Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1053: Is it because the past was too painful?

  In the small yard.

   "Baby, Mommy can't play the piano for you, so I can only sing for you." Shen Ning sat on the gazebo, gently stroking her belly with both hands, and began to sing softly and cheerfully.

  The singing is melodious and crisp, gentle and cheerful, the birds are chirping in the yard, the white clouds and blue sky are clear and bright above the head, the earth is soft, the breeze is blowing, how pure and comfortable it is.

  Shen Ning sang earnestly, her voice was full of affection and mother's tenderness, and she sang softly to the fetuses in her womb.

  The babies in the womb seemed to feel the joy of their mother, patting their bellies lightly in their womb.

  Shen Ning looked at the small bag that suddenly bulged out of his protruding belly, stroked it with his fingers, and had a kind and loving smile on his face.

  She stared at her stomach, and suddenly, a big white, slender and warm hand caressed her stomach, interacting intimately with the children.

  She was stunned, an indifferent and heartless face flashed in her mind, and she frantically ran towards Xiaofeng's back, her heart suddenly felt a sharp pain, the singing stopped, and her heart felt congested.

  At this time, the little guy in the stomach started punching and kicking with a tacit understanding.

  She woke up with a start and realized that she was hallucinating. She hurriedly stroked her stomach with both hands, and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, baby, Mommy was distracted. Mommy is wrong. Mommy went to pick mulberries for you to eat."

  She stood up and walked towards the mulberry tree beside the yard.

Damn it!

   Such a picture would always flash in her mind involuntarily.

  He has long since become a thing of the past, and he will never have any interaction with her again. Why do you still think of him?

   Probably because the past was so painful that her brain could not be completely shut down, or subconsciously, she always felt that the children lacked fatherly love, so she fantasized about having a father come to accompany them.

   When she was pregnant last time, she was alone and helpless, and this time, she was alone again.

Her children never received the love of a father in the womb, and as a woman, she never received any care from her husband when she was pregnant with the child and needed her husband the most. This is the reason for her hallucinations Bar.

   With her big belly, she picked up a small basket from the gazebo and came to the side of the mulberry tree.

  The mulberry tree is full of mulberries, which are black, big, long, sweet, and Shen Ning likes to eat them very much.

  She picked some side branches, but the top ones were too high to pick. She was pregnant and couldn't stretch her arms out. She was thinking about how to pick them.

   "Sister." Zhang Xiaoxian's crisp cry came from outside the yard.

   "Xiaoxian, come in and help me pick mulberries." Shen Ning called happily, put down the basket and went to open the door.

  Zhang Xiaoxian walked in carrying a large bag of dried flowers and Chinese medicinal materials.

   "Sister, look, these are all the freshest gardenia flowers, apricots, peach blossoms, dandelions, some dried wild flowers and various Chinese herbal medicines this year." She said happily.

   These are some fresh flower petals she collected this year and dried, because Shen Ning said that these can be made into spice bags to sell for money.

  She is so short of money, she just wants to take care of her parents and do some handwork to earn some money. It is really difficult to make money in this poor country.

"Okay, let's pick the mulberries first and eat them. If we don't pick them, they will fall off. What a pity." Shen Ning pulled her in, took her to the side of the mulberry tree, pointed to the **** ones on it and said: "You step on Take a chair and pick those."

  Zhang Xiaoxian looked at it and smiled: "This is what I am best at, you see."

  While speaking, she grabbed the railing of the courtyard wall with one hand, and climbed up in a few strokes. In just a few strokes, a large basket was full of mulberries.

  She jumped down and took it to wash.

   The two sat in the yard and tasted it.

   "Sister Ning, can these dried flowers really be sold as spice bags?"

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