Zhu Qixiong, how dare you harbor my woman!

  You Zhu family dare to play tricks behind your back, grab my land, and even want to block the way out of my car factory!

   Damn it!

   Li Zhenting turned around and left!

  Leng Xue hurriedly followed.

   Undoubtedly, this time, he and Shen Ning passed by again!

   "Mr. Li, I'm waiting for you to sign the contract." As soon as they reached the opposite side of the river, Ou Zhishu greeted them with a smile on his face.

   Li Zhenting glanced at him expressionlessly, and walked forward on his own.

  Secretary Ou followed closely behind, flattering: "Mr. Li, do you think the contract should be signed in the village office or in the factory office?"

   "Whatever." Li Zhenting snorted coldly.

  Yesterday, he was busy across the river all day, and forgot about signing the contract. Unexpectedly, Ou Zhishu not only waited for him all day, but also greeted him on his own initiative.

   Sure enough, he was not at ease in someone else's hands. He said to Leng Xue with a cold face: "Well, you are responsible for signing the contract. I have to go back to the imperial capital beforehand."

   "Okay." Leng Xue agreed, "I will send the electronic contract to your email after the contract is signed, and you can sign it."

   Li Zhenting nodded slightly, and strode away.

  Li Group.

   Li Zhenting was sitting at his desk, holding the mouse in his right hand and holding a cigarette in his left finger.

  On the computer screen, the profile of the Zhu Group slowly slid across.

   After a while, he narrowed his eyes, put down the mouse, and made an intercom call.

   "Immediately hold a special meeting of the executives of the Marketing Planning Department." He put down the phone after uttering a few words.

   "Mr. Li, Zhu's Group is not a small business either. Some projects have in-depth cooperation with us. If we sanction them, we may hurt the enemy a thousand and ourselves three hundred."

   "What is three hundred, even if you lose one thousand." Li Zhenting's eyes were sharp.

  Dare to **** his women and children, this is a sworn hatred!

   "But Mr. Li, the Zhu family and the Li family can be regarded as having some friendship, and it is not to the point of tearing the face. If you do this, I am afraid that there will be troubles in the future."

   "Break a knot?" Li Zhenting sneered disdainfully, "They angered me, I will drive them out of the imperial capital, and they will never come back from then on."

  Dare to plot against him behind his back, grab his land and block the exit of the factory building, that is no friendship, he is not benevolent, he will never be righteous!

  He Li Zhenting has a lot of money and capital, whoever dares to challenge him is asking for trouble. There is only one word: do it.

Li's Group has many projects. If one project does not work, another project can dominate the imperial capital. Moreover, the tax revenue created by Li's Group is the highest in the entire imperial capital. The local government respects him as a guest of honor. Whoever opposes him is absolutely A dead end.

  Finally, the special session passed unanimously.

   "First adjust 10 billion to suppress Zhu's Group's auto parts." Li Zhenting gently spit out a line.

   Act now!

  The living room of Zhu's Group.

   "Dongjin, it's not good. The Li Group is suppressing our cars strongly. Now many orders have been returned. What should we do?" Xu Xiangzhi ran in panting, her face turning pale.

  Zhu Dongjin put down the newspaper, his face full of doubts: "Why did the Li Group suddenly do this?"

   Zhu's Group and Li's Group have been living in harmony for so many years, and he also knows how to behave. He would visit Mr. Li Jichun every year during the holidays. The two families are at least superficially harmonious.

"How do I know?" Xu Xiangzhi's eyes were full of tears, "Our Zhu's Group's pillar industry is automobiles. Last year, our living space was squeezed by Li's Group. Unexpectedly, Li Zhenting still wanted our lives, even us. The industry will be suppressed."

   "Not at all, let me understand the situation first, so don't worry." Zhu Dongjin was also anxious, his fingers trembling.

   Being suppressed by the Li Group is no joke, it can go bankrupt in minutes!

   When the old man died, Zhu repeatedly told him to maintain a good friendship with the Li family and never touch its negative scales.

   So what happened now?

   After a while, he calmed down.

  He knows Li Zhenting well. Although he has a black belly and doesn't show affection, he is calm and principled. He will never suppress the Zhu Group for no reason. There must be something hidden in it.

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