"My God, Teacher Wu, did you know that a distinguished guest came to our school today? Thanks to his help, many children were rescued." Teacher Li was cleaning the wounds of the children, while shining black Eyes full of envy and worship.

  Ms. Wu lowered her head and was concentrating on caring for the wound on the child's arm. She just said 'oh' in a flat tone, and couldn't see the expression on her face clearly.

   "Do you know who he is?" Teacher Li continued to ask excitedly.

  Ms. Wu did not answer.

"He is Li Zhenting, the richest man in the imperial capital, the most honorable and wealthy man in the entire continent. I didn't expect to see him today. It's really worth dying." Teacher Li murmured, "The key is to be rich and rich." Even if he is so handsome, he is so handsome, he is even more handsome than a movie star, to see him and talk to him, my whole life is worth it."

   Teacher Li continued to be infatuated.

  The door was pushed open, and a figure flashed in.

   "Hurry up, is there any Yunnan Baiyao, first stop the bleeding from his wound, the child has passed out, it is very dangerous." Li Zhenting came in with the child in his arms and said anxiously.

   "Yes, yes, and band-aids." Teacher Li raised his eyes and saw Li Zhenting's handsome face, his eyes were shining with a strange light, and he immediately said.

   "Take it quickly." Li Zhenting looked at the little guy in his hand who fell into a coma, feeling uncomfortable, what a poor little guy.

   "Okay." Teacher Li hurriedly turned around and rummaged through the medicine box for the medicine.

   "Come on, give me the child." At this moment, a pair of hands stretched out and spoke calmly.

   Heard this sentence again!

   Li Zhenting was taken aback for a moment, and when he raised his eyes, he saw a pair of small hands. The small hands were soft and beautiful, but they were still holding medicinal cotton, and there were bloodstains on the back of the hands.

  For a moment, he felt a familiar feeling.

   "Hurry up." The woman's voice was low and hoarse.

   "Okay." He hurriedly handed the child in his hand to her.

  She took it, picked it up and turned around.

  "Mr. Wu, come, Yunnan Baiyao. Fortunately, you bought a lot of it that day." Teacher Li looked sharply again, a blush flashed across his face, and he ran up to Teacher Wu and squatted down.

   "Wait, disinfect and clean first." Teacher Wu saw that she was about to pour Yunnan Baiyao on the wound, and immediately moved the child's leg away.

  This Mr. Li is young and has never seen the world. Seeing a man is as exciting as seeing a star.

  She shook her head and took the medicine in her hand. After cleaning the child's wound, she poured Yunnan Baiyao and bandaged the wound skillfully.

   Li Zhenting stood behind and looked at Teacher Wu's back in a daze. When he was about to go to the front to see her face, suddenly, the people outside were still trembling loudly:

   "Hurry up, there are still children buried in there."

   Li Zhenting trembled all over.

   "Hold on, and the ambulance will come later." He said, turned and ran outside.

   Soon after, the police station dispatched emergency police forces to rush over.

  Everyone entered the rescue, crying, shouting, thunder and rain, all in a mess.

   After the rescue work lasted for three hours, it entered the darkest hour before dawn.

However, only one ambulance came, and there were no spare ambulances in remote areas. The rescued children had to rely on two female teachers and a doctor left behind from the ambulance to carry out emergency treatment, disinfection and hemostasis, and then They were slowly transferred to other hospitals, and some seriously injured had to wait until dawn before being sent to a large hospital.

  Everything is going on in a busy and orderly manner.

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