Chapter 1018 A pure white figure

   "Understood." Li Zhenting said lightly, and continued to walk outside.

  The man's black pupils were shining brightly, and there was a disdainful sneer on the corner of his lips.

Zhu's Group mainly produces automobiles, and has been firmly in the upper hand for the past few years. However, since the launch of new energy vehicles last year, Li Zhenting knew that the country focused on supporting this, so he adjusted his strategic direction. As a result, only one year later, Li's The group's car sales have steadily surpassed that of Zhu's Group.

  It seems that they are in a hurry. After all, the market space has been squeezed by others, and Ming can't fight but play such crooked ideas.

   "President Li, do you think we should take countermeasures or negotiate with the Zhu family?" Qiu Dahai was very anxious.

   Li Zhenting just said lightly: "Don't worry, they can't take away the land and the hills. You should make preparations and sign the contract tomorrow."

   "Ah." Qiu Dahai's eyes widened in shock, Mr. Li is not talking nonsense, the Zhu Group has already signed a contract with Ou Zhishu, how can it sign a contract with them.

  But Li Zhenting has gone far.

  The spring in Qingshan Town is very beautiful.

  It was raining continuously, and the branches on both sides of the street bloomed beautiful, white and bright flowers, which looked extraordinarily beautiful and delicate against the backdrop of green leaves.

  By the lake, there are willows and ducks playing in the green lake.

  Several children are playing carefree on the side of the road.

  A pregnant woman sat by the lake embankment and vomited, her face flushed from vomiting. Beside her, a man gently wiped her lips with a tissue, fed her water, and held her in his arms.

   Li Zhenting stared blankly, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in the apex of his heart.

  His Ning Ning was also pregnant and had severe vomiting, but he never accompanied her even once, not even giving her the most basic care.

  What about a successful career? What's the point of living when you lose the love of your life?

  He stood by the lakeside, his hair was wet by the drizzle, and he didn't even notice it. He didn't walk forward until his feet were numb.

  He walked along the lakeside, and before he knew it, he walked almost a full circle around the lakeside.

   Finally stopped by a pier and stood leaning against the railing.

  A boat is parked by the pier, and someone is walking on board.

   "The boarding is speeding up, this is the last boat." The captain shouted loudly.

  It turns out that there is a river between the flat land of this mountain and the mountain village over there, and they usually use boats to ferry across the river to communicate with each other.

  People ran towards the boat one after another.

   Li Zhenting looked at all this aimlessly.

   Soon, the ship was full of people.

  His eyes fell habitually on the crowd.

  Ge Di

  A pure white figure fell into his eyes.

   Li Zhenting breathed hard, his entire back was tense, his eyes fixed on the figure.

  She is a pregnant woman, with a white skirt, her belly is slightly shy, she is leaning on the side of the boat, her back is thin, her neck is slender, and her ponytail is tied...

   "Ningning, Ningning." Li Zhenting suddenly ran towards the ship like crazy, "Wait for me, wait, don't set sail."

  He ran and shouted.

   But at this time the boat has already started.

   "Don't drive away, I want to get on the boat." Li Zhenting shouted desperately, beckoning to the boat.

   But the ship has already started, and it is impossible to stop.

   "Ning Ning, Ning Ning." Li Zhenting became anxious, roaring hoarsely, accidentally stepped on a stone, and fell forward with his whole body.

   "Boater, stop the boat, I want to get on board." But he ignored the pain, got up and still yelled loudly.

  (end of this chapter)

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