Sun family if they know it is the Sun family! When the Hussars know about our alliance with the Sun family, will they launch defenses east of the Heluo River? Once the Hussars strengthen their defenses on the northern front, does it mean that we have helped Sun reduce the pressure on the southern front? This kind of strategy, without spending a single soldier, on the one hand helped the Sun family and showed our sincerity in the alliance, on the other hand it also caused trouble for the Hussars, making them unable to focus on the southern front... only Seeing the hostages, hum! Of course, if Mrs. Sun is unwilling to send people over, it means it is just deception... Do you understand? Why is this strategy called wonderful by Wen Ruo? It's because it's so easy! 』

"Ah, ah... what Father pointed out is..." Cao Pi quickly accepted it humbly, "In that case... Father, why don't you hide the news so that the Qiaoqi don't know that we have formed an alliance with the Sun family? Wouldn't it be a surprise?" …Wouldn’t it be better? 』

"hide? ” Cao Cao sneered twice, “How to hide it? 』

"As long as we don't say it..." Cao Pi said subconsciously, and after saying it, he felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

Cao Cao shook his head and glanced at Cao Pi, "Think about it again." 』

Cao Pi wiped the sweat from his forehead, then tried to calm down and think for a moment, lowered his head and said, "My kid, I'm sorry, this matter...can't be hidden...even if there are no hussar spies around Xu County, we can still keep it secret. But the Jiangdong Sun family will definitely publicize this matter! 』

Cao Cao nodded, "Yes, that's it." Jiangdong is weak and it is difficult to fight against Sichuan and Shu alone. Regardless of whether the alliance is true or false, it must be announced to the outside world..."

If Jiangdong really wants to fight, he must find a way to keep most of the Hussars on the northern front. Only in this way can Jiangdong have the opportunity to attack Sichuan and Shu. Therefore, Jiangdong will inevitably drag Cao Cao into the water either life or death.

The same goes for the opposite. If Jiang Dong just wanted to make a fake move to provoke Cao Cao and Fei Qian into fighting, then it would be even more necessary to promote the alliance all over the sky...

Of course, Cao Cao's side is not completely useless. Sun Quan can take advantage of Cao Cao's power, and Cao Cao can naturally promote the alliance and take advantage of Sun Quan's power. The so-called synergy is true, and there are more or less benefits to each other, but the problem with synergy is that basically no synergy is sincere.

"What else..." Cao Cao squinted, a cold light flashing in his eyes, "Xun Wenruo has other ideas for this strategy..."

Obviously, in addition to these superficial things that are easier to consider, Cao Cao also noticed some hidden changes. Just like the sparkling waves on the water surface are very dazzling, but the undercurrents under the water surface cannot be taken lightly.

Cao Cao glanced at Cao Pi and said, "I guess you won't be able to figure it out for a while, so forget it!" This is your homework for tomorrow. Just wait until tomorrow night to explain it! 』

Cao Pi felt bitter in his heart, but he couldn't say anything. He could only lower his head and respond, then left, and walked back with a sad face...

If Cao Pi had known that he was just here to pay his respects, he would be given an extra "homework" by Cao Cao. Then would Cao Pi choose to come or not to pay his respects?

Perhaps only Cao Pi himself knows what Cao Pi will choose, but Guo Jia knows very well how Xun Yu chooses.

"You think I can't see it? ” Guo Jia sat in front of Xun Yu, dismissed all the servants, and said in a low voice, “Or do you think your lord can’t see it when you do this? 』

"..." Xun Yu didn't speak, but his calm expression showed a little fatigue.

"Do you think that if you dig out the Qinghe River from Jizhou, the people of Yuzhou will thank you?" Or can the people of Yingchuan understand your good intentions? ” Guo Jia sneered, “No, they only want what they have in front of them. They can’t think about such long-term changes!” They don't care at all who the governor of Qinghe is, and what will happen to Yuzhou after the strength of the Jizhou people increases! They don't think about that at all, they only think about the harvest of their own manors, the number of serf tenants, and the sales of workshops and shops! They won't appreciate you! He may even resent you! Even so, are you still thinking about them? 』

Xun Yu exhaled slightly, "I... am from Yingchuan after all..."

Guo Jia glanced at Xun Yu. After several glances, he still seemed to be unable to forgive his hatred. He said with some indignation, "Sooner or later, my lord will be able to figure this out... then you... ugh!" Emperor, can the Emperor understand your painstaking efforts? That stupid...』

"Filial piety!" ” Xun Yu shouted to stop.

"Hmph..." Guo Jia turned his head.

Xun Yu also knew that Jiangdong sent troops to Wuling to clear up the place. Therefore, Xun Yu judged that Jiangdong really had the intention of forming an alliance, or at least was inclined to form an alliance. Otherwise, why would Jiangdong send troops in the first place? If it were not for the invasion of Sichuan and Shu, the rebellion in the Wuling area would not require a major war.

Since Jiangdong is willing to form an alliance, this matter is not a small matter. If the emperor is completely bypassed on the alliance and Cao Cao makes the decision alone, the existing contradiction between the emperor and Cao Cao will inevitably become more acute.

As for Qinghe Prefect, he was a cushion to protect the Emperor's face, so that he would not completely fall into the void.

After all, according to the rules of the Han Dynasty, before taking office, the local governor must meet with His Majesty to express his gratitude...

Even if the emperor is unable to meet Sun Yi due to some reasons, Sun Yi's name will definitely be on the list of local prefects reported to the emperor, so the emperor is more or less aware of this matter. Even though there is some dissatisfaction, it is better than keeping the emperor completely in the dark.

But as Guo Jia said, even so, the emperor may not accept Xun Yu's love...

Because the emperor may not be aware of this at all!

But Cao Cao may not be unable to guess.

This is a very troublesome thing. This is why Guo Jia is dissatisfied. He thinks that Xun Yu paid but could not get anything in return. He thought about the people of Yuzhou but did not get the gratitude of the people of Yuzhou. He thought about the emperor's face but also did not get the emperor's approval. , all Xun Yu’s painstaking maintenance may end up with nothing to please...

"Wen Ruo, you really can't do this. Yuzhou, Jizhou, is it a mess over there?" You can't protect me," Guo Jia said earnestly, "and the Emperor...Okay, okay, don't glare at me, I know...but's not worth it, you know, it's not worth it..."

Xun Yu was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "The way of a gentleman is to transform things, follow nature, benefit the people, and regulate customs... Yuan Henry is chaste, the sage of husband and heaven..."

Guo Jia was furious for a moment, "This... this has nothing to do with your theory of the Four Virtues, okay?" ! I am talking about Yuzhou and Jizhou, now, now! 』

Xun Yu smiled, and his smile seemed to be as bright as before, "If I really only care about my own safety and interests, would you still be willing to sit here?" 』

"..." Guo Jia was speechless for a moment, his eyes widened, he let out a sigh, fell back and lay on the floor, "Sooner or later I will be pissed to death by you...Really, sooner or later..." …』



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