Chapter 1016 Great suspicion

   After dinner, Li Zhenting sent the children back to Li's Castle.

  He personally bathed the children, sent them to bed, and told them stories... In short, how Shen Ning took care of them before, he did it one by one, and even did it more carefully and took care of them more carefully.

  He wants to give the children the best care and minimize the harm caused to the children due to Shen Ning's disappearance.

  He didn't want to wrong them at all, because he was worried that Shen Ning would be sad if they were wronged. He didn't want Shen Ning to be sad and painful at all, and he loved their children even more.

   After finishing all this work, he will go to the study to work overtime.

  Tonight, after sending Xiao Xiao to sleep in the princess room as usual, he walked towards the study, and stopped when he passed the guest room.

   After a while, he opened the guest room door and walked in.

  Since they remarried and he was controlled by Xiaofeng, he rarely went home.

  The heartbroken Shen Ning has been sleeping in this room.

   The room is as clean and tidy as ever.

  He looked around and opened the wardrobe door.


  Sorrow and longing permeated every cell of him.

   There are still a few clothes hanging in the closet, which were once worn by Shen Ning.

  In just a few months, everything has changed!

   "Ning Ning." He stroked his clothes with trembling fingers, weeping uncontrollably.

  Finally, he held her clothes in both hands and sat down on the bed.

  There seemed to be a faint scent of her body on the bed.

  He lay down, put the clothes on his chest, covered the quilt, and closed his eyes.

  The faint fragrance on the quilt was inhaled into the nostrils, and the nerves that had been tense were finally relaxed.

  He fell asleep just like that.

   the next day.

  In the meeting room of the Li Group.

   Li Zhenting in a suit and leather shoes hurried in cold-blooded just after the meeting.

"President Li, Zhu Qixiong's whereabouts have been erratic during this period, very strange, he often drives to neighboring counties, Hua County, Fan County, Qingshan, and even places as remote as Nancheng, and rarely stays in the imperial capital. "Leng Xue whispered.

  Li Zhenting's phoenix eyes under his bushy eyebrows shone with a sharp and cold light, and he asked in a deep voice, "Does Zhu Qixiong have real estate and companies in these places?"

   "Through investigation, apart from a villa in Hua County, there is no other place."

   "Does he go to these places by himself every time?"


   "Can't be tracked by others?"

   "Not currently, sometimes he disappears for several days, and suddenly returns to the imperial capital. However, recently, he seems to have become better, and he doesn't get dirty with women and doesn't hang out in nightclubs anymore."

  Li Zhenting's lips pursed into a mocking smile.

   Young Master Zhu, who has always been known as a **** and a romantic talent, doesn't even detain women, and doesn't go to romantic places, isn't it abnormal?

After Shen Ning's disappearance, after repeated thinking and analysis, he decided that Shen Ning was a woman who was pregnant and even needed to protect her baby. She would not go far. In the imperial capital, she had almost no relatives except Marley and Aunt Dong. Therefore, the person who can help her disappear so quickly is probably Zhu Qixiong.

   After all, Zhu Qixiong has been in the upper class for a long time, and has a lot of connections, so it is easy to help her.

   Moreover, he also heard that Shen Ning, as Zhu Qixiong's girlfriend, went to meet the elders of Zhu's family on the night of New Year's Eve.

   Zhu Qixiong is definitely suspected.

   Sure enough, he still has problems through focused tracking, and the problems are not small.

   "Okay, I see." After Li Zhenting answered, Leng Xue left. After he explained the company's affairs, he drove to Qingshan Town in person.

  (end of this chapter)

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