Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3324: Cavalry Cavalry

Chapter 3323: Hussars Hussars

The news that the Hussars’ vanguard appeared near the Lonely Peak Mountain was delivered to Cao Cao by an 800-mile express horse.

Although Cao Cao and others had expected this, they still felt uneasy when they heard the overwhelming news of the Hussars.

The gain or loss of Anyi suddenly became less important.

In Cao Cao’s tent, the light of the torches and braziers shone on everyone’s face, which seemed to add a bit of grease to everyone. It was unknown whether the grease was the cold sweat caused by fear or the blood color of excitement.

Cao Cao squinted his eyes and muttered in silence at the top.

Cao Hong was at the second top, and he didn’t speak either.

After Cao Hong, the other generals kept chirping and muttering in low voices.

“That old man Bao has been fighting for so many days but still failed to take Anyi! He also lost a lot of good men in vain. If I were to go, I would definitely be able to take Anyi! 』

『You filthy bastard, if you were sure, what would you have done earlier? You are saying this now. The defenders in Anyi are fighting desperately, can they really put all their fighting power into this broken city? 』

『Now Anyi has not been taken... attack again tomorrow or what? 』

『Fight again tomorrow? Who has the heart to fight? Send that old man again...』


The mumbling military school suddenly remembered that Cao Hong seemed to be supervising the battle in the second half of today, so he quickly swallowed the rest of his words.

But no matter what these military schools said, the topic revolved around Anyi City, as if Anyi City was the top priority they had to face.

As for the Hussars, no one dared to talk about them, no one dared to mention them, and no one dared to pat their chests and stand up, saying that they could take the heads of the Hussars with thousands of troops and horses...

It was like the later generations of the braided dynasty who only dared to shout, demonstrate, and insult their subordinates and people when they met the foreigners, but they did not dare to mention the foreigners at all.

During the attack and defense of Anyi, Bao Zhong, whose child was unfortunately injured, was not there to take care of the child, so this old guy was naturally the best scapegoat.

As long as you do something, you are afraid that you can't find any mistakes?

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and weighed it in his heart.

According to today's attack and defense situation, it is only a matter of time before Anyi is broken, but Anyi is not the focus of this war now...

No matter how much the Pei family struggled to death, they were at the end of their rope.

The only variable is the arrival of the Hussars.

If we can defeat the cavalry, then Anyi is like a poultry in a cage, it just takes more effort to catch it, and if we lose, the poultry in the cage alone may not be able to compensate for the damage!

Moreover, if it really comes to that, it is possible that leaving the damaged and injured Anyi behind can still bring some benefits.

However, Cao Cao certainly cannot say this, so Cao Cao glanced at Dong Zhao, and couldn't help but miss Guo Jia again.

If Fengxiao was here...

At Cao Cao's signal, Dong Zhao coughed and said slowly: "My lord, please understand... I have heard that a strong crossbow cannot penetrate Lu's silk, why? A strong crossbow is a sharp weapon, and its power can penetrate gold and split stone; while Lu's silk is a thin gauze, as light as nothing. However, the power of a strong crossbow cannot penetrate Lu's silk, and the reason behind this is just like now. 』

『The strength of the cavalry is like a strong crossbow. Although it is powerful, it is weak in the follow-up, like a floating cloud covering the sun, and will eventually disperse. We only need to hold our positions and resist its sharp edge. When its momentum is weakened and exhausted, the day of victory is just around the corner. This is the way to overcome the hard with the soft, which is also important in the art of war...』

Dong Zhao said, Cao Cao nodded slightly on the surface, but in fact Cao Cao was not satisfied with Dong Zhao's words.

At this time, even if there is no eight wins and eight losses, there must be five generals, four schools and three Shangyou...

Ahem, without these, how can we inspire people?

However, Dong Zhao has always been like this. Flying close to the ground is not his strong point, so Cao Cao just listened.

The original plan made by Cao Cao and Guo Jia, Dong Zhao and others was that even if they could not win this time, they would consume most of the strength of the cavalry, and then use the manpower of Shandong to press Guanzhong, and finally win the strategic victory.

Of course, if it is said in a more elegant way, it is time for space and manpower for advantage, but in fact it is to fill the pit with human lives until Fei Qian is dragged down!

These things will naturally not be said explicitly.

