"Aunt Dong, don't be too busy. I'll take the children out to eat later." Seeing Aunt Dong busy cooking for the children, Li Jiaojiao hurriedly said.

"That's not okay. When the children come to me, they have to eat before leaving. Besides, they come to me because they want to eat the dishes made by her mother. I can cook all the dishes made by her mother. Let me explain to them. Satisfy your gluttony." Aunt Dong smiled.

  Li Jiaojiao was speechless.

  Which child doesn't want to eat meals made by his mother!

  "Grandma Dong, we all miss Mommy so much." Aunt Dong was busy at the side, and the three little guys followed her around like a dog's skin plaster.

   "I miss her too." Aunt Dong's heart sank, her eyes were full of pain.

   "Has my mommy never contacted you?" Xiaoxiao asked sensiblely.

   "Of course not." Aunt Dong was very depressed, "If you contact me, I will tell you."

   "Okay." The three little ones stopped humming.

   "Go to the living room to play and eat some fruit. They are all grown in the front and back yards. They are delicious." Aunt Dong took the children to the living room and let them eat the fruit, while she went into the kitchen to get busy.

   After a while, the food was served.

   These are the ones that Shen Ning usually cooks for them: cola chicken wings, steamed pork ribs, big bones with sauce, and open-sided shrimp, and porridge.

   "It's delicious, it tastes like Mommy, Grandma Dong, can we still eat it in the future?" Coco asked innocently with her mouth curled up.

  At first, I thought that Grandma Dong would answer happily, but I didn't expect Grandma Dong to ponder for a while and then said: "Grandma Dong will return to her hometown, Belvedere next month."

   "Oh." The three little ones gave an "oh" in disappointment, then lowered their heads and stopped talking.

  Li Jiaojiao immediately raised her head and asked, "Aunt Dong, so you are also from Licheng."


   "Belvedere is a good place, where is your home in Belvedere?"

"Yuan County." Aunt Dong focused all her attention on the children and didn't think too much, so she answered casually, but when she looked up, she saw Li Jiaojiao was looking at her with bright eyes, and her heart skipped a beat. Shen, suddenly realized that he had slipped his tongue, and hurriedly said again: "Belvedere is a good place, there are many counties, and our family lives in Tao County."

  Li Jiaojiao just heard her say that 'Yuan County' is now 'Tao County', so she hurriedly asked, "Aunt Dong, is your hometown in Tao County or Yuan County?"

   "Tao County." Aunt Dong knew that she had slipped her tongue, so she had to insist on the latter statement. After all, it was not her real hometown, and it was still far away from her hometown of Yuan County.

  Even if she guessed it, it would be difficult to find someone.

  Besides, this cousin can't hide her words, but fortunately, she was alerted in time.

   "Oh, good." Li Jiaojiao nodded, but her heart was full of twists and turns.

   Li Zhenting went to Belvedere to find his cousin, so why did the cousin suddenly go to Belvedere? This was a doubtful point for her to understand, but now she suddenly heard Aunt Dong say that she was going back to her hometown, Licheng, and she suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

  It seems that the cousin-in-law has gone to Aunt Dong's hometown.

  That is to say, where can a woman go with a child and no one to rely on.

   Even if you want to go, you have to go to a place where you have acquaintances.

  Aunt Dong can be regarded as the only natal family of the cousin-in-law.

   There was ecstasy in her heart.

   "Aunt Dong, when will you return to Yuan County? Do you want me to see you off?" She smiled and asked flatteringly, wanting to take this opportunity to uncover some more secrets to find Shen Ning.

"I'm just talking about it. Besides, I don't have any relatives in my hometown. I'm getting old and I'm not used to going back. I just think that there are a few good sisters who want to visit them. There is a high probability that they will not go back." Aunt Dong was very vigilant, she simply replied and changed the subject.

   No matter what Li Jiaojiao asked later, she would not talk about the question just now.

  But this alone already made Li Jiaojiao very excited. If she could find her cousin by following the vine, she would have made a great contribution.

  After eating, she happily went back to Li's Castle with a few little ones.

  After she got home, the first call she made was to Li Zhijun.

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