Li Zhenting returned to his room and turned on the computer to search Xiatao County.

  Tao County is located in the north-central part of Lijiang, on the lower reaches of the Zijiang River. There are 13 towns below it, and each town has 20 villages... His eyes were dazzled and his back felt chills.

   It is also very difficult to find a person here.

  Is Shen Ning in Tao County? Can Li Zhijun believe what he said?

  He put his head in his hands and fell into a painful decision.

   It was night, and he was in a drowsy sleep. Suddenly, someone shouted: "Help, help."

  The voice is very familiar.

   "Ning Ning."

He suddenly opened his eyes, and saw that he was standing in a vast white river. Not far in front of him, a pregnant woman was floating on the water, holding a log in both hands. was thrown into the water.

   "Ning Ning." He could see clearly that the pregnant woman was Shen Ning.

  She looked at him desperately and helplessly, and shouted 'help me' to him.

  He was in a hurry and ran towards her vigorously.

   But no matter how I ran, I just couldn't reach her.

   After a while, he watched helplessly as the water around her was bright red. Slowly, she stopped shouting, and finally just gave him a resentful look, and her whole body sank.

   "Ning Ning, Ning Ning." He shouted heartbreakingly.

   It wasn't until he woke himself up that he realized that there was darkness in front of him. He was sleeping on the big bed in the hotel. It turned out that it was just a nightmare!

  He wiped his forehead, it was full of sweat, after a while, he lay down again.

  This time, it is no longer the vast water surface, but the flat land separated by water, with red bricks and green tiles, very poetic and picturesque.

   "Ah." While he was standing admiring, a woman's painful and sharp cry came over.

  He was startled, and quickly followed the voice to look.

  I saw a pregnant woman lying on the ground, holding her belly with her hands, and blood was flowing from between her thighs.

   "Please, save my child." She shouted at him, tears streaming down her face.

   "Ning Ning." Li Zhenting shuddered, shouted, and ran towards her.

  This time, he was able to get close to her by running over, but when he knelt down, the woman's face turned pale, her eyes were vicious and sharp, and there was a deep hatred in her eyes.

  He fell to the ground with a guilty conscience in fright, and when he was so ashamed that he wanted to apologize to her, the woman's eyes and nose were bleeding, and the blood from her lower body flowed out like water.

   "No, Ningning, don't do this." He shouted, turned over and sat up suddenly.

  The sun came in from the window, and it was already bright.

   It turned out that I had another nightmare.

  Two nightmares in a row made him mentally exhausted and he had no strength in his body.

  After having breakfast and washing up, he sat in front of the computer and opened the panoramic map of Tao County.

  On the map, the vast expanse of white water and the tile-roofed houses in green and red are more like the scene in the dream last night!


  He felt that this place must be visited, and a strange feeling made him faintly feel that this place would have something to do with him, so he quickly packed up his things and started to set off.

  Sitting in the car, looking at the pure blue sky and white clouds outside, thinking of the dream last night, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness and worry.

  In both dreams, Shen Ning was in a desperate situation and asked him for help!

  She will be fine!

  Shen Ning, can you see my message on the Internet and the missing person announcement on TV? I am looking for you all over the world, I beg you to give me a chance to redeem my sins, I would rather accept any punishment, I just beg you not to torture myself and the child in my stomach.

   He sighed heavily.

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