"Of course." Shen Ning looked at the bag of pure fragrant and pure color flowers and medicinal materials, and replied affirmatively, "However, we still need some spices, and we will bring them back when we go to Yuan County next time, and you can sell them online , and can also be sold in the market.”

This place really has all kinds of scarce Chinese herbal medicines, which can be made into various spice packs, including anti-mosquito packs, prevent four-season flu packs for children, relieve spring sleepiness packs, prevent hand, foot and mouth disease, and prevent coronary heart disease packs. It has very realistic practical significance.

   "Sister, as long as you say you can sell for money, I will believe you. Anyway, you are well-informed, so you will be able to do what you say." Zhang Xiaoxian's eyes are full of admiration.

  Shen Ning is really perfect for her, she is like a fairy lady, and now she is pregnant, if she is not pregnant, I don’t know how beautiful she is!

  She has 100% trust in Shen Ning.

  Blue Whale Kindergarten.

   "Ke Ke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao." Li Jiaojiao came here a long time ago. As soon as the kindergarten bell rang, she got out of the car and stood at the gate. After a while, the three little guys came out.

   "Aunt Jiaojiao, good afternoon." San Xiaozhi greeted her.

   "Good afternoon, babies." Li Jiaojiao smiled kindly, "Auntie will take you to play today?"

  San Xiao only looked at her: "We don't want to play, we just want to see Grandma Dong."

  Grandma Dong?

  Li Jiaojiao was taken aback, isn't that Aunt Dong!

   "Then aunt will take you to find her, okay?"

   "Okay." The three little ones nodded in unison.

   At this time, Butler Luo also brought Xiao Li to pick up the children, and Lan Lan ran out from behind with his chubby legs.

   "Aunt Jiaojiao." Lan Lan was very excited to see Li Jiaojiao.

"Lan Lan." Li Jiaojiao picked up Lan Lan and kissed her, then handed her over to Butler Luo, "Lan Lan, I want to take Ke Ke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao to find their Grandma Dong, and you and Luo Uncle, go back first."

   Lan Lan originally wanted to go with them, but when she heard that she was going to find Grandma Dong, she let it go, because she didn't like Grandma Dong very much, and thought she was just a servant, not interesting.

  So, she went home with Butler Luo, while Li Jiaojiao took the three little ones outside.

   "Ke Ke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, hasn't your mommy contacted you all this time?" Along the way, Li Jiaojiao tried every means to say something.

   "No. Mommy doesn't want us anymore." The three little ones were very frustrated.

   "We miss Grandma Dong, she might know where Mummy has gone." Ke Ke analyzed.

"So what if you know? Mommy left because she was too disappointed with Daddy. Unless Daddy can make Mommy forgive him, or Daddy gives up our custody to Mommy, we will never see It's Mommy." Xiao Xiao said very sensiblely, and shed tears after speaking.

  Ding Ding also had a sad face on his face: "Hey, Daddy is so scumbag, always hurting Mommy's heart, and occupying us, we are so miserable."

  Li Jiaojiao was amused and annoyed, but judging from the children's current reactions, Shen Ning had indeed made up her mind not to come back, otherwise, it would be impossible for her not to contact her biological children for so long.

   It can be seen how disappointed she is with Li Zhenting!

   Soon, the car stopped in front of a white villa.

Li Jiaojiao took a look. This villa is quite old. It should have been built around the 1970s. It was a dowry given to Shao Meiqi by the Shao family. It still looks a bit grand now. Back then, it must have been a mansion among mansions. .

   Things are really impermanent!

   She sighed a little, when the children opened the car door and ran down.

   "Grandma Dong." They ran to the gate and shouted in unison.

   "Hey." It didn't take long for an old woman's reply to come from inside, and soon Aunt Dong's figure ran out, "My little ancestors, you are here to see Grandma Dong."

  Aunt Dong was very excited when she saw the children.

   It's too deserted for her to live in this villa alone! So lonely!

   "Grandma Dong, we miss you very much." The three little guys hugged Aunt Dong's thigh with one, and held her hand with great enthusiasm.

   "I miss you too." Aunt Dong greeted them with moist eyes, and brought them into the villa.

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