In the early morning, the genius is bright, the enchanting clouds and mists permeate the air, the emerald green bamboos are attached with water droplets, and the mountains are fresh and quiet.

   Li Zhenting and this middle-aged man named Dashan boarded the first ship and came to the opposite side of the mountain.

"Mr. Li, don't worry, I grew up here and moved to the opposite village to live. I know everything about this place, no matter where it is, I know exactly who you are looking for. , unless this person doesn’t live here.” Da Shan was good at chatting, and kept boasting about Haikou along the way.

  Li Zhenting was taciturn. When he got to the other side, all he saw were mountains one after another, and there were very few scattered villages.

  If the economy of the village across the lake is underdeveloped, then this side is simply backward.

   He frowned.

  Shen Ning is pregnant, can she live in this kind of place for so long? Then how did she live? Thinking of this, the apex of her heart ached densely.

   "Well, you go to rent a car, and I will pay for it. We asked as we walked, focusing on pregnant women, around twenty-four or five years old." After a while, Li Zhenting scouted the terrain and said to Dashan.

   "Okay." Dashan agreed, and walked towards a house in the distance.

   Soon, he rented a semi-old car.

   "Mr. Li, I have checked, and there are no pregnant women in the nearby houses. We have to go inside."

   "Well, let's go."

  The car drove towards the mountains.

  However, to Li Zhenting's disappointment, he and Da Shan drove around every corner of the village but did not find Shen Ning.

  He asked several families and they said that there are no pregnant women in their 24s and 50s. Even if there are pregnant women, they are from nearby villagers with names and surnames, and everyone knows them.

  Finally, Li Zhenting asked them if any pregnant women moved here in recent months, and everyone shook their heads unanimously.

   When it was getting dark, they still had nothing.

   Li Zhenting's face was exhausted and listless.

"President Li, the person you are looking for is probably not here." Da Shan was confident, "I have been to every place where people live in the whole villa. She's not here at all."

   "But I saw her on the ship last night." Li Zhenting was not reconciled, last night he was sure that his eyes were right.

"Is it possible that you are delusional? After all, we are so far away." Dashan thinks it is impossible. He grew up in this place, and he knows exactly which houses, households, and people are there, let alone Such a pregnant woman has appeared out of thin air, and they have been looking for it for a whole day, but to no avail.

   "Are you sure you've searched all the places?" Li Zhenting asked in disbelief as he looked around the rolling mountains.

   "Yes, as long as it is in the village, I have definitely searched, and there are no pregnant women." Dashan is sure.

   Li Zhenting frowned and fell silent.

   "Then let's go." After a while, he had to prepare to withdraw.

   "Oh, it's past the last shift at this time, and I can't go to the opposite side today, what should I do?" Da Shan suddenly slapped his thigh, "I forgot about it."

   "Then let's stay overnight, is there a homestay here?" Li Zhenting's face didn't change when he heard that, it was indifferent.

  In his heart, there is always a kind of anticipation, as if there is a special relationship with him here, he is willing to stay for one night, always feeling that a miracle will happen.

"Because it's too remote and there are too many mountains. Usually, few people come here, and they don't know how to open a homestay. However, there is an elementary school nearby, and there are a few rooms where you can temporarily stay overnight." Dashan replied after thinking for a while , "The principal is a relative of my family. If you don't mind, we can go and stay for one night."


   "Then let's go there."

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