Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3323: Fight to the Death

Chapter 3322 Fight to the death

"Kill!" 』

Pei Mao roared.

Although he was not young, his momentum was not bad. After seeing another group of soldiers from Cao's army ascending the Anyi city wall, he immediately raised his sword, shouted and led his men to press forward.

Seeing that his side was discovered, Bao Dalang had no choice but to fight hard, so he also shouted hissingly and shot him with a flick of his spear.

Soldiers from both sides collided with each other for a moment.

Bao Dalang stared at Pei Mao, but Pei Mao was still blocked by Pei's guards.

If you want to kill Pei Mao, you must first kill these Pei's guards.

The first thing Bao Dalang faced was a guard wearing double armor, holding a knife in one hand and a shield in the other. I don't know whether it was because he was panicking before the battle or because of his lax combat skills. Anyway, when the shield-wielding guard saw Cao Jun charging forward, he failed to lift his shield forward in time.

This is very fatal...

The shield is not like in the game, as long as it is equipped, it can automatically defend against attacks from the direction of the shield. In fact, just holding a shield, not knowing combat skills, or lack of strength will make it useless even if you have a shield, or even It also drags itself down, making it impossible to dodge attacks that might have been dodgeable.

Just like Pei Mao's shield-wielding guard, if you are in normal attack and defense, the shield-wielding hand should arch outward, lift the shield and press it towards the direction of the opponent's attack, so that there is at least half an arm's distance between the shield and your body. In this way, there is a buffer. On the other hand, the shield is raised and pressed toward the opponent. The shield can be used to limit the opponent's attack route, causing the opponent to lose the effective range of the attack.

But Pei Mao's shield-wielding guard did not raise his shield at this moment...

Bao Dalang shouted: "Kill!" 』

The spear in his hand suddenly penetrated the thigh of the shield-wielding guard, and with a pop, it penetrated him!

The shield guard suddenly screamed and tried to chop Bao Dalang with the sword in his hand, but Bao Dalang gave him a fierce blow. Half of the shield guard's thigh muscles were immediately broken, and the blood-red and pale muscles and tendons jumped and curled up. Then, blood splashed into the air!

The shield-wielding guard could no longer stand firm, so he naturally couldn't cut Bao Dalang. He stumbled backwards and fell down, crushing another Pei guard with him, and Pei Mao's figure was immediately revealed. .

"Old man!" Come to death! 』

Bao Dalang was overjoyed and rushed up.

Pei Mao himself knew that it would be okay for him to shout a few times from behind. If he really wanted to fall in love with and kill the young and strong Cao Junjun with a knife, he must be powerless. He could only retreat and let other guards fill in.

Bao Dalang became more and more courageous as he killed. With his eyes widened, he waved his spear away and shouted loudly. He spun his steps and shot his spear like a dragon. He stabbed down another defender who came to protect Pei Mao with one shot. .

Bao Dalang drew his gun and smiled ferociously.

Blood spurted out. The guard of the Pei family still had his eyes wide open when he died, as if he still didn't believe that he died so easily. At least he needs two more lines...

Boxing is afraid of young people.

This sentence really makes sense.

Regardless of how good Pei Mao was in martial arts when he was young, he is now old, frail and sick, and even running a few steps with his sword is out of breath. How can he fight against a young and strong guy like Bao Dalang?

After all, there are only a few old and strong generals like Huang Zhong. Moreover, historically speaking, Huang Zhong died the next year after the explosion at Dingjun Mountain. It is difficult to say whether the battle at Dingjun Mountain consumed Huang Zhong's health and lifespan.

Bao Dalang's marksmanship is rough, basically the same as those in the military, stabbing, piercing, picking, poking, and hitting, all mediocre. However, he is young and strong, and everything on his body and hands are well-made, so Ordinary Pei guards may not be able to stop him!

The two sides fought together, shouting to kill Zhentian.

Pei Mao retreated again and again, causing the entire defensive line to retreat, which also caused the momentum of Cao's soldiers to increase.

Originally, the defenders' energy, endurance and physical strength had been severely reduced, but Pei Mao was suppressed again. Suddenly, casualties occurred one after another in the front line. Even the backbone forces such as Pei's personal guards also fell one after another, leaving other defenders I can't help but feel a chill in my heart...


