Li's Castle.

   "Grandma, I want Mommy." Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao stood in front of Li Wanqing, their eyes were red, they hadn't seen Mommy for a week, they missed Mommy so much.

   "Your mommy is on a business trip, and she won't be back until some time later." Li Wanqing could only comfort the little ones like this.

  But the cuties didn't buy it.

"Grandma, are you lying to us?" Ke Ke expressed doubts, "Mummy used to make it clear to us before every business trip, and would call us every day, but now she hasn't called once, I don't believe it. "

"Yes, grandma, Mommy will definitely call us when she is on a business trip, but this time she won't make any calls. She must not be on a business trip. Daddy must have driven her away." Xiao Xiao also expressed sensitively Doubtful, pursed his lips and wanted to cry.

  Although Ding Ding didn't know what would happen to Mommy when he was on a business trip, but he didn't see Mommy for so many days, he also suspected that Daddy was bullying Mommy again.

"It's really not like this. This time, your mommy was on an urgent business trip. She was in a hurry and things were busy there, so I didn't call you. Do you trust grandma? Your daddy misses mommy too, He thinks more than you, if you don't believe me, you can ask daddy then."

  Facing the lovely children, Li Wanqing didn't know what to say except telling lies, she was more and more powerless to explain to them.

   "Hmph, Daddy is from a bad Daddy, we don't want to talk to him." The three little guys snorted coldly, and all sneered at Li Zhenting.

   "I think he should be driven out of this family."

   "Yes, he always bullies Mommy, he doesn't deserve to stay in this house."

   "Daddy is a pervert. He always likes other bad women. I don't look down on him at all."


  The three little fellows began to criticize Li Zhenting.

  Li Wanqing has black lines all over her head, how failed her son is as a father.

   When Li Zhenting returned home in a daze, he heard that his sons were hurting him, belittling him to nothing.

  He doesn't have any opinion. Of course, what the children said is right, he is indeed too scumbag!

  He drooped his head and walked in listlessly.

   "Shen Ting." Seeing his son's appearance, Li Wanqing's heart sank, and she knew that he hadn't found Shen Ning yet.

   "Hmph." Seeing Daddy's ugly appearance, the three little guys hated him even more, they all snorted coldly, turned their faces away, not only ignored him, but also stopped calling 'Daddy'.

  Li Wanqing felt sad in her heart.

   Li Zhenting sat down on the sofa in front of them.

   "Coco, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, Daddy is sorry for you." He stroked their heads, feeling extremely guilty.

   "Hmph, I don't accept your apology." Coco turned her head angrily, "Unless you can get our mommy back."

   "Don't worry, Daddy will do his best." Li Zhenting promised weakly.

  If Shen Ning leaves him deliberately, he doesn't know where to find her!

Xiao Xiao stared at him: "Daddy, why do you always hurt Mommy? You promised me to be nice to Mommy in the future, but you have promised me twice, and you haven't kept it once. I despise you, tell me You, if you don't bring Mommy back to us, I won't recognize you in the future."

  The little girl was furious, her cheeks were flushed, and there were tears in her eyes.

"Xiaoxiao." Seeing his daughter so angry, Li Zhenting's heart ached, and he wanted to pick her up and coax her guiltily, but Xiaoxiao pushed his hand away and ran upstairs up.

   "Ah Yun, hurry up and look at her." Li Wanqing hurriedly called to Sister Yun, "Guide her more."

It may be because she grew up with Shen Ning, Xiaoxiao has a very deep affection for Mommy, and seeing her every day is like three autumns, and now that she hasn't seen Mommy for so many days, her mentality has changed and she has become very manic Li Wanqing was really worried that something would happen to her, and she was even more afraid that she would overreact, so she would be followed all the time.

  Sister Yun agreed, and hurried up.

   "Hmph, scumbag." Ke Ke and Ding Ding made a contemptuous face towards Li Zhenting, then turned and ran upstairs.

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