Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1059: It's been a half month of hard work!

  After arriving in Taojiang, Li Zhenting went directly to a local tour guide and asked him to lead someone to help find Shen Ning.

The tour guide said that he is a local and is very familiar with Taojiang. There are acquaintances in every village. Generally, he will know what happened within a few miles. .

   Li Zhenting was very happy and gave him a generous reward.

  He himself drove around Taojiang streets and alleys, went to a town every day, and went to the countryside to search.

  But a week passed and nothing was found.

  The tour guide he entrusted couldn't find any information. He gradually suspected that Li Zhijun was lying to him, and hated him so much.

  Finally, after another three days of delay, he no longer wanted to waste time here, so he took a car and prepared to go to another place to look for it. As for where he was going, he didn't know!

  The car bumped on the county-level road, tired and sleepy, he fell asleep unknowingly, until a voice sounded: "Yuanxian terminal is here, please get off."

   When he opened his eyes, he saw a half-new bus station, and he came to Yuan County.

  Seeing that everyone in the car got out of the car one after another, a wry smile floated on the corner of his lips, as soon as he came, he would be at ease, let's sleep here for a night before talking.

  He got off the bus with his briefcase.

  His unrestrained appearance, straight figure, long legs, and extraordinary temperament make him stand out like a star in this small county.

  He walked with his head down, trying not to look at the amazed or envious eyes cast on him, and walked into one of the most expensive hotels in the area.

  The lady at the front desk was so oppressed by his low and dignified demeanor that she had difficulty breathing, she looked at him quietly, and when she got his ID card, she realized that this man was from the imperial capital, and she looked up to him even more.

   Li Zhenting smiled wryly in his heart, took the room card and went upstairs.

   "Li Zhijun." As soon as he entered the room, he gritted his teeth and dialed Li Zhijun's cell phone.

  At that time, Li Zhijun was flirting in the arms of a woman. He was so frightened by the sound of Li Zhenting gnashing his teeth that his whole body turned cold, and he bounced up before he could put on his trouser fork.

   "Cousin, what? Didn't you find Shen Ning?" He panicked.

   "Li Zhijun, you wait for me to go back and peel your skin and constrict your tendons." Li Zhenting was furious.

"No." Li Zhijun's face changed color, and he smiled flatteringly, "If you can't find it in Tao County, go to Yuan County to find her. She should be in these two places. You must know that Aunt Dong's hometown is in Licheng. these two places."

   Out of the desire to survive, he had no choice but to tell the whole story.

   Li Zhenting was stunned for a moment, and suddenly the word "Aunt Dong" was like a flash of light, splitting a dazzling light in front of his eyes, and he felt a sense in his heart.

  It turns out that Aunt Dong’s hometown is Belvedere!

  He thought of Aunt Dong at the very beginning, but he got nothing from Aunt Dong, and never thought of asking about her hometown.

  Aunt Dong is definitely Shen Ning's closest family member!

  If Shen Ning wants to leave the imperial capital, it is entirely possible to go to Aunt Dong's family!

  It seems that this time Li Zhijun is still reliable.

  He didn't say anything more and hung up the phone.

  Tao County and Yuan County are two places. He has found the bottom of Tao County, so he will focus on Yuan County.

   While thinking this way, he called Leng Xue and asked him to check Aunt Dong's resume.

  Cold-blooded agreed.

   Li Zhenting suddenly felt light all over his body, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After he came out of the shower, a cold-blooded phone call came.

   "President Li, Aunt Dong no longer lives in that villa."

   "What? Where did she go?"

   "I just went to find her in person, but there was no one there. I asked the people nearby, and they said that Aunt Dong had left the imperial capital and returned to her hometown."

   Li Zhenting's hand holding the phone began to tremble.

   "Then have you asked where Aunt Dong's hometown is?"

"Yes, I went to Shaw Brothers and found Li Meiyuan and Director Li. She checked for me and said that Aunt Dong had been with Jun Meizhen since she was very young. There was no record of her at home, but they all seemed to know about her. My hometown is Yuan County, Licheng."

  Yuan County?


   It is very likely that Aunt Dong played a sloppy eye and tricked Li Jiaojiao! Even he was cheated, half a month of hard work was in vain!

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