How blinding!

Could it be that Anyi was really going to be captured? !

Yes, even if the hussars come to save them, they will still just thank God for opening their eyes...

Just when Anyi was in crisis and Pei Mao was dying, Cao Zhao, who was on the edge of the battlefield in Anyi, was so idle that hair grew all over his body.

After Cao Xiu left, Cao Zhao hardly had any serious rest.

When you're sleepy and tired, it's time to go...

Ahem, anyway, I just found a dry and sheltered place by the mound of rocks, wrapped in a cloak and slept for a while.

When you're hungry, that's dry food and physalis water.

On the one hand, the conditions are indeed limited, and on the other hand, Cao Zhao is also a young man. He is very frustrated here and has no intention of doing anything.

In Gufeng Mountain, they gradually responded to the name of this place and became a lone army.

Don't dare to move out, don't dare to leave.

The scouts who were afraid of meeting the Hussars were sent out, and if they were discovered by the Hussars, the meaning of hiding here for many days would be lost, let alone leaving. After all, they had to watch the back line for Cao Xiu, otherwise they would be caught by the Hussars. The cavalry took control of the Gufeng Mountain area, leaving Cao Xiu and other side troops with no way out.

All Cao Zhao can do every day is to climb to a high place and look from afar.

Although he couldn't see anything, even though Cao Zhao knew that Emei Mountain was to the north and Anyi was to the south, human vision was limited after all. After a certain distance, even if he wasn't myopic, he couldn't see clearly.

The only source of information is that soldiers from Cao's army will come every two or three days to deliver some news.

Although there is almost no change in this news, it is nothing more than Cao Jun besieging Anyi, then attacking, and then not defeating it, etc., this news can be regarded as their only external channel. When the soldiers of Cao's army who came to deliver the message went down to rest, other Cao's soldiers who stayed at Gufeng Mountain would inevitably ask how long the battle would last and when they could go back...

Every time at this time, the Cao Jun soldier who came to deliver the message always looked embarrassed.

Cao Zhao would drive away those talkative guys, but the next time the messengers came, they would still ask.

Cao Zhao understood that these guys' thoughts were no longer here long ago.

They were just waiting for word to come.

The reason why these soldiers of Cao's army listened to Cao Zhao was partly because of Cao Xiu's face, and partly because these soldiers themselves didn't know what to do better. Once something unexpected happens, Cao Zhao is worried that he may not be able to handle it well!

I really don’t know what happened to the Prime Minister?

While Cao Zhao was thinking wildly, suddenly there was a slight commotion at the sentry post on the top of the mountain, and a soldier of Cao's army shouted forcibly, "Coming... coming!" 』

In the first few breaths, Cao Zhao was still a little confused, what mess was coming, and then he reacted the next moment, climbed up from the rock, and then followed the hillside to the checkpoint halfway up the mountain. Run everywhere!

I saw in the distance, like a yellow dragon rolling up from the horizon, the overwhelming yellow dust was spreading!

Seeing such a situation, Cao Zhao couldn't help but trembled as if he had finished peeing, "Coming... coming!" 』

To be honest, at this moment, Cao Zhao no longer worried about who would win in the end between Prime Minister Cao and Fei Qiaoqi...

Although in the land of Shandong, the official propaganda every day is how miserable De Fei Qian is, what kind of traitor he is, and how he supports his troops and respects himself. However, Cao Cao has always been circling within the Central Plains, and he can really fight out, conquer foreign countries and achieve victory. But the only one who has achieved certain feats is the hussar!

Whether the propaganda is correct or not, everyone knows it.

Hussar is not a treacherous minister, but his surname is Fei, while the prime minister's surname is Cao, and Cao Zhao is also surnamed Cao.

In such a troubled world, the truth itself makes no sense.

And now, no matter what the final result is, it is finally coming to an end!

Cao Zhao jumped up and said, "Hurry!" Go and send a message to the Prime Minister! The hussars have arrived! arrive! Finally the damn one has arrived! 』

After Bao Zhong knew that his children had also joined the siege, he changed his warm demeanor and began to attack with force like a madman. Unexpectedly, with his appearance like this, in the eyes of the Anyi defenders, he looked more and more like Xi Xi. Cao Jun in front of him acted as cover.

