Chapter 1017 Will definitely take good care of you

Qingshan Town, as the name suggests, is also called Qingshan. There are green hills stretching for tens of kilometers, one after another. The imperial capital is really unable to develop its economy, and it is still in a remote area.

  In recent years, many enterprises in the Imperial City have chosen to build factories here, and it has become the rear of some enterprises in the Imperial City.

"Mr. Li, look, this land and the nearby hills have been taken away by people. They will build a factory here, and we will have no way out. I don't know which wicked ghost wants to do this." Li Zhenting When he came to the factory, the supervisor Qiu Dahai took him to the factory to report the situation to the foreign exchange, pouring bitter water.

   "Why didn't you notify me in advance?" Li Zhenting frowned.

  "The other party did it too secretly, and signed the contract without knowing it. By the time we know the news, it will be too late." Qiu Dahai's face was full of sadness.

   "Where is the village party secretary now?" Li Zhenting asked coldly.

   "I saw him wandering here a few days ago, but he has disappeared in the past two days."

   "I see." Li Zhenting said lightly, and walked out.

  Furong Hotel in the town.

   "Xiaomi, drink it. After drinking this cup, we will go upstairs to rest." Secretary Ou Zhi smiled and touched the face of the widow Xiaomi.

   "Secretary, our family's private land will not be confiscated by the village."

   "Don't worry, it won't happen, I will do everything."

   "Yeah, I hate it."


   After a while, Ou Zhishu, who was full of food and drink, walked upstairs to the suite with Widow Zhang in his arms.

ten minutes later.

   Li Zhenting kicked open the door.

   "Ah." The men and women who had just undressed on the bed were shocked, and the woman shrank into a ball, her face full of panic.

  The man also sat up quickly, covered his lower body with the quilt, and looked at Li Zhenting in a panic.

   Li Zhenting walked in calmly.

   "Secretary Ouzhi, I'm sorry to interrupt your good business."

   "Li, Li, President Li." Secretary Ouzhi stuttered, dumbfounded.

"Secretary Ouzhi, today I'm here to talk to you about the land and the contracting of the mountain. It was agreed last time, and now we can sign the contract." Li Zhenting shook his phone with his fingers, and there were him and Widow Zhang inside. As for the undressed photo, he smiled as if he didn't know anything.

   "..." Ou Zhishu's face turned pale and he was speechless.

   "What? Secretary Ou forgot?" Li Zhenting raised his eyebrows, "Do you still want me to say hello to Director Liu?"

   "No, no, I haven't forgotten, it's ok, can we talk about it tomorrow? Sign the contract immediately tomorrow." Secretary Ouzhi smiled flatteringly.

   "OK, fine." Li Zhenting snapped his fingers, with a smile on his lips, "Then I won't delay your good work, remember to come to me tomorrow."


Li Zhenting walked out, and as soon as he reached the door, he suddenly turned around and said, "Secretary Ouzhi, I am impatient. If you don't come to me to sign the contract tomorrow, then I have to go to Bureau Liu. I believe Director Liu will take good care of you when he knows about this situation."

   After speaking, he strode away.

  Big drops of sweat flowed down Ou Zhishu's forehead.

  He collapsed on the bed.

"Mr. Li, I found out. The land and the mountain were bought by Young Master Zhu of the Zhu Group. It seems that they are targeting our Li Group." As soon as Li Zhenting walked out, Qiu Dahai rushed over to report, " I have a buddy in the Zhu Group, he told me."

  (end of this chapter)

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