"Where's Qiming?" He asked in a deep voice.

   "He's in the company."

   "Tell him to come to me immediately."

   "Okay." Xu Xiangzhi immediately called his son.

   Half an hour later, Zhu Qiming walked in swaggeringly.

   "Qiming, what's going on? Why did Li Zhenting suddenly suppress our Zhu Group?" Zhu Dongjin asked as soon as he saw his son.

  In the past year, he has let go of his second son with Li Xiangzhi, Zhu Qiming, to take over the family business, so he has gradually paid less attention to business matters.

   "Dad, you have to ask your elder brother about this." Zhu Qiming sat down on the sofa, calmly.

   "What's the matter with Qixiong?" Zhu Dongjin was very puzzled.

   After all, Zhu Qixiong does not have the right to inherit the company, and never cares about the company's affairs!

   "Dad, do you still remember the woman that my elder brother brought back on the night of New Year's Eve?" Zhu Qiming's lips curled into an inexplicable smile.

  Zhu Dongjin was taken aback, his face sank.

"What's wrong?"

   "I remember my sister said at the time that that woman is the ex-wife of Li Zhenting from the Li Group, and she has already given birth to three children for Li Zhenting."

   "But aren't they divorced?"

"Dad, why are you still naive like a three-year-old child?" Zhu Qiming smiled disdainfully, "Even if they divorce, she is still Li Zhenting's ex-wife, and she is also inextricably linked with the Li family. Moreover, she Now she is pregnant again, and she is pregnant with Li Zhenting's child, what do you think big brother is doing, can Li Zhenting not suppress our Zhu's Group."

   "Evil species." Zhu Dongjin was stunned for a moment and then understood something. He slapped the coffee table in front of him angrily, his face flushed, "I don't do business all day, just do it for me."

  Xu Xiangzhi had a smug smile on his lips.

"Dongjin, don't be angry. Where is Qixiong now? Hurry up and let him break up with that woman. Wu Xueying is still waiting for him." She immediately stroked Zhu Dongjin's back and said softly, " After all, Qi Xiong is a young boy, he should have been seduced by that Shen Ning, as long as he breaks off immediately, there is still time."

   "Yes." Zhu Dongjin nodded and asked, "Where is your brother now?"

"How would I know." Seeing that this trick worked, Zhu Qiming was very proud, and said, "Dad, you don't know. Now Li Zhenting is frantically looking for his ex-wife, and wants to get back together with her, but the elder brother doesn't care about life and death." , and got involved with that woman, and disappeared with her, you said that this hatred of taking his wife is something that no man can tolerate."

   "So Qixiong hid Li Zhenting's ex-wife?" Zhu Dongjin's face darkened even more.

"Yes, but now Li Zhenting has turned around. He found that he still loves his ex-wife, so he wanted to chase her back like crazy, but she disappeared. He found out that she was related to the eldest brother, so he started to punish our company. "

   "Asshole." Zhu Dongjin was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Dongjin, don't be angry, don't be angry, it's bad for your health if you are angry, you can't blame Qixiong, you can only blame that woman, a vixen, who specializes in hooking up rich men, she broke up with Li Zhenting, divorced and became pregnant His child is still flirting with us Qixiong, such a woman Zhujia must not accept, so let's quickly find Qixiong now, apologize to Li Zhenting, and solve the misunderstanding, only in this way can the family crisis be resolved. "Xu Xiangzhi immediately advised him.

   "Well, I'll go find him right away." Zhu Dongjin stood up helplessly and angrily and walked towards the study.

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