When the Anyi defenders were first surrounded by Cao Jun, they once laughed at Cao Jun for what he was, but they didn't expect that when Cao Jun really attacked, they couldn't withstand it.

Especially since Cao's army is so large in number, they can take turns to rest, but the defenders can only support themselves with all their strength. Every time they hear the shouts of Cao's army below the city like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, and then surge in to attack the city wall, the Anyi defenders will inevitably feel a little nervous. A suffocating feeling that can be overwhelmed at any time!

There are very few archers left in the garrison on the city, and every one of these surviving archers is an elite veteran who is a sniper expert. If there is a system panel, at least three of them must be placed on their heads. stars. Those reckless archers who did not pay attention to protecting themselves had already laid down and left early, without even a lunch box.

It's just that the archers of these defenders are almost exhausted. On the one hand, the bow is fired continuously, and often in order to save one's life, one cannot shoot in a standard posture, so the fingers, arms, cheeks, chest, etc. will inevitably be cut to pieces by the bow string!

Also, there are not many bows and arrows left.

Unlike the situation where a straw boat borrows an arrow, or a straw man borrows an arrow and then picks it up and can continue to use it, most arrows will cause certain damage when they are shot and collide with an object harder than wood, especially if the arrow once If the tail quill is skewed and damaged, even if it can be retrieved and fired, it will not be accurate. Therefore, the consumption of arrows and the shortage of materials are inevitable shortcomings in Anyi City.

At this moment, Pei Ji was always on the front line, running around the city and cheering to cheer up the defenders, regardless of his own danger or the arrows shot from below the city whizzing past him. .

When he first went into battle, every time he heard the whistling of arrows, Pei Ji would subconsciously dodge and tremble. But now, Pei Ji doesn't deliberately dodge at all. He just looks at the surrounding situation and knows where it is. The one who gets shot will probably be smaller.

Pei Ji's armor was also hung with several stray arrows, which did not penetrate the armor and he did not have time to deal with them. The guards around him were even pushed away by Pei Ji just because they blocked his line of sight. He could not observe the movements of Cao's army.

In today's half-day offensive and defensive battle, Anyi Pei almost took out the last bit of blood.

Every time Cao Jun rushed to the city, there would be cheers like a stormy sea. In the cheers of Cao Jun, even if Cao Jun was driven back, Anyi's morale and fighting spirit were bit by bit...

But there is also a good thing, that is, Cao Jun's involuntary cheers are actually a warning sound.

Pei Ji was calling the defenders to fill up their defensive positions when he suddenly heard the cheers of Cao Jun below the city. He looked left and right, then quickly turned to look at the west wall, only to see Pei Mao's flags retreating continuously. Feeling cold in my heart, I quickly rushed to the west city wall with the few remaining guards around me...

This may be the only advantage of the current defenders, that is, it is more convenient and faster to go inside than to go outside. Even if Cao Hong discovers an opportunity on the west wall and asks Cao's army to replenish it, the defenders will provide support faster than Cao's army.

As he passed the few boiling water pots and cauldrons, Pei Ji dropped his eyes and pointed at the cart beside him, "Fill it up!" Bring it on! Hurry! 』

Pei Mao was already injured.

Although his martial arts skills are better than Bao Dalang, his strength is far insufficient.

Although Pei Mao tried his best to block and fight back, Bao Dalang bit him madly and refused to let go.

Pei Mao retreated again and again.

Cao Jun pressed forward step by step.

After all, Pei Mao has matured with age. Although he is not strong enough, he has many tricks, including throwing sand and raising dust.

But he still couldn't get rid of Bao Dalang.

Several Pei guards tried to come to rescue the siege, but were stopped by other Cao soldiers. Seeing Pei Mao panting and about to be shot to death by Bao Dalang, Pei Ji arrived with his men...

Pei Ji didn't say anything, and without any time to say anything else, he just pointed the "hidden weapon" directly at Cao Jun's forward!

The cauldrons used to burn gold juice or boiling water are generally large and difficult to move directly. Therefore, a spoon is usually used to transfer the gold juice or boiling water to a small wooden frame with wheels and push it away, and then use a lever. The principle is to lift and buckle the small cauldron towards the enemy soldier's head, and that's it.

