That night.

   Li Zhenting tossed and turned in bed.

  Such a poor and dangerous school and these lovely children, as a social celebrity, he is responsible for repairing the school.


   What about his kids?

  His woman is pregnant with twins but now she is missing. A weak woman with a big belly, where did she go? How to live?

   He pursed his lips tightly, tears streaming down his face.

   "Uh, uh." In the middle of the night, he was suddenly awakened by the sound of vomiting from the next door. The dilapidated house had poor sound insulation. He sat up abruptly and pricked up his ears.

   There were footsteps coming from the next door, and soon there was the sound of running water.

   Li Zhenting's heart jumped inexplicably. Just now, he heard the sound of vomiting. Could it be that there is still a pregnant woman living next door? How could it be such a coincidence?

  He got up and put on his coat.

  Now, whenever he hears the sound of vomiting, he will think of Shen Ning.

   I learned from Xiaofeng that Shen Ning's morning sickness is very serious.

   While he was thinking about whether to knock on the door next door, suddenly, several muffled thunders sounded in the sky.

   Immediately afterwards, the pouring rain poured down, and the sky and the earth were instantly flooded by rain and thunder.

   Li Zhenting's eyelids twitched violently.

   With such a heavy rain, can the dilapidated school withstand it?

  Where do the kids sleep? Will it leak?

   While he was restless, a man's voice suddenly shouted in the dark: "It's bad, the landslide is slipping, come and save the children."

  The sound mixed with the sound of the storm was extremely terrifying.

   Li Zhenting turned over and got up and rushed outside.

   "Quickly, go and call the villagers to rescue the children. The landslide has fallen, and the dormitory where the children live has collapsed." Outside, the principal was shouting loudly with a flashlight and a bamboo hat.

  Several figures ran out from the school one after another, and everyone was in a mess.

   Without even thinking about it, Li Zhenting ran directly to the children's dormitory.

  In a dark storm, the terrified cries of children came.

   "Hurry up and save people." He yelled at the principal, took out his mobile phone and called Leng Xue first, ordering him to arrive within three hours with twenty Baobiao.

  Then, he called Bureau Liu and explained the situation.

   Bureau Liu attached great importance to it and immediately called the local police station.

   A rescue operation against time begins.

  Li Zhenting tried his best to carry the objects, and was the first to rescue two children whose limbs were broken.

  The children cried miserably.

  When he was holding the child and didn't know where to place the children, he stretched out his hands behind his back and said, "Give the child to me."

   Li Zhenting's whole heart was concerned about the child who was still buried in the ruins, and when he saw someone taking over, he gave the child the hand that came over.

  The man picked up the child and ran towards the next room.

   Li Zhenting quickly devoted himself to saving lives again.

  In the low room, one after another wounded children were brought over.

  The children covered their wounds and cried with their mouths curled up.

  A thin figure from the back is busy.

   "Teacher Wu, let me help you." A young woman hurried in.

"Hurry up, wash their wounds, apply alcohol, and stop the bleeding first." The woman ordered, "The ambulance will come later, and there are few hospitals here, and some serious ones have to be sent to the other side of the river. It's dawn, let's take protective measures first."

   "Okay, Mr. Wu, how are you? Can you support me? If you are too tired, go and rest first, and leave it to me here. Your stomach is not small, so be careful." The young woman asked with concern.

   "I'm fine, Mr. Li, it's important to save the children first." The woman was anxious, and quickly helped the children clean the wound, bandaged the children, stopped the bleeding, and gently comforted them, telling them not to be afraid.

   Teacher Li is also busy.

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