But later, the Shanshan Kingdom Treaty sent by Fei Qian from the Western Regions was equivalent to a blow to this plan.

Fei Qian also did not directly tell Cao Cao that severing exchanges and cutting off trade would not make Guanzhong poor. Isn't it true that Shanshan alone can make Guanzhong eat for several years...

Then Cao Cao sent the Shanshan Kingdom Treaty to Shandong. On the one hand, it was really meaningless to intercept it, and on the other hand, he hoped that Shandong people would see the difficulty of dealing with Fei Qian and should be more united. The result is obvious. When Shandong people saw the difficulty, they surrendered directly and stood in a daze at the fountain.

It's not that Lao Cao didn't want to hold the line, nor that Cao Mengde's Montesquieu Military Strategy was useless, but that there were too many pig teammates who dragged their feet.

This is also a common problem in the middle and late stages of the feudal dynasty. As more and more officials in the court were in office but doing nothing, the local gentry who held power took public power as their private property. If they wanted to go to war against foreign powers, it was like wearing shackles and handcuffs, and fighting with rusty weapons that could break at any time.

The reason why Cao Cao still persists is not because Cao Cao hates Fei Qian, nor is it because of jealousy, or any other negative emotions, but simply because Cao Cao does not believe that Fei Qian's path can work!

The Han Dynasty has not been able to walk through it for three or four hundred years, but Fei Qian can walk out of it. How can he walk out?

Although the world is big, there are never many roads that can accommodate it.

Yuan Benchu ​​thought that the foundation of the Han Dynasty and the original intention of the Han Dynasty were with him. As a result, he lost both his foundation and his beginning. Yuan Gongluo thought that he, the great man of Han Dynasty, could only take the great road in the world, but in fact, the road he took was a dead end.

What about the other princes?

Cao Cao's thoughts spread out...

Dong Zhuo did not have any outstanding talents.

Tao Qian did not die a happy death because of his humility.

Han Fu, aha, he was named Fu but died in the muddy land.

Sun Ce had no plan and lost his life; Liu Bei had no preparation and was displaced; Sun Quan had no power and was limited to Jiangdong...

Only this Fei Qian...

Cao Cao's eyes narrowed even more.


What about yourself?


Cao Cao slapped the table and said in a deep voice: "The matter has come to this, it is useless to think too much!" The whole army is united to fight against the hussars! Send the order, prepare more sand, soil and trees, traps to repel the horses, and fight against the hussars! 』

Everyone responded in awe!

The Yuncheng Basin was originally a fertile place in the east of Hedong and an appendage of the Yinheluo area in Henan of the Han Dynasty.

This place is actually quite interesting.

Hedong County already existed in the Western Han Dynasty and was directly under the jurisdiction of the Sili Xiaowei Department. In other words, at the beginning of the Han Dynasty, Hedong was more inclined to Guanzhong, but by the Eastern Han Dynasty, due to its unique geographical location, it became a bellwether for the competition between Guanzhong and Guandong forces.

During the Western Han Dynasty, Hedong County was sandwiched between Guanzhong and Hebei. It was not only the link between the two sides, but also the focus of competition between the two sides. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the capital was set in Luoyang, and the political and economic center was transferred to the Heluo Plain. This made Hedong County, as a key link on the road from Guanzhong to Heluo, further strengthening its strategic position in imperial politics.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Hedong County often became the emperor's bargaining chip to beat Shandong, but it was quickly thrown aside after it was used up.

Kind of like a chamber pot.

After using it too much, Hedong County's stomach was naturally very angry.

Therefore, in the Yuncheng Basin area east of Hedong, it is natural that the gentry and gentry have their own minds.

At this time, in the Hussar camp, the three-color commander's flag representing the Hussars was flying high. In the tent, Fei Qian, Xun Chen, Xu Chu and others were discussing military affairs.

The main affairs were still led by Xun Chen and Xu Chu, and other civil servants and military academies were just sitting in to observe.

The slower you go, the better prepared you will be for action.

Once everything is in place, execution will be more orderly.

"According to reports from scouts, the Pei family is still holding on in Anyi City. However, Cao Jun's attack is urgent... Anyi may suffer heavy losses..." Xun Chen said in a low voice.

Fei Qian nodded slightly, looking calm.

