"Zhen Ting, you haven't found Shen Ning yet, have you?" Li Wanqing pressed after the children left.

   Li Zhenting shook his head sullenly.

   "Hey." Li Wanqing sighed heavily, "You should review yourself, Shen Ning has made up his mind this time not to see you again."

  She wiped away her tears: "Now the children force me to ask where Mommy has gone every day. I can't get along anymore. It's really a crime that a good family has become like this."

   Li Zhenting put his head in his hands and closed his eyes in pain.

   "Zhen Ting, I didn't blame you. You should have explained it to Shen Ning after you woke up. It's good now, everything is irreparable." Li Wanqing complained.

Li Zhenting's face was serious: "Mom, do you think I don't want to? But the situation was critical at that time, and the target would be leaked if I was not careful. The overall situation is the most important. Moreover, if the enemy knows that Shen Ning is my favorite woman, I'm afraid they'll deal with her, against her, and all of this is something I've thought about."

  He had already told Li Jinyao to send someone to protect Shen Ning, but he only had a few days, but he didn't expect things to go to the worst.

   But thinking about it carefully, all of this is inevitable.

  Li Wanqing looked at her son, and in just a few days, she seemed to be a different person, with a stubble, sunken eye sockets, and a cyan color on her cheeks.

  The son who was once handsome and radiant, whom she was proud of, disappeared, and was replaced by this son who looked sluggish, depressed, and made her feel sad.

   "Zhen Ting, think about it, just try your best." She tried to comfort her son, but felt so empty.

   "Mom, if I can't find Shen Ning in this life, I won't be happy anymore." Li Zhenting stood up and said, then walked outside.

   "Ah." Li Wanqing gasped, tears streaming down her face.

Security room.

   After calming down, Li Zhenting thought of the time when Shen Ning last appeared in Li's Castle. He decided to investigate it himself, and followed the clues to see if he could find some clues.

"Mr. Li, you see, this is the last time my wife appeared in Li's Castle. One afternoon a week ago, she called the security guard at the gate, saying that something happened, and the private doctor was also called there." The captain of the security guard Show him the surveillance video of Shen Ning calling them at Li's Castle that day.

   Li Zhenting saw Shen Ning's flustered and tense expression, his face was frightened, his brows were frowned, and he asked in a deep voice, "What happened that day?"

"That day the nanny Xiaofeng was hacked by a man in black on the boulevard to the west, and her arm was seriously injured. She was in a critical situation at the time. It was her wife who rescued her. Since that day, she has never been seen again. Ma'am, she never came back." The security captain briefly described what happened that day.

  Li Zhenting's eyes flashed coldly: "Can the monitoring be adjusted to the scene where Xiaofeng was hacked by a man that day?"

This Xiaofeng tried to overthrow Shen Ning on the 30th day of the Lunar New Year, with impure motives and eccentric personality. She has been forgotten because of her busy schedule. Looking at it now, Shen Ning's disappearance may have something to do with her. Started jumping up.

   "Mr. Li, the monitoring system on the west side was destroyed in advance. Because the young lady was not injured, we didn't pursue it. After all, Xiaofeng was also fired." The security captain replied.

   "Where is Xiaofeng now?"

   "She was sent to the People's Hospital by the young mistress. The young mistress seemed to treat her very well and even paid her for medical expenses."

   "Is she still in the People's Hospital now?"

   "It should be. Her arm was seriously injured, the incision was deep, and there was a lot of blood that day. It is estimated that she will not be able to leave the hospital."

   "Call the family doctor."

   Not long after, the family doctor came and told Li Zhenting about Xiaofeng's injury that day.

  He stood up and rushed towards the Imperial Capital People's Hospital.

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