Chapter 1019 It must be her!

   "Young man, the boat has already set sail, and it won't stop because of you. Come back tomorrow, and it will open at six o'clock tomorrow morning." At this time, an older man came over and said to him.

   In desperation, Li Zhenting could only watch the boat drive towards the center of the lake.

   "Ning Ning, Ning Ning."

   After he murmured a few times, he realized something, and his eyes suddenly searched for the figure on the boat.

  But this time no matter how he looked, he couldn't see the white figure anymore.

   Is it an illusion again?

   No, not possible!

  He was sure that he really saw Shen Ning this time, the woman in the white maternity dress must be Shen Ning.

  It is absolutely impossible for him to read wrong.

   "Ning Ning." He shouted heartbreakingly again.

   But the figure on the boat is getting smaller and smaller.

   "Stop yelling, it's useless." The middle-aged man shook his head and returned to his booth.

  Li Zhenting looked up at his sweaty face and asked, "Uncle, may I ask if a woman in a white maternity dress got on the boat just now, and she went from this pier, right?"

  The man thought for a while, and said: "It is true, but I don't know if it is the person you are looking for. There are pregnant women going to the opposite side here every day. There are several pregnant women in this street alone."

   "Oh." Li Zhenting did not give up, and asked again, "Then uncle, how many villages are there on the opposite side?"

   "The situation on the other side is similar to this side, but the mountain roads on the other side are more rugged and the roads are more complicated. It's really not easy to find someone, unless you know her and know where she lives."

   "Thank you." Li Zhenting stood up in a daze.

   "Young man, if you really want to find someone across the street tomorrow and you are not familiar with the situation, I can introduce you to someone who is very familiar with the other side." At this time the old man spoke again.

   "Okay, okay, thank you." Li Zhenting's eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed.

  The man made a phone call right away, and after negotiation, Li Zhenting gave the man five hundred yuan and asked him to take him to the opposite side to find Shen Ning.

   Then, he asked for the man's phone number and made an appointment, and then Li Zhenting walked away step by step.

  While walking, he repeatedly played back the picture he just saw in his mind.

  Ning Ning, it must be her, she was on the boat just now!

   Obviously, she had already boarded the boat, so she was not found.

  His eyesight has always been very good. This time, he absolutely believed that he saw the right person.

  He walked quickly towards the embankment, found the highest position, and took out the magnifying glass of his mobile phone to look at the ship.

  As long as you can see Shen Ning getting off the boat and confirm where she is, it means that she must live in the opposite village.

   In this way, he can find her tomorrow.

   But at this time, it was drizzling and the lake was covered with mist and mist. It was hard to see the people disembarking on the opposite side.

  He sat dejectedly on the wet stone chair, completely dejected.

   After a while, he raised his head again, joy welling up in his heart.

   It turns out that I don't know where she is, and I don't know where she is. Now that I see her, isn't that a good thing!

  Tomorrow, he will find her even if he turns the whole village over.

  Thinking of this, he regained his energy and found a hotel closest to the lake to live in. In order not to miss something, he directly bought a surveillance video and aimed it at the pier.

   In this way, as soon as Shen Ning appears, he can see her.

  This night, he seemed to be asleep, but after he fell asleep, he kept having nightmares, always dreaming that Shen Ning was vomiting, complaining of stomach pain, and crying to him from time to time, that his heart was broken!

  Early the next morning, just after dawn, Li Zhenting ran to the pier and stood guard there, waiting for the man, ready to take a boat to the opposite village to find her.

  (end of this chapter)

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