He could send troops and cavalry to support Anyi at any time, but he was unwilling to do so.

Obviously, Cao Cao set up a huge formation near Anyi. Attacking Anyi with cavalry alone without the cover of infantry and artillery was undoubtedly a desperate act.

The cavalry does have an advantage over the infantry. In terms of movement speed and transfer range, there is no problem in bullying those with short legs. However, Cao Jun will not simply compete with the hussars on the same track...

Just rescuing Anyi is of little significance.

Fei Qian must defeat Cao Cao's main force and achieve a decisive victory.

Xu Chu said on the side: "General Zhang sent a message, saying that he had discovered the movement of Cao's army... Could it be that Cao's army is preparing to attack our rear in a roundabout way, and also make a surprise attack on Linfen to cut off our food route?" 』

Fei Qian turned around and asked Xun Chen, "What do you think?" 』

Xun Chen pondered for a moment, then said categorically: "This is the usual method used by Cao Jun!" Cao Mengde likes to cut off other people's food routes... Therefore, Cao's army must have a partial army, either to attack our flanks, or to harass the rear, or even to intercept the food routes and destroy our supplies. But with General Zhang protecting the flanks, there should be no worries. 』

"Um. Fei Qian nodded and ordered him to lead his troops to patrol the east side of Emei Ridge to prevent Cao's army from infiltrating and attacking. 』

Xun Chen responded and wrote down the order.

"The former army has contacted Cao Jun. When Cao Jun saw our soldiers and horses, they huddled in the camp or scattered far away." Xu Chu asked again, "May I ask, my lord, if I can attack them in separate groups?" 』

Fei Qian thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "This is probably Cao Jun's plan." There is a saying that it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt five of them. The most important thing for Cao's army is Cao Mengde, and they cannot attack in all directions. The current responsibility of the cavalry is still to protect the two wings of the infantry as they advance slowly. 』

Xu Chu also accepted the order.

Then some military-related issues were discussed.

Fei Qian also made arrangements one by one.

Cao Cao likes to cut off food roads, which Fei Qian can certainly guess.

The reason why Fei Qian asked Xun Chen was, on the one hand, to test Xun Chen's thinking, and on the other hand, to make Xun Chen more adaptable to this model of fighting against Shandong.

Everyone has a family of origin, but we cannot talk about our family of origin as if we are bearing a sin. It seems that by blaming all problems on the family of origin, you can avoid your own fault.

Xun Chen was born in the Yingchuan noble clan and had multiple BUFFs or DEBUFFs. If he could not face up to these problems, he would eventually end up in Hedong and would not be able to move forward.

Fei Qian is going to take an unprecedented path, and it is hard to say whether there will be others in the future. It is not an easy task to reverse the trap of the small-scale peasant economic system in the current era of the Han Dynasty.

After all, there were too many benefits of the small-scale peasant economy in the feudal dynasty.

Even though Fei Qian was not a professional in the economic system, he understood that the reason why the feudal dynasty chose the small-scale peasant economic system as its main structural model was because the small-scale peasant economy was so important and useful in maintaining the social stability of the feudal dynasty. .

That's right, "stable".

The Chinese feudal dynasty liked "stability" the most and feared "change" the most.

"Stability" means that the class is stable and everything is fine.

The small-scale peasant economy takes the family as the production unit and is highly decentralized. This decentralization led to a lack of opportunities for farmers to unite, thereby reducing the threat to the central power. At the same time, since each household is self-sufficient and consumes the products produced by itself, this model reduces the demand for market transactions, reduces social instability caused by market economic fluctuations, and makes it less likely to cause regional looting of supplies. Shortage issues are relatively simple to manage.

What is very interesting is that under the small-scale peasant economic system, the decentralization and independence of various regions require strong central authority to maintain social order, and the central court needs to grant official titles to local officials to demonstrate their legitimacy. Therefore, it naturally became, so to speak, the only economic system under feudal despotism.

Stable, solid.

To constrain, to bind.

Farmers are tied to the land, which reduces population mobility and is conducive to social stability. This closed nature also made farmers more accepting of the enlightenment of feudal ethics and morals. Ideological control was not only reflected in political loyalty, but also penetrated into all aspects of daily life, consolidating the ideological foundation of the feudal dynasty.