Therefore, this thing cannot be poured over a large area, it can only be fixed on a line. As for the current situation, Pei Mao is in critical condition. Needless to say, the defenders who followed Pei Ji to the rescue are targeting Pei. Bao Dalang behind Mao launched a boiling water attack.

This thing doesn't look like smoke and dust, and nothing happens as soon as you close and open your eyes. Bao Dalang was concentrating on shooting one shot after another, trying to nail this slippery old man to the city wall, who looked like he was going to die at the next moment, but unexpectedly, his eyes suddenly turned white, and then he let out a scream. !

Fortunately, Pei Ji brought a can of boiling water with him on the spur of the moment when he arrived, and he immediately wounded Bao Dalang who was chasing Pei Mao!

This thing is like a magic attack, no amount of armor is useless!

Bao Dalang was suddenly splashed all over!

Even though the heat of the boiling water was somewhat reduced along the way, it was still at least more than 80 degrees of water splashed from a can of water. Bao Dalang's exposed face and hands suddenly looked like cooked shrimps and crabs. A piece of red!

Moreover, Bao Dalang's face was also burned, and he could hardly open his eyes, and he staggered back amidst the screams.

Cao Jun's momentum suddenly stagnated!

Pei Ji seized the opportunity and led a counterattack, eventually driving Bao Dalang and other Cao troops off the west city wall.

But when Pei Ji looked back, he saw Pei Mao sitting on the steps of the ruins of the West City Gate Tower, his face turned pale, and blood was seeping out from where Pei Mao was sitting.

"Father!" 』

Pei Ji hurriedly approached Pei Mao, only to find that Pei Mao was injured and his shirt was soaked in blood.

"Father!" Pei Ji lifted up Pei Mao's armor and saw a wound under his ribs that was bleeding out, "Quick!" Come and help bandage! 』

The guards rushed forward to help.

Although this kind of wound is not too big, it may be able to be endured by young people, but for Pei Mao, who is old and frail, he has to carry it for a while and fight in the battle formation, and now he has lost too much blood. , is undoubtedly very dangerous.

The blood penetrated the bandaging strips, but fortunately it didn't seem to flow as fast as before.

Pei Mao's breath was a little weak. He grabbed Pei Ji's hand and said, "Guard the city... Qiaoqi... He is so cruel... He will definitely come... But... cough cough cough..."

Although Pei Mao's words were confusing, Pei Ji understood.

For General Hussar, it is actually not that important whether the Pei family exists or not, or whether Anyi City has been captured.

It is more important to rebuild the "order" in Yuncheng, Hedong.

Therefore, how many people of the Pei family in Anyi City can survive, or how many people have died in Anyi City, will not actually become new obstacles to the implementation of Fei Qian's strategy.

Because these people are originally obstacles.

"Guard the city..." Pei Mao grabbed Pei Ji's hand, "Guard, defend the city... Pei family, Pei family... defend the city..."

If the city can be defended, no matter how many casualties there are, the people in Anyi City will invisibly "owe" a "favor account" to the Pei family, and then the Pei family can borrow these "favor accounts" after the war. Gradually recover and grow again. On the contrary, if the Pei family did not hold Anyi, then in the end all the Pei family's previous investment would be greatly reduced, or even mean that it would be wasted.

"Father..." Pei Ji looked at Pei Mao and was about to say something when he heard another huge wave of cheers coming from the direction of Nancheng where Bao Zhong was attacking.

"Go quickly!" Pei Mao pushed Pei Ji away, then gritted his teeth and stood up covering the wound, "I, I will stand here even if I shed the last drop of blood!" Defend Anyi! 』

Pei Ji knew that the situation was urgent and had nothing to say, so he couldn't bear to look at Pei Mao, then gritted his teeth and turned around and shouted, "Children of the Pei family!" Anyone who can still breathe, come with me! 』

Pei Mao leaned against the dilapidated city gate tower, watching Pei Ji walk away with some reluctance and desolation, and shouted in an old and hoarse voice, "Pei family from Hedong!" Fight to the death! Fight to the death...ahem, die...ah..."

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