By the time of the Ming Dynasty, Lao Zhu even felt that it could be stable for generations to come...

Obviously, the small-scale peasant economy can have strong stability when maintaining imperial power or under feudal rule. However, the fragility of the small-scale peasant economy makes it difficult to withstand large-scale natural and man-made disasters. At the same time, its decentralization also leads to the failure of technological innovation. Spreads slowly. This is the root of why after the establishment of the Chinese feudal dynasty, technology was difficult to grow and the technology tree could not be climbed. In the later period, whenever a strong enemy was encountered, GG would be played...

If Fei Qian wants to get rid of this trap, he must first knock off the shell of the noble family. Xun Chen was born into a noble family, but when he became the manager of the country and the planner of the court, he could no longer just be a noble family member. He had to shed his original shell and face new pains in order to grow.

In addition to Xun Chen, there are also new cultivators who have grown up in Shoushan Academy during this period, such as Wang Xiang and Xue Ping, who went to Guanzhong some time ago, and Le, who went south with Fei Qian this time. Xiang, Xu Ying, etc.

These people are adapting and growing.

There are also hussars. In addition to the previous cavalry commanders such as Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, and Zhang Xiu, Fei Qian also discovered some guys who may have been unknown...

Li Li.

A guy from a poor background. Step by step in the army, he became a military prince in the cavalry camp under Fei Qian.

Zhang Jing.

This man is very courageous and a natural warrior. He achieved excellent results in the Yinshan Cavalry Training Camp and became a good grassroots cavalry general.

Bow out.

He is tall and thick-set, with a strong physique. He was originally a wandering wanderer who lived in poverty. Well, after Fei Qian cracked down on the ranger business, he changed his job and joined the army. After all, the welfare and salary in Fei Qian's army were better than being a ranger who had a lot of work but no time to stop. Now it is the infantry military academy under Xu Zhu.

In addition to these Han grassroots military academy non-commissioned officers, there are also Hu people.

For example, go to the humble tribe.

To go to humbleness is, of course, to go to Xianbei.

Qubei is a southern Huns. He is the strongest and bravest among the Qubei tribe, so he inherited the name "Quebei". Of course, now this guy has changed his name to Liu Drive. This guy is a natural cavalry general. In addition to his good force, his riding skills are even more superb. He can even sleep on the horse without falling off when the horse is running.

And so on, many more officers and military academies grew up, but this time they stayed where they were and did not go south with Fei Qian.

Those from Taiyuan, those from Shangdang, those from Beidi, those from Guanzhong...


These people are all talents who have developed and grown under Fei Qian's guidance. They have gradually replaced the power of the original local squires and built a middle and low-level structure under Fei Qian's command, which will also become the foundation for future development.

Nowadays, the word "Hussar" is no longer a simple title, nor is it just Fei Qian.

It is undoubtedly very difficult to get rid of the original system of gentry and gentry and rebuild one's own talent echelon. Especially at that time, Fei Qian almost "went his own way" to carry out literacy in the army and let soldiers read and write in military schools. This made it even more difficult. Many gentry children laughed incessantly, thinking that Fei Qian was simply crazy...

But now, Fei Qian has gradually begun to enter the harvest period.

At least Fei Qian proved that knowledge can be passed on by Confucianism, but it does not necessarily have to be Confucianism.

When Confucius taught everyone, he never thought of letting his disciples monopolize knowledge, become academic tycoons, and then spread their reputation for thousands of years and spread their voices for hundreds of generations, and then secretly write the word "cannibalism" in black and white.

So Fei Qian is fighting Cao Cao now. Defeat Cao Cao is naturally the first goal to achieve, but in addition, it is also training and training to make the loss smaller and grow more.

This is a change of the times.

"Now I am lucky to fight with you in Hedong, eliminate evil and restore the glory of the Han family. In the past, when I implemented the new system and rewarded the generals with meritorious fields, I once said..." Fei Qian said slowly, "This is a good time, and this is also a bad time. This is ignorance, and this is wisdom. This can also be bright, and this can also be dim. This may be firm belief, and this may be great confusion. This is a beautiful spring, and there is also a cold winter of despair... Let's encourage each other! 』

Xun Chen, Xu Chu and others stood up and bowed, "We are willing to follow the master's footsteps!"

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